Jiangnan gymnasium can hold more than 30000 spectators at the same time. This morning, the whole gymnasium was filled with people.

Countless people who couldn't get the location couldn't help swearing. They had to find a store nearby and watch the live broadcast with their mobile phones in their arms.

The national pride of Chinese people is very strong.

Sometimes domestic netizens often publish some radical remarks on the Internet.

However, when foreigners belittle the Dragon Kingdom, they will unite with each other. Even keyboard man and foreigners will double their combat effectiveness against gunpowder (⁎⚈᷀᷁ᴗ⚈᷀᷁⁎).

In a word, my country, I can say it's not good here and it's not good there, but it's not up to an outsider to belittle and ridicule it.

No matter what the competition is, as long as it is compared with foreigners, the mood of the people of Longguo will be particularly high.

In the center of the gymnasium, Jin zhengu was already in his position. His expression was very relaxed, as if he had won.

Because Su Xun hasn't arrived yet, countless media reporters are gathering around him.

Jin zhengu grabs the microphone of a media company directly and says in a arrogant manner to the camera:

"Bangzi country is the most powerful country and the most powerful nation in the world. We have a long-standing culture, including food culture. There was a generation of famous chefs such as Yiya in China..."

He had not finished his words, and the whole audience was full of abuse.

"It's shameless to step on horses. Yiya was a famous chef in the spring and Autumn period. When did he become the Bangzi kingdom? At that time, the Bangzi Kingdom didn't appear."

"It's shameless. Huanima culture has a long history. Bangzi country has only a long history. Without our dragon country, they are nothing."

"This is the routine operation of others. They say that Zhuge Liang and Qu Yuan belong to their country..."

The curse and ridicule didn't affect Jin zhengu at all. He continued: "the purpose of my trip is to defeat him with one tenth of my strength and declare that the kitchen god is in Bangzi country and the best food is in Bangzi country all over the world."

As the voice fell, he gave the microphone back to the reporter. The corner of his mouth rose and raised a defiant smile. He made a gesture of opening his hands.

With such an arrogant attitude, even the reporters around him wanted to smash the microphone and camera in his face.

As time went by, it was almost ten o'clock in a twinkling of an eye. Even the judges had arrived, but Su Xun hadn't come yet.

To be fair, the jury is made up of a dragon, a Bangzi and a magnesium.

All three are the top gourmets of the day.

Seeing Su Xun's delay, the host could only take the stage and began to delay: "Mr. Jin, why don't you introduce the ingredients you prepared for us first."

"Of course." Jin zhengu smiles, takes over the microphone and says, "I have prepared ice cold fish for today's main course. This kind of fish is the top food of fish. Its meat is delicious and its taste is delicate. I believe it can conquer everyone's taste buds."

Jin zhengu introduced all the ingredients he prepared. Each one is very expensive. Many people may not have the chance to eat it in their lifetime.

In a twinkling of an eye, it was 10:30, and before susian came, the audience who had been holding their breath were impatient.

A lot of noise began to appear at the scene.

Jin zhengu looked around with a microphone and said in a loud voice, "Mr. Su, you promised my challenge, but you didn't show up again. Are you afraid? This is really in line with the characteristics of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, who have no faith in their words and are timid and changeable. If you don't show up again, I will leave. "

"Grass Mud Horse, dead stick, who do you call timid and have no faith in your words? Believe it or not, I beat your mother not to know!"

A grumpy old man sitting in the front stood up and pointed at Jin zhengu and swore.

Jin zhengu sneered: "this gentleman, I'm sorry, I'm a black belt of Taekwondo. You dragon people's cooking skills are not as good as me, and I'm afraid your boxing skills are not as good as me. The so-called dragon Kung Fu is nothing but deceptive airs."

"Ha ha ha ha..." Bangzi's support group was full of laughter, full of pride and arrogance.

The angry elder brother was livid with anger. If his companion didn't hold him tightly, there would definitely be blood today.

Jin zhengu shook his head dismissively and said again, "Mr. Su, if you don't show up, do you mean you've given up? That's OK. In a word, you know yourself well."

The audience were both surprised and angry. They were all very anxious. Why didn't master Su come yet? Isn't he so anxious?

At this time, a quiet voice came into people's ears and eyes.

"Who said I gave up?"

It's not very loud, but it's so clear.

Everyone looked at the entrance of the stadium almost at the same time.

I saw a young man wearing a white shirt and jeans, carrying a few clinker bags in his hand, wearing headphones, leisurely came in.

Who is master Su, who is not everyone's favorite?Su Xun looked around for a week, yawned and said, "I'm sorry, I was so busy last night. I overslept today. I've kept everyone waiting for a long time."

As for what he was busy doing last night, he had nothing to do except Liao Yu.

Everyone can't laugh or cry when they hear this. Big brother, you are so big hearted. You can oversleep on such things.

However, the momentum of the people is high again, because what does it mean?

It means that Su Xun didn't treat Jin zhengu as a dish at all!

Jin zhengu felt despised and angry. He pointed to Su Xun and yelled: "as a cook, you don't even wear a chef's uniform in such an important competition. Do you still have a bit of kitchen spirit?"

"Such an important game?" Su Xun seemed to have heard a joke and said lightly: "this game may be very important to you, but for me, it's nothing more than beating a so-called clown."

"I accept your challenge is enough to make you famous in the industry. As for making me wear chef's clothes to compare with you, I'm sorry, you don't have the qualification, you don't deserve it, because it's not only insulting my professional clothes, but also insulting the chef industry."

Sula's voice seemed to be calm, but he didn't talk with her.

"Good! Master Su! Damn it

"Master Su is domineering! This horse is called Kitchen God. He is born proud and arrogant

"Well said, it's just a clown. There's nothing worthy of master Su's attention. There's no self-knowledge at all..."

Jin zhengu's nose was crooked, his breath was short, and he looked at Su Xun with gnashing teeth: "are you people in the Dragon kingdom so arrogant? Good, good, I will use my strength to let you know how ridiculous your arrogance is. "

"You don't have the strength, maybe, but it's not worth mentioning in front of me." Su Xun said lightly, and then walked to his position leisurely with the clinker bag.

From the beginning to the end, from the first step into the stadium, he did not take a straight eye to see Jin zhengu.

I didn't pay attention to him.

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