I heard that Su Xun was going back to Renjia town.

Ren Tingting thought that he wanted to go back with him because he wanted to soak himself.

After all, in her opinion, how could Su Xun be in such a hurry to return to Renjia town just after he took office?

There is only one possibility.

It must be for her.

She felt that Su Xun was too direct, as if he had come specifically for her body.

However, she felt that Su Xun was not such a person. He must have been a soldier. He was more direct.

Yes, it must be.

A mature flower maniac, to learn to help each other's behavior to find their own acceptable excuse.

Rentingting heart shy, and a little happy, embarrassed nodded: "good."

Since ancient times, self strategy is the most fatal.

After making an appointment with Ren Tingting, Su Xun leaves. He can see that Ren Tingting is interested in herself.

After all, he is so handsome, pleasant to speak, powerful and powerful. Who doesn't like him? Lu Xun once said that when two people are greedy for each other's body, they will achieve their goals. It's just a matter of time.

In the evening, Zhang Muzhi personally took people to the house.

There was no resistance when they took over the two families in the south of the city.

When copying Huang sirang's house, he met with fierce resistance, and the other side took advantage of the blockhouse, fighting less and more.

Finally, Zhang Muzhi pulled the gun and opened the gate of huangsilang watchtower.

Fight on the spot, kill all the people.

That night, they raided three houses and seized all kinds of property, worth 7 million taels of silver.

This is silver, not the ocean. Silver is much more valuable than the ocean. It is used internationally.

Three thousand standard rifles, two hundred pistols, two heavy machine guns, six light machine guns, one million bullets and 20 cases of grenades were seized.

Most of them were found in Huang Si Lang's Diaolou. It can be seen from this that he helped Liu Du Tong sell tobacco and soil these years, and how much he swallowed.

When Huang Si Lang died, his watchtower naturally became Su Xun's residence.

Huang Si Lang worked hard for most of his life. As a result, he made all the wedding clothes for Su Xun, which was probably the only good thing he did in his life.

The next day, a notice was put up all over the city to publicize Su Xun's achievements in killing Huang Si Lang and the two families.

"Su Qingtian! Su Qingtian

"Huang Si Lang is dead! Huang Si Lang is dead at last. Commander Su is here, and the green sky of e-Cheng is coming! "

"Commander Su is a good man..."

After the notice was posted, the whole city became a sensation and everyone praised Su Qingtian.

After all, these years, Huang Silang and Chengnan two big families can bully the goose City common people miserably.

Su Qingtian is rowing with Ren Tingting.

Su Xun and Ren Tingting are sitting in a small wooden boat. They are boating on the lake with the spring breeze.

Ren Tingting seems to like dresses very much. Today she is wearing a pink skirt with a braided head and a top hat.

Because the baby's granary is relatively sufficient, the neckline is looming, the waist is slim, the legs are close like ladies, and the straight legs are exposed outside.

"I heard you have a second grandfather named Nintendo?" Su Xun asked casually.

Ren Tingting nodded: "yes, brother Xun, why did you suddenly ask this?"

Well, the names have changed.

"Nothing, just ask." With a smile, Su Xun changed the topic: "I'll teach you how to row."

Why did he ask Nintendo?

Of course, it's because he likes Nintendo.

Nintendo comes from the movie music zombie. After his death, he was stolen to do experiments by the scientists of the Republic of France. After injection, he mutated.

When he becomes a zombie, he can appear in the daytime and be immune to all kinds of magic weapons, spells, Daoism and runes.

Later, they can even fly, lengthen their arms, and pick up their heads when they fall off, blink and escape.

This horse is a zombie. It's a God. Of course, Su Xun wants to get it.

Mr. Ren and Nintendo are becoming more and more zombies. Is there any zombie coming from Mr. Ren?

"Yes, yes."

When she heard that she was about to go to the boat, she wanted to teach her.

Then she was held in her arms by Su Xun, and she felt powerless.

As for the boat, who likes to row.

"Brother Xun, please don't do this. It's too fast." Ren Tingting finally has a trace of clarity. She clenches her red lips and looks at Su Xun prayingly.

Su Xun lowered his head and gave her a kiss. He jokingly said, "this is on the boat. What else can I do to you? Action one, the metropolis capsizes

"Brother Xun, you are good or bad." Ren Tingting is coquettish, pretty and lovely.

However, she has never felt this way since she was so big. She is so comfortable and shy.

Susian hugged her and said to her ear, "if you have any news from Nintendo, please tell me. It's very important to me."Compared with Nintendo, the French scientist who made the medicine was the one he wanted to get.

"Well." Ren Tingting snorted, but she didn't ask why. She was completely confused by Su Xun's plan.


Three days later, Su Xun arranged things in e-Cheng and went back to Renjia town with Ren Tingting.

He only took the guard company, deputy company commander Liuzi to lead the team, Wang Ying went to Kangcheng to deal with Liu Yanming.

The goose City was handed over to mabond and Zhang Muzhi, one in charge of civil affairs and the other in charge of the army.

Su Xun didn't worry that something would happen, because Ma bond and Zhang Muzhi were rare smart people.

What's more important is that he can't make good arrangements.

When I came to e-Cheng, I rode and walked.

It's by car when I leave e-Cheng.

Military vehicle, Huang sirang's.

After all, the business of tobacco and soil is so big that it is impossible to use a carriage to pull it. Moreover, for the sake of transportation safety and speed, Liu Dutong assigned many military trucks to him.

After all, not many people dare to move military vehicles.

Four military vehicles headed for Renjia town.

There was a coffin on one of the cars.

There are royal zombies lying in the coffin.


Two days later, renjiazhen.

Mr. Ren has already received a letter from Ren Tingting and knows that she will come back today.

So early in the morning, the family was busy packing up, ready to welcome the first lady home.

"Uncle, I heard that my cousin is coming back today. When will she arrive, I'll take someone to pick her up."

Qiangzi, it should be called awei at this time.

Wearing a yellow uniform and glasses, ah wei walked into the main hall of Ren mansion with a smile on his face.

His uncle helped him to become the leader of the security team in Renjia town. For this reason, he even turned against uncle Jiu, and there was a sign that he turned against each other.

Hearing that Ren Tingting wants to come back, awei moves his mind. His uncle is a daughter. If he marries his cousin, isn't Ren's family his own?

"You'd better go to work. Tingting doesn't know the way. You don't need to pick her up." Ren FA waved his hand impatiently, and awei knew his mind.

Awei was a little disappointed, but soon he perked up and said with a smile, "uncle, I'll go to the security team first. I'll see my cousin later."

Then he left.

Ren FA shook his head and regretted spending money to push him to this position.

Half an hour later, a servant rushed in: "master, miss is back..."

Before he finished, Ren FA quickly put down his cup, got up and walked out.

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