It is a technical job to transfer the characteristics of Chinese and Western zombies to Royal zombies.

So until it was dark, Zhuge kongping and his son were still in the research room.

Leave Zhuge kongfu to stare.

Su Xun took ten soldiers to Bai rourourou's home with the copper body in Xishuangbanna.

Bai rourourou's family is in the same town as Zhuge's, otherwise in the movie, she would not arrive in time.

Half an hour later, we arrived at the destination, a forest courtyard outside the town.

In the distance, Su Xun saw a curve of Miaoman on the window. His hairstyle had spread out and he was obviously preparing to sleep.

Because there's no entertainment at night.

Husband and wife can at least make people.

Bai Rourou can only go to bed early if she lives alone.

Su Xun tore off the amulet on the body's head in Xishuangbanna. At the moment he woke up, he directly carried him and threw him into Bai Rou's yard.

Run after throwing,

it's really exciting.

"Who is it?"

Bai Rourou hears the sound, wraps up a pink gauze skirt and runs out with a long silk.


The copper armor corpse just got up from the ground. When he saw Bai Rourou, his fierce light was exposed and he was reckless.

"Bronze body!"

Bai Rourou is shocked. Isn't this copper body captured by elder martial brother? How can it be here?

There was no time to think about it. Bai Rou scolded, and the light body jumped up in place. Under the gauze skirt, a slender white leg swept out.


The copper body just stepped back.


Bai rourourou's long silk tied the neck of the copper armor corpse, flipped to the back of the copper armor corpse in the air, and then tugged with both hands.


The copper body was dragged to the ground.

"How fierce."

In the distant woods, Su Xun smacked his tongue to himself.


The copper armor corpse roared and stood up like a spring, which directly shattered the long silk on his neck.


Bai Rourou loses her center of gravity and falls to the ground in a scream.

There was no one to hold the bronze body for her, so she had no chance to go to the room to get the magic weapon. She could not be the opponent of the bronze body only by a long silk.


The copper body rushes to Bai Rourou.

Bai Rourou's eyes are in a panic. Are you going to die tonight? Despair rose in her heart.

"Kang! High

At this time, two shots rang out, and the bullet hit the chest of the copper body.

The copper armor corpse's movement stagnated for a while, Bai Rourou quickly seized the opportunity to get up quickly.

"The devil! How dare you do harm

Su Xun rushed over with the soldiers and looked at Bai Rourou with righteous face. He asked: "this girl, are you ok?"

"I'm fine." Bai rourourou shook her head, looked at Su Xun, and suddenly exclaimed, "be careful!"


The body in bronze armour came in a flash, and his fists were waved.

The bronze body has some wisdom.

He remembered Su Xun, who had just thrown himself out.

When enemies meet, they are very jealous.

Su Xun could avoid it, but he didn't. at the moment when the Zombie's fist was about to touch him, he flew out and hit the ground.

"Ah! Puff -- "

screamed, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

The bronze body in Xishuangbanna is confused.

I haven't hit you yet!!!

"How are you? Are you ok?"

Bai Rourou shows her concern and quickly comes forward to help Su Xun up. Her heart is full of guilt. After all, Su Xun was hurt to save her.

Otherwise, it has nothing to do with Su Xun.

I don't know that's what Su Xun did.

"No It's OK. " Su Xun's face was pale, and he said weakly, "you go first, I'll hold him."

"No, if I go, you're dead." Bai Rourou was deeply moved. After all, a strange man wanted to save her life.

It's not about emotion, it's just a kind of touch, but the touch that shakes the heart will gradually turn into emotion.

Su Xun was "sweating profusely" and roared: "my husband, don't be afraid of death. Girl, go away quickly, and then burn some paper for me on New Year's day...."

As the voice fell, Su Xun rushed to the bronze body in Xishuangbanna with a roar, and fell to the ground with him in his arms: "go, go

Outside the yard, ten soldiers are stupid. The commander is not a person.

If they didn't know it was a play directed and performed by Su Xun, they would be moved."Roar!"

