Looking at the stuttering Annie, Su Xun blamed himself for being too handsome.

That makes the other party so nervous.

Can't my damned perfect beauty and charm be lower?

"Annie, what are you doing? The officer is talking to you." Seeing that Annie didn't answer, Annie's father was afraid of offending Su Xun, so he quickly reminded her.

Annie responded and looked at Su Xun calmly: "yes, I am Annie."

"I heard Miss Anne came back from abroad? As it happens, I also studied abroad. Maybe I have a lot in common with Miss Anne? " Su Xun looked at Annie with a smile. His gentle appearance was quite different from the one who had just shot and killed her.

Let Annie have some trance, secret way, so how can a good-looking person be a murderer?

The mayor and his son should have died.

He must be too just, full of blood, and abhorrent of all evils, so he killed the mayor and his son without investigation.

Yes, it must be.

Thinking about this, Annie's fear gradually dissipated and said in English, "nice to meet you."

"Me too." Su Xun also replied in English that if you tease your sister, it's the point you're going to reach.

Otherwise, you want to sleep and don't want to spend time teasing. You think you are Su Xun!

Hearing that Su Xun's pronunciation was more authentic than his own, Anne was sure that he had studied abroad, and she felt like finding a similar one.

At this time, a group of soldiers carrying a few boxes came: "report leader, we found a large number of molding clay from the mayor's home."

Looking at the boxes full of smoke and earth, the townspeople were both surprised and angry, and they were crazy about flogging corpses.

Kicking the body and swearing.

"What a shame! Actually selling tobacco and soil, Mr. Su killed well! "

"Well done, selling tobacco and earth will kill the whole family!"

"The man in my family is harmed by the smoke and dirt. How many people will be harmed if we sell so much smoke and dirt!"

"Mr. Su is wise..."

"I'll get down to business first. We can have an in-depth exchange when we have time." Su Xun looked at Annie and said.

Annie can be bitten by zombies. Soul, isn't she going to fly if she is bitten by herself?

Annie smile, baby granary with breathing ups and downs: "OK, welcome at any time."

"Everybody saw it." Su Xun stepped on the soil: "the mayor's father and son are selling soil, which is harmful to the people. It's not a pity to die. Now they have been killed, and all the property of the mayor's family has been collected. They will not tolerate selling soil!"

"Good! Well said

"Mr. Su said well!"

"Pa pa pa..."

The townspeople cheered and clapped. Su Qingtian was like the light of the right way, shining on the earth.

"Liuzi burned the smoke and earth. Wang Ying, you take people to the house."

"Yes, chief." "Yes, young master."

The mayor and his son lost their heads because of selling tobacco and soil, but the money they made was all cheaper than Su Xun.

Su Xun had to sigh that after he came to this world, all the people he met were good people who gave themselves up for him.

Gu Lao: if you really step on the horse, you can't pass?

"Master, what happened."

At this time, nine uncle's apprentice a Xing and Xiao Yue came in a hurry.

When Su Xun saw a Xing, he had a sentence to blurt out: Chang Wei, how dare you say you don't know martial arts!


Seeing Annie, a Xing's eyes widened.

"What are you looking at?" Uncle nine covered his eyes and kicked him out of the crowd.

"Elder martial brother, are you ok?"

Xiaoyue shows concern and goes to help him, because she likes a Xing.

Su Xun looked at Uncle Jiu: "Uncle Jiu, let's talk. I'm very interested in the things in the church."

"How do you know..." Uncle Jiu just wanted to ask him how he knew, but when he thought that Su Xun could even calculate the specific time of China's catastrophe, he didn't ask.

This is the most shocking and incomprehensible point for him. Is there really a person with such accuracy in the world?

Su Xun could tell him, of course, that Wang Hui, Zhuge kongping's wife, was one of them.

Three minutes later, Su Xun came to Jiu Shu's house with four guards.

"Sit down and pour your own tea." Uncle Jiu didn't bother to greet Su Xun. He asked directly, "can you figure out what that thing is in the church?"

"Zombies." Su Xun spat out two words.

Uncle Jiu frowned: "zombies? That breath I don't feel like it. "

"Of course not." Su Xun poured himself a cup of tea. Then he looked at Jiu Shu and said, "because it's a zombie of Chinese and western."

"A combination of Chinese and western?" Uncle Jiu is a little confused.

Su Xun nodded: "yes, it's a combination of Chinese and western. He can become a Western vampire and a zombie at will. When he becomes a vampire, the eastern Taoism and magic weapons are totally useless to him. When he becomes a zombie, the Western magic weapons are also useless to him.""It's so evil." Uncle Jiu met this kind of zombie for the first time, and then he looked at Su Xun in shock: "you won't tell me, this is also your calculation, can you calculate so accurately?"

"Uncle Jiushu, we must know that the secret is not to be revealed." Su Xun was so enigmatic that he took a sip of his tea cup.

Uncle nine no longer asked, frowning: "this zombie is so thorny, what should we do?"

Su Xun's face showed that everything was under control, and said calmly:

"Uncle Jiu, since I'm here, I'm sure I'll come with a solution. A priest surnamed Wu will come to Jiuquan town these two days, and then you can subdue the zombie by cooperating with him."

"However, after the uniform, the zombie will be handed over to me, which is of great use to me."

If it wasn't for the zombie who could fly after becoming a vampire, he could be solved directly by Royal zombie violence. It didn't need uncle Jiu and father Wu at all.

"Yes." Nine uncle also can't refuse, as long as cut off that zombie to come out the possibility of harming people.

For Su Xun's extraordinary attainments in the field of natural arithmetic, he was really convinced.

Su Xun put down his tea cup and got up to leave: "that's a deal. I'll live in a restaurant in the town. If you have anything to do, just go there and find me."

"You go to that Annie?" Uncle Jiu asked.

Su Xun frowned and said, "Uncle Jiu, don't you think Annie has an advantage that appeals to men?"

"Do you think everyone is just like you when you see a beautiful woman?" Uncle Jiu rolled his eyes and slowly poured himself a cup of tea.

When Su Xun heard this, he was not happy: "Uncle Jiu, I know you are single-minded and only like your younger martial sister michelian, but you can't insult me like that, can you?"

"Puff - puff -" Uncle Jiu took a sip of tea and looked at Su Xun with wide eyes: "how do you How do you even know that? Do you count it again? "

He felt as if he had been stripped in front of Su Xun. There was no secret.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I also know that michelian was your younger martial sister before you went to the mountain to practice Taoism. Before you went to the mountain to practice Taoism, your name was Lin Zhengying, and your nickname was doudouying."

"Because I lost the fight with the warlord commander long for Michelia, I was disheartened and went to Maoshan to practice Taoism. I changed my name to Lin Fengjiao, and ranked ninth among the disciples of my generation..."

"Shut up and stop talking!" Uncle Jiu's face turned red. This is his black history, especially the nickname doudouying and the name Lin Fengjiao.

Qiusheng and Wencai ask him what his name is. Every time he blurs it, it's because Lin Fengjiao's feminine name is too shameful!

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Looking at Jiu Shu, Su Xun couldn't help laughing.

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