After the king of Nanshan ran back to the cave.

Immediately ordered to release all the mortals captured in the cave, ready to roll up the blanket and run away.

Make up your mind to be a self-sufficient good demon.

Mom, eighteen Arhats!

Can he not be afraid?

The shadow in his heart scared him out.

"Bodhisattva, why do you want the eighteen Arhats to look like farmers?" Su Xun pretended to be puzzled and asked Guanyin.

Guanyin Bodhisattva light said: "is afraid of their people in front of the sage, causing unnecessary noise."

"Amitabha, I see. I thought I was afraid of scaring the monster away." Su Xun suddenly realized and said.

This sentence has greatly improved the immunity of Tang monk.

But Su Xun didn't give up: "why did the Bodhisattva appear so soon? Can't it be that the Bodhisattva is not at ease and has been following secretly? "

"Tang Sanzang! What are you talking about? " Guanyin Bodhisattva has the feeling of being torn down and becoming angry.

Su Xun blinked innocently: "I didn't say anything. I just felt very moved to protect the Bodhisattva all the way."

"Hum!" Guanyin snorted coldly and disappeared. In fact, she hid in the dark again.

He thought that Su Xun could not see.

I don't know. Everyone here knows that she is hiding in the dark. It's so pitiful.

When you get down yinwu mountain, it's a smooth road, and you don't need eighteen Arhats to open the way.

After walking about seven or eight miles, I saw a city in the distance.

"This is within the territory of the kingdom of India." Su Xun lifted the driving curtain and said calmly.

He remembers that it was written in the original book that behind the hidden fog mountain is the county of Impatiens in the kingdom of India.

Fu Hu Luo Han replied: "exactly, the city in front is Fengxian County in Tianzhu."

"Oh." Su Xun nodded. When he mentioned Fengxian County, he knew what the problem was.

On October 25, three years ago, the Jade Emperor went to Fengxian County to observe Wantian and mayfly. The superior officer of Fengxian County was unkind and pushed down the offering to feed the dog. He made a rude remark and offended the Jade Emperor Tianwei.

The Jade Emperor was angry in his heart, so he ordered to set up a rice mountain, ten feet high, with a chicken nearby to eat rice.

There was also a Mianshan mountain, about 20 feet high, with a dog beside it and a house to lick.

On the left side hung an iron shelf. On the shelf hung a gold lock. The chain was about one foot three or four inches long and as thin as a finger. Under it lay a bright lamp. The flame of the lamp burned the chain.

Only when the chicken has finished eating rice, the dog has finished licking noodles, and the lamp flame has burned the chain, the Jade Emperor is willing to order rain to Fengxian County.

At that time, when he saw this passage, Su Xun, as a mortal, of course, took the perspective of the common people. He was angry with the Jade Emperor.

On the earth, some people have analyzed the egg pain. It takes more than 700000 years for a chicken to finish eating rice.

More than 700000 years ago, the people in Fengxian County have already died. Do you still need him to order the rain to dry the ball?

The Jade Emperor can punish the irreverence of mortals, but he is so vicious that he is too narrow-minded. How can he command the three realms?

A little thing, he will exterminate the people of a county, simply do not take mortal life as life.

It's the same reason that these gods and Buddhas don't take the lives of monsters as their lives.

In their eyes, mortals and demons are nothing more than mole ants.

When they came to Fengxian County, they saw that the city was withered, the civil affairs were desolate, and the people were thin and dry.

"What's going on?"

Monkey King, they were all shocked by the scene in front of them. They traveled all the way to the West. After so many cities, the people in this city were absolutely the most miserable.

With a sneer, Su Xun blocked the Avalokitesvara: "of course, the jade emperor did good things..."

I told you about Impatiens county.

After hearing this, all three of them were furious.

"The old son of the Jade Emperor is very stingy. My grandson wants to go up to him and ask for an explanation. It's just another big trouble in heaven!" Said the monkey king.

Su Xun said: "Wukong, he can't be impulsive. Sooner or later, he will fight in Lingxiao hall, but not now."

He will definitely let the Jade Emperor know.

"But master, without the order of the Jade Emperor, the Dragon King did not dare to rain. What should these people do?" The monkey king said anxiously.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I'll be my teacher."

It's rain, not Dragon King.

The method of calling the wind and calling the rain in the journey to the west is not really calling the wind and calling the rain.

It's up to the gods and the Dragon King to step on horses.

What he knows is the real magic.

Su Xun contacted the camouflage, looked at the void and said, "Bodhisattva, I know you're here. I don't understand one thing. The kingdom of Tianzhu is so close to Lingshan. Is the situation here unknown to all Buddhas? Otherwise, why not help? Is this Buddha's mercy? "When he heard this question, Guanyin was speechless and could only hide in the dark.

In the heart sneer, you say lightly, pour want to see you how to solve this matter.

Su Xun got out of the carriage and went to the gate, where there was a notice.

It means to look for someone who can pray for rain and help Fengxian County to pray for rain, and then there will be heavy thanks.

Su Xun uncovered the list.

"Elder, you can pray for rain!"

The official guarding the list said happily.

His voice was very loud. In a moment, all the people surrounded him with hope.

"Amitabha, I can have a try."

Su Xun gave a little smile, and then looked up at the sky: "please God give me face. Now it's going to rain as soon as possible."

Seeing this scene, everyone was confused.

The hope that just rose was shattered again. In my heart, I was still annoyed. Tang Monk played with them.

Who do you think you are?

God has to give you face?

Guanyin couldn't help laughing and thought that Tang monk was crazy.

Then the next second, people's looks changed.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind between heaven and earth, and then the dark clouds were on the top, lightning and thunder, followed by big raindrops.

"This It's raining, it's raining! "

"My God! It's raining at last

Everyone was crazy, overjoyed, yelling, crying and reveling in the rain.

Then a man knelt down and kowtowed to Tang monk, and more and more people knelt down.

"Thank you for saving my life, elder!"

"Thank you for saving our lives..."

The whole person of Guanyin Bodhisattva is ignorant: "how is this possible, how is it possible?"

He didn't see Lei Gong and Dianmu, or any Dragon King, or even a snake.

But just because of the Tang Monk's words, the situation suddenly changed, the thunder and lightning flashed, and the rain poured down.

God Do you really give monk Tang a face?

The mind of Guanyin Bodhisattva is in chaos.

Looking at the people kneeling on the ground, Su Xun said in a gentle tone: "please get up quickly, poor monk, there are only three thin noodles that can be used."

Three of the monkey king

Master, you are so smooth.

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