Guanyin can't understand why monk Tang is so unscrupulous. Isn't he thinking about the way after the end of the Sutra study?

Who can offend him now that he's finished?

Guanyin can't help but want to take out the gold hoop and give it to Tang Sanzang.

If he doesn't obey, he says the hoop curse.

After three or five days in Fengxian County, I saw the shadow of the city from afar. Just as I was guessing where this place was, an old man came out of the road.

Monkey King came forward to inquire.

The old man replied, "this is Yuhua County, the lower County of the kingdom of Tianzhu. The master of the city is the royal family, and he was granted the title of King Yuhua. This king is wise and dedicated to monks and Taoism. If you go, you will be honored as a guest of honor."

Hearing the three words of Yuhua County, Su Xun knew that he was in the territory of yellow lion.

The yellow lion is one of the purest monsters in the journey to the West. He not only doesn't eat people, but also cultivates and raises livestock by himself. He even buys meat in the city and pays back the money.

This monster has never harmed anyone, and has no fighting heart. He lives his own life wholeheartedly.

In the original work, the appearance of Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong attracted many onlookers when the master and apprentice entered the city.

King Yuhua had three sons who loved practicing martial arts very much. They thought they were goblins, so they wanted to get rid of them.

later explained, as like as two peas in Sun Wukong's three skills, he was ready to serve as a teacher, and prepare to follow the three weapons to create the same pole.

The three of them put their weapons in the blacksmith's shop. As a result, the weapons were bright at night and were seen by the yellow lion spirit in the cave.

Yellow lion spirit along the light to find, see three treasures on the outside unattended, then stole.

Later, a banquet was held to invite friends to appreciate the treasure, and Sun Wukong and his friends got involved in this. Finally, the ancestor of the yellow lion spirit jiulingyuansheng and the mount of Taiyi saving kutianzun were introduced.

Su Xun didn't want to kill Huang Shijing or accept him. He naturally wanted to change all this. So he said to monkey king and Zhu Bajie, "cover up your appearance, or change it, so as not to scare people into the city."

"Yes, master.". The two gladly agreed.

In this way, the scripture group went into the city without causing any disturbance. They successfully exchanged the customs clearance documents with Wang Ye, and then set out on the road again.

Guanyin is a little speechless. Before that, he had already bypassed the difficulty of exterminating France. Now, the dilemma of Huang Shijing and jiulingyuansheng has been bypassed.

However, he is too lazy to take care of it. Now he just wants to watch the monk Shun Shun Li take the Scriptures back to the Tang Dynasty.

No way, after being hit again and again, we can only reduce our expectations and goals again and again.

After leaving Yuhua County for another three or five days, I saw another city.

There is no flag on the city, and there is no name at the gate. I don't know what place it is for a moment.

After entering the city, and to the east side of the pass, we can see the noisy tea shops and wine shops on both sides, and the busy rice market oil room.

After a few blocks, I came across a mountain gate and wrote three words to Ciyun Temple.

He decided to stay here for one night, because seeing the three words of Ciyun Temple, Su Xun knew that this was Jinping house.

There is a rhinoceros essence pretending to be an immortal in Jinping mansion. It can be used.

After walking into the temple, they saw a monk walking down the corridor. The monk looked at Su Xun and said, "Amitabha, where is the teacher from?"

"The disciples came from the eastern Tang Dynasty and went to Lingshan to seek the Scriptures." Su Xun returned a gift.

Guanyin secretly sneers, seeking the true Scripture?

I think you're a tourist.

The monk said, "Amitabha, it turns out that he is a holy monk from Middle Earth."

During the conversation, several monks came down and learned that Su Xun and others were from the Tang Dynasty. They all showed their admiration and enthusiasm.

And make it clear that today is the Lantern Festival, and invite them to go on the road after the festival.

Monkey King and pig eight quit a listen repeatedly agreed.

Su Xun was about to accept the rhinoceros essence, so he agreed.

In the evening, a group of monks in Ciyun Temple invited Su Xun to enjoy the lantern with them, and they went there happily.

After walking to the golden lamp bridge, Su Xun and the monks looked at three golden lamps.

The lamp is big as a jar. It shines on the exquisite two-story Pavilion. Its light covers the moon and its oil smells. Zhu Bajie asked the monks curiously, "what kind of oil is this lamp? Why is it so exotic? "

The monks said, "the holy monks don't know something. Behind the Jinping mansion, there is a county called mintian county. Every year, there are 240 big lamp oil producers who examine and make corvee. For one year for each family, more than two hundred taels of silver shall be spent. It's not ordinary oil. It's Parmesan oil. Three lamps, each of which weighs 500 Jin, and three of which weighs 1500 Jin in total, plus miscellaneous uses, will cost more than 50000 Liang. It will only take three nights to light them. "

"It's too extravagant and wasteful to light a lamp oil of 50000 taels for only three nights." Pig Bajie said.

The monk frowned in displeasure: "this is a tribute to the Buddha. Why waste it? Every night the Buddha comes to enjoy the fragrant oil. ""The Buddha is greedy." Pig Bajie hum haw, fifty thousand taels of silver, a lot of money.

The monk's face was cold: "it's really unreasonable. Since you are a Buddhist disciple, how can you abuse the Buddha lightly?"

"Eight commandments, no nonsense." Su Xun scolded, but he said in his heart that there was a laoshizi Buddha, who was just a rhinoceros essence who had been drinking sesame oil.

Just as he was speaking, he could only hear the wind blowing in the air, which scared all the people watching the lights away. The monks could not stand still and said, "holy monk, go back, the wind is coming. It's Buddha. Look at the light

"There's no Buddha. It's just a gust of wind." Su Xun gave a cool smile and directly took the rhinoceros essence into the small world.

Then the wind stopped.

"This Is it really just a gust of wind

"In that case, let's go on."

Avalokitesvara was puzzled. He saw the rhinoceros coming. How could it disappear in a twinkling of an eye?

It's amazing.

In his little mind was a great doubt.

At night, when he returned to Ciyun Temple to have a rest, Su Xun entered the small world.

At a glance, I saw a face of rhinoceros sitting on the wasteland.

"Where the hell is this?"

Rhinoceros essence was exhausted. He just went to have a drink of sesame oil. As a result, he suddenly came here and didn't go out for a long time.

"This is our world."

Su Xun showed his holiness. He was full of evil spirit and cultivation. It was like the sun in the sky, which made people dare not look directly at him.

"Master, I don't know what happened when I came here." Rhinoceros essence quickly gets up and kneels, heart sharp son is shaking, good fierce big demon, isn't lack of food, want to eat himself.

Su Xun said, "I have tens of thousands of little demons under my command. I'm short of a leader. What do you think?"

In his small world, there are tens of thousands of small demons captured from shituoling who are working to reform the rough.

"The little one will, the little one will." Rhinoceros essence was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, it was not caught as food ration, but got a future.

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