Xishuangbanna copper armor corpse crazy struggle, he is a little confused, how this person strength is bigger than me?

"Let's go Let's go

Su Xun "hard" entangled the copper body, his forehead was full of sweat, shouting.

"You Hold on

Bai Rourou clenched her red lips, trembled in her heart and rushed into the room to get the magic weapon.

"Move NIMA!"

Watching Bai Rourou enter the room, Su Xun's painful expression on his face disappeared. He grabbed the Zombie's neck and swung his fist on his head.

The reason why it was so difficult to subdue the Royal zombie was that the guy himself was split and mutated by thunder, and his power was boundless, but Rao was not as good as Su Xun.

In terms of strength alone, how could the bronze body in Xishuangbanna be Su Xun's opponent?

The corpse's intelligence was weak.

"Here I am!"

Bai Rourou jumps from the sky with a Bagua mirror, just like the fairy in the painting, with Fairy Spirit floating.

Su Xun saw it, white, with flowers.


Bai Rourou falls to the ground from the air, and the eight trigrams mirror in her hand shines on the face of the copper armor corpse, which bursts into a golden light.


The next second, Bai rourourou took a hairpin to pierce a piece of Rune paper, and then put her two fingers between her eyebrows.

The bronze body is under control.

"Hu -"

Bai Rou was sweating and exhaled.

Then he suddenly thought of Su Xun: "you..."

Su Xun's eyes closed and he fainted.

Bai rourourou was startled, and then she was relieved when she found that she was still breathing.

"Go to some of your rooms and carry him."

Cried Bai Rourou, looking at the ten soldiers.

Su Xun was carried to the white soft bed.

Well, the faint fragrance is around the tip of the nose.

Bai Rourou looks at Su Xun, whose eyes are closed and his face is pretty. She thinks that he has just spared no effort to save himself. She has a strange feeling in her heart.

Meeting by chance, I can fight to save myself.

He is really a good man with a good heart.

Bai Rourou thought to herself that she would cover the quilt for Su Xun and get out of the room. She wanted to set up an array to arouse Tianlei to completely destroy the bronze body in Xishuangbanna.

The elder martial brother is the same. After catching the copper armor corpse, he collected it. Otherwise, there would be nothing happened tonight.

Thinking of Su Xun in bed, Bai rourourou could not help complaining about Zhuge kongping.

She didn't notice any change in her mind.

He didn't even care to worry about how Zhuge kongping was going to get out of the ghost storehouse.

On the bed, Su Xun opened his eyes.

He can feel that the corner of Zhuge kongping's wall has begun to be loosened by him. As long as he has a high face value and good acting skills, his sister will be indispensable.


Listening to the thunder outside, Su Xun observed three seconds of silence for the bronze body in Xishuangbanna.

What a pity.

"Why, are you awake?"

Bai Rourou came into the room and saw Su Xun wake up. Her face was full of joy.

"Stiff What about zombies? "

Ask Su Mingxun.

"The zombies are dead." Bai Rourou sat by the bed, looked at Su Xun and said in a low voice, "thanks to you tonight, otherwise I would be more or less unlucky."

"I should." Su Xun said.

"Ah, by the way, how can you come here so late?" Bai Rourou suddenly thought of this.

"I'm here to chase the zombie. I bought the copper armor corpse from Mrs. Wang. Unexpectedly, when I opened the ghost library, the copper armor corpse suddenly got out of the trap and ran away It's all my fault Su Xi Jing, full of guilt and remorse, said it again after a little modification.

"I can't blame you. If you want to blame my elder martial brother, he didn't kill the bronze body in the first time and didn't suppress it." Bai Rou defends him.

As for Su Xun's corpse raising, she directly ignored it. People who are so good-looking and kind-hearted will certainly not do bad things even if they raise corpses.

It's the elder martial brother's fault that he has to collect the body in bronze armor. Otherwise, what happened?

A woman is unreasonable. When she wants to protect a person in her heart, it's even more unreasonable.

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