"I'll protect the westbound in person, Dharma!"

Buddha's voice is like thunder.

A little bit of emptiness.

There is a picture in the middle of the hall.

It is Su Xun's four disciples in the picture.

The journey to the west is coming to an end, so there must be no trouble at the last moment. So the Buddha decided to stare at it and see who dares to stretch out his hand.

"The Buddha is wise!"

A group of Arhats revealed the truth and cried out in unison.

And then the next second it disappears.

Everyone looked at the Buddha in doubt and didn't understand why the Buddha withdrew the surveillance again.

But I don't know that the Buddha was shocked.

This is not because he took the initiative to withdraw the spell, but because his spell was forcibly blocked.

What kind of cultivation should we do with such means?

Only a few people.

The Buddha's face was uncertain. He could not guess who it was and did not dare to draw a conclusion lightly.

Because without full evidence, if he guessed wrong, he would be a great enemy to Buddhism.

They live in the West in Lingshan, and their journey to the west is the only good time to preach to the East.

If you make enemies for no reason, it will be a bad thing.

The Tathagata did not dare to guess. He had to endure it.

Looking at Guanyin Bodhisattva, he said, "Guanyin, you go down to earth to protect the westward journey. I have a magic weapon. If you are in danger, you can call me by it."

Buddha gives a lotus flower.

If that person still dares to make a move, oneself go to catch a direct.

As everyone knows, he has been fighting with the air, and the light is dark.

"Yes, Buddha."

Guanyin leaves with a lotus.

Lower bound.

Su Xun disturbed the Buddha's peeping and seeing, and noticed that Guanyin was moving to this side.

I thought Guanyin was here to ask for a crime.

I didn't think that I was just hiding in the dark and didn't want to show up. Obviously, I came to watch myself and others.

Su Xun whispered to Si value Gong Cao and others.

Otherwise, if these people don't know that Guanyin is staring in the dark, and they still go their own way, they will be exposed?

Along the way, Su Xun was quite responsible. When he wanted to eat meat, he just set up a dreamland.

In the eyes of Guanyin, the four monks and disciples of Tang Dynasty scrupulously abided by their duties and devoted themselves to Buddhism.

Whenever there is time to rest, the four master and apprentice will take out the Buddhist scriptures to read and sleep in the open.

In fact, he saw four people reciting Buddhist scriptures, actually playing games with a game console.

He saw four people sleeping in the open, in fact, is a big fish and meat, very happy.

The Bodhisattva sent back what he saw with his own eyes to Lingshan.

The Buddha nodded to himself after hearing this. It seems that the man in the dark did not dare to interfere any more.

The four of them went over the mountain to a black pine forest.

"Holy monk, stay here."

A voice came from the sky, but Li Jing, the king of tota, came down to earth.

In the dark, Guanyin shows her eyebrows. The goblin in the black pine forest is Li Jing's adopted daughter, the golden nose white haired mouse. Li Jing is afraid that it is for this reason that she comes to see Tang monk.

Guanyin's face sank immediately.

The calamities on the westbound road are all arranged.

Before this disaster happened, Li Jing came out to join in. Where is Lingshan?

You know, the pagoda in Li Jing's hand was given by Western Lingshan.

Jinzha is beside Puxian, Muzha is beside Guanyin, and Li Jing is their power in heaven.

But now Li Jing's behavior is clearly to abolish private affairs for the sake of public affairs!

Guanyin is ready to listen to what Li Jing is going to say. If he is really talking about the golden nosed white haired mouse, it's no wonder that he doesn't show his affection.

When Su Xun saw Li Jing, he sighed in secret. You've been watched by the Bodhisattva.

It's also a good thing that I'm so good at cultivating, otherwise you'll be playing with Duzi.

He immediately put on a cover up.

"Meet the monk."

Li Jing is very respectful because he has been beaten severely.

Li Erwang said: "why is it so gentle?"

"To tell the holy monk, to be honest, there is a goblin in the black pine forest, who is my adopted daughter 300 years ago. I hope the elder will show mercy."

Li Jing knew Su Xun's strength and the tragedy of Huang Mei, so she couldn't let her adopted daughter follow suit.

"The king of heaven can rest assured, the poor monk can save it." Su Xun nodded. Li Jing's face still needs to be sold.

After all, Li Jing is his man.

"Thank you for your kindness. I'm going to leave."

Li Jing gives a fist and flies away.

Py deal closed.

After being blinded, Guanyin saw another picture.When he saw Li Jing calling to stop the Tang monk, it was all for the sake of asking Buddhist dharma.

After consulting, he left.

From the beginning to the end did not mention a golden nose white hair mouse thing.

Let Avalokitesvara nod to himself.

Li Jing is a well-informed person.

Su Xun's four disciples went into the black pine forest.

After a while, I heard a cry for help.

It was the golden nosed white haired mouse that tied itself to the tree by the same means as red boy.

The Banshee looks very upright and pitiful.

Let pig Bajie see drool, can't wait to go up hero save beauty.

"You're a fool. You've made the same old mistake again. Don't you think it's evil that this beautiful girl in the wilderness is trapped in a tree?" The monkey king yelled.

Hearing this, the golden nosed white mouse cried and said, "master, I don't know. I'm from the poor country. During the Qingming Festival, I followed my parents to sweep the grave and worship first. I didn't expect to meet a strong man to rob me..."

"Well, don't make it up. It's just copying the lines of red boy. Do you pay the copyright fee? You are suspected of plagiarism. Do you understand? " Su Xun interrupted the Banshee directly.

After listening to the story again, I still feel tired of it though I have changed it.

Golden nose white hair mouse a Leng, how and she expected different?

Also, she, a goblin who had not read many books, lost her hair in order to make up this passage.

It's unreasonable to say that she plagiarized now!

"Wukong, let's go."

Su Xun directly bypassed her and cast a spell on the vine that bound her without any trace.

Don't you like to tie, tie?

I'll leave you here for a day.

Golden nosed white haired rat

Guanyin Bodhisattva was also surprised. The Tang Monk's temperament changed so much that he turned a blind eye to the woman because he suspected that she was a demon.

Although this woman is indeed a goblin.

If he had not just witnessed the conversation between Li Jing and Tang Seng, he would have thought that Li Jing had told Tang Seng.

"You are a monk. How can you not save yourself from death?"

Yelled the golden nosed white mouse.

"Amitabha, poor monk's Dharma is so low that he can't help himself. How can he help others?"

Su Xun said without looking back.

"Damn it

The golden nosed white mouse is ready to fight.

Then I found that the kudzu tied on my body broke away, and I was in a panic.

"Help me! Monk, don't go, help me

"Tang Sanzang! Please come back and help me

In the black pine forest, the voice of a woman crying without tears spread far away, startling a flying bird.

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