Li Wan Town, Gu Lao.

These two points are the key. Su Xun would not doubt anything if he took out one of them alone.

But these two points together, let him think of once saw a horror movie - Ghost bite ghost.

This is a film played by Lin Zhengying.

The general plot of the movie is that Fei Bao, one of the nine uncle's disciples, and Xiao Zhu, who is married by his wife, are in love with each other. However, another obscene Mr. Shi falls in love with Xiao Zhu, so naturally he is going to destroy her.

Gu is always a villain who helps shitty boy. He fights with Jiu Shu several times in the movie.

But as we all know, the villain has no good end, so in the end, Gu Laosi died.

Now it seems that if the old man in the bandit's nest is really the old man in Liwan Town, it means that he has entered the film world.

And the story of ghost biting ghost has not started yet.

I just don't know whether it's just a single ghost biting movie world or a combination of many movie worlds.

Thinking of this, Su Xun asked: "big boss, do you know renjiazhen?"

When it comes to Jiushu's movie world, it's inseparable from Renjia town.

"Renjia town? You know, it's quite far from here. Ren Tingting, the daughter of Ren's master in Renjia Town, went to school in the provincial capital. When the first master sent his daughter to the provincial capital, I robbed her. Why do you ask? "

Lin Sanqiang looks at Su Xun with some doubts.

Even Ren Tingting has come out.

Will uncle Jiu be far away?

Su Xun is now sure that this is really a world where many movies are integrated.

But that's how it feels.

Chatting, the cottage has been far away in the eyes.

Su Xun looked up and took a breath.

It's a good place. Taking the mountain as a shelter, a four meter high mountain gate is built with yellow mud and blue stone. This is the only way up the mountain. It's easy to defend but hard to attack.

There are watchtowers on both sides of the wall, and two light machine guns are driving on the wall of the mountain gate.

The patrols on the wall were armed with guns.

It seems that Lin's three guns have made a lot of money these years.

So it's too shabby for NIMA to go out and take a dozen guns?

As if seeing Su Xun's doubts, Lin Sanqiang explained: "the firepower is too strong, which is easy to lead to encirclement and suppression. Nowadays, if the officers and soldiers are abandoned, it's also a regular army. I can't beat the army."

During the conversation, he had a good sense of Su Xun, and even admired him. Because Su Xun knew too much, he looked like an illiterate.

Even though he was illiterate.

Su Xun expressed his admiration. That's the details. Sure enough, it was 360 lines, and the line was the number one.

"Open the door! The leader is back! "

"The big boss is back!"

After seeing Lin Sanqiang, there were several shouts on the wall, and then the closed gate slowly opened.

Then, out came a group of people.

At the head were two tall men.

"Big brother."

"Big brother is back."

"Who is this little white face?"

All eyes fell on Su Xun.

Lin Sanqiang said: "this is me The meat ticket, please, is the master of the Su family, the provincial capital. "


Do you have the NIMA meat ticket?

Looking at this posture, I didn't know that I thought that Su Xun had come to visit relatives on the mountain.

"Mr. Su, I'd like to introduce you. These two are ye Hu, the second leader of Qingfeng Village, and song Dadao, the third leader of Qingfeng Village." Lin Sanqiang pointed to the two leading men and said to Su Xun.

Su Xun arched his hand: "the two masters are polite."

"Courtesy, courtesy." Two people subconscious response, but the brain is not turning.

This Is it really a kidnapping ticket?

Lin Sanqiang waved his big hand: "brothers, master Su sent us money. Please treat him well. Kill the pig and the sheep, and you won't be drunk tonight."

"Brother, this is not right. This boy is a meat ticket." The second leader, ye Hu, reminds us.

Lin Sanqiang said: "young master Su is a meat ticket and half of my friends. That's it."

"You are welcome, heroes. This meal tonight will be my treat. The money will be deducted from my ransom." Su Xun said with a smile on his face.

"Ouch, ouch..."

"Mr. Su is righteous!"

"Master Su is a bright man!"

When they heard that they could eat meat and drink wine, a group of bandits were so excited that they didn't care what the reason was.

The leaf tiger

Song Dadao

Is this NIMA's relationship with the robbers?

How do you look like you're here to join us?

"Master Su, he is a wonderful man." Lin sanggun was also speechless. For the first time, he saw a bandit who had come into the bandit's nest and invited the bandits to a banquet with his own ransom.Su Xun said with a smile: "the big boss, you'd better introduce me to the old Gu first."

"OK, second, you take master Su to see Gu. Master Su is interested in his craft." Lin Sanqiang looked at the tiger and said.

Ye Hu said, "come with me, master su."

It was the first time that he saw Su Xun, a well-off son of a bandit's family who was not in a hurry, but could still talk and laugh. He was a little more impressed.

What's more, Su Xun is very handsome and has a good temperament. It's hard to make people hate him.

Small details. It's important to be handsome.

Along the way, Su Xun was quietly observing the bandit nest.

There were about two or three hundred people he saw. It was estimated that there were about four or five hundred people in the whole stockade. Everyone was armed with guns, so the firepower was good.

Four or five hundred people can occupy a town to be a marshal in Jiushu's movies.

Su Xun's eyes turned around. The Ming people didn't talk in secret. He was greedy for the bodies of the four or five hundred people.

It's a troubled time now. If he can get these four or five hundred guns, he will be able to protect himself.

You know, in the movie, even Jiushu, an expert in Taoism, has to be arrested in front of the gun.

Moreover, refining zombies is an evil way, which is easy to attract the pursuit of famous and decent people.

If he had mastered the four hundred and five people, he would not be afraid that the nine uncle would kill him to get rid of the devil and defend the way.

Who wants to get rid of the devil and defend the way, he will give an order, and the guns will be fired together, and the physics will be transcended.

That's wonderful.

"Master Su, do you think of anything happy?" Seeing that the smile on Su Xun's face was getting stronger and stronger, tiger ye not only asked curiously.

Su Xun naturally said: "yes, I've been interested in strange skills since I was a child. I'm excited to see a real expert soon."

We can't rush to accept this Qingfeng stronghold. After all, he is just an ordinary man except for his physical strength.

"Gu Lao is really an expert." Ye Hu agreed and came to a wooden house.

"Dong Dong..."

The leaf tiger knocked on the door.

"Gu Lao, are you there?"

"What's the matter?"

A low, hoarse voice came from the cabin.

"Well, there's a guest coming up from the stronghold. He came to visit you specially."

Ye Hu didn't say it was a meat ticket. After all, he had to respect Su Xun in front of him.

"No, go away."

The people in the cabin are not polite.

Tiger Ye was embarrassed: "look, master su This is how Gu Lao's temper is... "

"Second in charge, go ahead and get busy. I'll communicate with Gu Lao." Su Xun said with a cool smile.

Tiger Ye nodded: "if you get lost in the stockade, just ask your brother on patrol."

From the elder brother's attitude towards Su Xun, we knew that he would not be limited to his freedom in the stronghold.

What's more, he was not afraid of Su Xun. After all, there was only one way down the mountain.

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