After physics passed the old Gu.

Like a devil, Su Xun came to the village and began to clean up.

First of all, while Gu Lao's body was still hot, Su Xun quickly took off his clothes and took out a lot of refined Gu and drugs.

These poisonous insects and medicines are all in small porcelain bottles with names pasted on the outside.

After all, there are so many porcelain vases that Gu Lao himself is afraid of taking them wrong.

After searching all the things on him, Su Xun went into the room to search again, because the secret script could not be carried on him at any time.

The emperor is worthy of his painstaking efforts.

For God's sake, Su Xun worked so hard to rummage around the room that he successfully found three secret books in Gu Lao's bedroom.

"Evil Moon Magic in Miao area", "heart breaking palm" and "corpse chopping sword technique".

This is exactly what Su Xun wanted.

Because he doesn't need to practice Taoism at all, he just needs to practice zombies to the extreme, and by the way, he can use his own constitution to practice two hand Kung Fu.

Plus the official position and three-tier insurance, he can do whatever he wants in this world.

What's more, he wanted to wait until 1937 to beat the devil with the corpse, which was to make up for his regret in life.

Su Xun was a fair man, so he robbed Gu Lao's Secret script and his savings.

Five hundred ocean came back with interest.

Before leaving, Su Xun also borrowed a black cloak from Gu Lao to let the Royal zombies put it on.

By the way, let the Royal zombies suck Gu Lao's blood, and drain his last function perfectly.

Gu Lao, whose body is cooling gradually: please be a man! Su Xun was very satisfied with the performance of the Royal zombies today.

After all, according to the records of the corpse refining notes, the general walking corpse is not so strong, but the joints of the body are more flexible than the jumping corpse.

And royal zombies can be immune to sunlight to a certain extent. They are invulnerable and powerful.

It is worthy of being a variant of the walking corpse.

If Su Xun wants to turn it into a copper body, he needs a demon soul and a coffin fungus.

Now the demon soul is there. As for the coffin fungus, Su Xun remembers that it appeared in the movie zombie supreme.

In the movie, Qiusheng and Wencai take the coffin fungus in a place called zombie forest. The forest is full of zombies, and there is a Zombie King.

But Su Xun didn't know where the zombie forest was, so he had to look for it slowly.

Su Xun took the Royal zombies back to Zhuji teahouse, took the packed food, and paid to buy the box together.

"My guest, take your time."

Boss Zhu is holding the ocean and can't close his mouth with a smile. It's true that all the handsome people are generous.

"Oh, young master, it's faster than you

Suddenly, a little Si jumped out and stopped Su Xun and the Royal zombies.

"Yes? Is there anything more attractive than me in Liwan town

A young man in a white robe with glasses, a little fat and a very obscene appearance came up. When he saw the Royal zombie, he leaned back and said, "Wow, it's really bigger than me. Mad, take off your hat."

With that, he took the fan in one hand and picked the pocket on the head of the Royal zombie in the other.

Su Xun stopped him with his hand holding the food box: "Mr. Shi, I advise you not to mess with me."

It's true that this man is one of the villains in the play ghost biting ghost, Mr. Shi. This is a very interesting surname. Lao Ba must know it very well.

"Since you know me, it's easy. No one dares to stop what I want to do! I'll see how ugly he looks. " Shigongzi, with his nose in the air, forced to take off the hoods of the Royal zombies.

Su Xun stopped him again: "son of a bitch, if you do this again, don't blame me for being rude."

"What, threatening me? If you want to beat me, you can beat me. Who dares to beat me in Liwan town Ah


Before he finished speaking, the whole man flew out with a scream and hit the ground with a mouthful of blood.

"Cheap, real horse cheap."

Su Xun shook his head and left with the Royal zombie. This shitty boy is cheaper than in the movie.

"Young master, are you ok? Young master, young master..."


Su Xun and the Royal zombies went out of town with food boxes and came to the place where the bandits were resting.

"Young master."

"Four masters No, young master

All the people who were already hungry were staring at the food box in Su Xun's hand to swallow saliva.

"Eat, eat and go on the road."

Hearing this, the bandits who have been eating dry food for several days can't help it.

He quickly opened the food box and gobbled it up.

After dinner, a group of people rest for about half a quarter of an hour, then set foot on the road to Kangcheng again.In the afternoon, when the sun was burning, Su Xun called the Royal zombies into the carriage, and he came to drive.

When it was getting dark, there was no sun in the sky. Instead, zombies drove the car, and Su Xun took the car.

"Did you make a mistake? It's amazing to ride so fast and have a horse. I'm in a hurry to get reincarnated!"

By the side of the road, Mao Shanming crossed his waist and watched Su Xun's team yell at him.

In fact, the speed of the horse team was not fast, because Su Xun was in a carriage, which slowed down the overall speed.

The reason why Mao Shanming swears is just because he is jealous.

After all, his feet hurt when he walks, but he can ride in a carriage when he sees others. There are still people to protect him. Is it not sour?

What a bloody rich man.

"Uncle Ming, do you want me to play with them?"

"Yes, yes, uncle Ming, let's go."

There were two small bags in a yellow umbrella at maoshanming's waist, and two empty male voices came out.

"Go, remember, don't hurt people's lives."

Maoshan Mingqiu rich mentality attack, will open the yellow umbrella, two ghosts fly to Su Xun's carriage.

"Ah! What a fierce zombie

As soon as they got close to the carriage, the two ghosts screamed and flew back to Mao Shanming, shivering. After all, zombies can eat ghosts.

"Everyone stop!"

In the carriage, Su Xun opened his eyes and called.

"What's the matter, young master?"

A bandit asked curiously.

Su Xun didn't explain. He lifted the curtain and got out of the car. He took the Royal zombies to maoshanming in the rear.

He has Yin and Yang eyes. At a glance, he sees two shivering ghosts behind Mao Shanming.

He also recognized Mao Shanming, the plot character in the horror movie Mr. Linghuan, and raised two ghosts, one named Dabao and the other Xiaobao.

Mao Shanming is a cheater. He works with two ghosts to cheat people for a living.

At the beginning of the story, Mr. Linghuan, Mao Shanming catches a ghost in Tan million's house, the capital of Tanjia town. As a result, he is scared to run away.

According to Su Xun's understanding, not far ahead is Tanjia town. If Mao Shanming goes to TANJIA Town, it proves that the plot of Linghuan is about to start.

The villain of Mr. Linghuan is a group of horse thieves who want to attack Tanjia town. The head of the horse thief is a young woman named Wangpo who can play witchcraft in Miao area.

Finally, he was killed by Uncle Jiu.

Su Xun was very interested in these horse thieves. He wanted to see if he could take them back to his own use.

Although the female equine thief's witchcraft is a little disgusting, it's very powerful. Even her neck is separated. She spits out insects and wipes them, and the wound heals again.

In the movie, the female horse thief is very loyal and died to save her subordinates.

As long as he grasped this point, Su Xun felt that he was sure to accept her.

When it was clear and the rain stopped, Su Xun felt that he was OK again.

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