[amazing! Kitchen God wins, Jin zhengu becomes angry and humiliates! 】

[it is suggested to ban Jinzhengu's permanent industry, and show disrespect to Su's predecessors. 】

[after many years, he is still invincible! 】

[Jin zhengu makes people angry 】

at the end of the competition, numerous media reported that Jin zhengu was angry and insulted Su Xun.

For a moment, Jin zhengu was ruined and became a street mouse. Everyone yelled.

There are even people in bangziguo who have gone to the door of Jin zhengu's hotel to send wreaths to express their cordial "blessing".

The boss in order to appease the mood of the masses, as well as for money, can only decisively open in addition to Jinzhengu.

Some Bangzi people also think that Jin zhengu has lost the face of the country and spit on him. They will spit when they meet him.

It's so sad that a rising star in the catering industry, once in the limelight, can't even find a job now.

It can be seen that you can't be a Flammulina velutipes person, otherwise there is no place to cry.

Like Su Xuan, the only famous chef in the world, he once again went to a famous restaurant.


Two days after the game, Thursday.

At Yuliang mountain manor, Su Xun is holding Qin Zhu's artificial air conditioner in his arms and enjoying Yan Yurou's massage behind him. He receives a systematic prompt sound in his mind.

[congratulations to the host for completing the task of making the restaurant famous all over the world. 】

[reward: proficient in Chinese cooking. 】

Su Xun has no fluctuation in his heart, because he doesn't like to cook by himself. He prefers to eat ready-made food.

But if you have acquired Chinese cooking skills, you can at least teach Zhou Chengxuan.

After seeing Su Xun's scenery, the guy had completely abandoned his old fortune telling profession and devoted himself to cooking.

However, Zhou Chengxuan's talent is good. He learns very quickly. Even Qin Zhu and Yan Yurou often sigh that Zhou Chengxuan should learn to cook. It's not proper for him to have such a good talent to do fortune telling.

The kitchen god Xuan has too many guests every day. Su Xun has already announced that he won't go to the kitchen god Xuan and recruited another cook.

As for himself, he will only stir fry two dishes for the guests when he is free. By the way, he will teach Zhou Chengxuan.

If he doesn't go, Qin Zhu and Yan Yurou won't go either.

Yan Yurou is now his secretary.

Liao Yu is a work secretary, and Yan Yurou is a life secretary, which can also be called a life assistant.

As a life secretary, Yan Yurou is responsible for taking care of Su Xun's daily life. In fact, she is equivalent to an ancient maid.

In order to better serve the boss, Yan Yurou moved into Yuliang villa.

She was born with a childlike face, and her mouth was as sweet as honey. Besides, she was only 18 years old. Both an Zijin and Liao Yu took her as their sister, and they liked her very much.

Qin Zhu felt that her pet's status was threatened, so she was not very friendly to Yan Yurou. She called each other's nickname every day, cow.

And Yan Yurou is not used to her. She gives Qin Zhu a beautiful and frozen nickname refrigerator.

"Master, open your mouth, ah ~" Qin Zhu peeled a piece of orange and fed it to Su Xun. He also gave Yan Yurou a provocative look.

Yan Yurou increased the strength of Su Xun's massage and said, "master, is this strength appropriate?"

She firmly believed that Su Xun liked to play this tune, otherwise how could Qin Zhu call his master?

"Fox spirit!" Qin Zhu angrily scolded, angrily took the orange away from Su Xun's mouth and threw it into his mouth.

Yan Yurou complacently spits out her tongue, confidently straightens the baby's granary in front of her chest, and her eyes show disdain.

Qin Zhu felt that his self-esteem had been hurt. He pulled Su Xun's arm and said, "master, that cow mocks people."

"Dead fridge." Yan Yurou's first step to get Su Xun was to compete with Qin Zhu.

Because compared with an Zijin and Liao Yu, this cold woman spent the most time with Su Xun.

Qin Zhugang wanted to get angry. Then he thought of something and said triumphantly: "every night, the master sleeps with me. Are you jealous? Envy? "

"What do I envy?" Yan Yurou chuckled and said with disdain: "the master has no impulse to sleep with you. You should reflect on yourself."

"You..." Qin Zhu is a little angry and despondent. Damn it. He has a big chest!

Su Xun was so annoyed by the two people that he interrupted their argument: "OK, OK, you all go to have a rest. Sooner or later I will be killed by you."


Two people mutually stare at each other one eye, at the same time cold hum a, all obediently no longer talk.

It's three days from the next identity.

On Friday, Su Xun had a rare day at school.As a celebrity, he caused a lot of onlookers in the school, and his classmates boasted that they all had one more material.

As long as you say that Su Xun is in the same class with us, there will be a burst of praise.

Because of his work, Su Xun brought a notebook to the classroom. Sometimes he could deal with his work.

Yan Yurou, the life secretary, was inseparable from him. He poured water and bought food for Su Xun and helped him do everything well.

An Zijin also interacts with Su Xun from time to time. Two beauties surround him all the time, which makes people envious.

The whole class is full of grief. Mom sells criticism. Go back to the company as soon as you can. There is dog food everywhere in the classroom. I can't stand it.

Support each other. Is this the life of an evil local rich man Envy!

An Zijin is OK. After all, we all know that she is Su Xun's girlfriend, and we've been used to it for two years.

The key to attract you to look up to many young girls is to treat you as a two-dimensional goddess.

Every time they see Yan Yurou selling cute with Su Xun, they all want to find Su Xun with a knife and cry out: let go of that girl!

Some people from other departments who were jealous of Su Xun secretly went to the academic affairs office to complain that Su Xun's behavior had seriously affected the learning state of the whole school.

The headmaster talked to Su Xun in person and said that he could keep a low profile in school and try to act like a student. Don't drive tens of millions of luxury cars to school.

Su Xun nodded with a smile and donated 10 million yuan to build a library and teaching building in his name.

Then in the afternoon, the whole school was praised and a donation ceremony was held. In the evening, his photos were hung on the wall of famous alumni on the campus.

Moreover, those who reported him because of jealousy were all severely criticized and educated.

Su Xun said, Sao Rui, with money, you can really do whatever you want (≖◡≖✿).

Rich people's campus life is so boring.

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