When Su Xun rushed to Renjia Town, the people in Renjia's second room also mistook the time as in the movie and thought that the body would be delivered tomorrow night.

At the same time, ah Hao rushes to the place where he meets his master Ma Ma Di and lies that he has sent Nintendo's body to Renjia town.

At 11:30, a military vehicle carrying experimental equipment and French scientists headed for e-Cheng.

Leave the bodies of death row prisoners in place.

More than ten minutes later, Jiu Shu, who just came back from other places, passed by and smelled the smell of blood. Then he found the bodies of the prisoners.

Looking at the tooth mark on the neck of the corpse, Jiu Shu's face was very ugly: "zombie."

It's not far from Renjia town. Thinking that this zombie might have gone to Renjia Town, Jiushu quickly gets up and speeds up the pace of returning to Renjia town.

Su Xun flew in front on a royal zombie, while Nintendo flew in the back with a black umbrella on his back.

Inside the black umbrella is Xiao Hong.

Dong Xiaoyu is not there, so wide umbrella, also don't know if she lives alone inside lonely.

At 12:30 in the morning, Su Xun landed outside Renjia town and walked into the town with two zombies.

"Good morning, commander!"

At the gate of Renfu, soldiers on guard salute.

"Is Madame here?" Su Xun asked.

The soldier replied, "report to the commander, my wife has been living in the second room of Ren family these two days, accompanying Miss Ren Zhuzhu."

"Go and tell Madame tomorrow morning that I'm here." Su Xun left a word and went to Ren's house.

"Yes, commander!"


The next day.

Two rooms of Ren family.

Early in the morning, the soldiers came to tell Ren Tingting that Su Xun had arrived.

Ren Tingting is so happy that she will go to see Su Xun even if she doesn't have breakfast.

"Sister, I'll go with you. I also want to see if my brother-in-law is as good as you said." Ren Zhuzhu is wearing a white shirt and black tights. Her long legs and buttocks are very attractive.

It's worthy of coming back from abroad. It's fashionable.

With a happy smile on her face, Ren Tingting said, "your brother-in-law is the best man in the world and the most beautiful man in the world."

"Well, I don't believe it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Ren Zhuzhu's mouth curls. The bastard who kisses him yesterday comes to mind involuntarily.

No matter how good-looking he is, how good-looking can he be?

I don't know if I can see him again.

Thinking about it, her face was a little hot.

Ren Zhuzhu followed Ren Tingting to Ren Fu.

"Good morning, madam!"

At the door, soldiers salute and say hello.

"Well, it's hard for you."

Ren Tingting responded with a smile, and then went in with Ren Zhuzhu.

Just now, you are really envious of the scenery

"No way." Ren Tingting's mouth rises.

A servant girl came up and said, "the young lady is back. My uncle is having breakfast with me."

Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu come to pianting hall.

"Dad, look for brother."

Ren Tingting shouts before she enters the door.

Ren Zhuzhu is a little confused. Isn't that guy the bastard who kisses himself yesterday?

He My brother-in-law?

Ren Zhuzhu is worried about gain and loss.

"Zhuzhu, what are you doing outside? Come in." Ren Tingting sits beside Su Xun, smiling and waving to Ren Zhuzhu outside the door.

Ren Zhuzhu pursed her lips, went in and called "Uncle" to Ren FA.

"Did you eat? Did you eat? Sit down and eat together." Ren FA said affably.

Zhuting looked for her cousin from abroad. She just came back

"Hello." Su Xun held out a hand.

Ren Zhuzhu hands over: "brother in law good."

Then the next second she blushed, because she felt that Su Xun had touched her palm.

She looked at Su Xun. Su Xun let go of her hand and said, "what are you doing standing here? Sit down."

"Thank you, brother-in-law." Ren Zhuzhu sat down on the right side of Su Xun. He said in his heart that men were all assholes.

I know I'm my sister-in-law, but I can't change my face. It's really a bad thing to play with me.

However, she didn't feel disgusted. On the contrary, she preferred Su Xun's bad style. She just felt sorry for Ren Tingting.

In the movie, Ren Zhuzhu falls in love with ah Hao, the ruffian, which shows that Bai Fumei has a rebellious heart in her heart.

Ren FA asked his servant to add two sets of chopsticks.

"Take your time. I'll go to Yizhuang."

Su Xun was the first to finish eating. He said hello and left. When he came to Renjia Town, how could he not meet Jiu Shu, an old friend?

When Su Xun came to Yizhuang, he saw Wencai sweeping the floor: "Wencai, where's your master?""Commander Su, you are here." Seeing Su Xun, Wen Cai lost his broom and said, "my master came back last night and thought that there was a zombie in Ren's family town. I haven't found it all night. I'm sleeping."

"So free, have you swept the floor?" Uncle Jiu came out without expression.

Wencai quickly picked up the broom: "master, I'm sweeping now. You and commander Su talk first."

"Well! Use your words Uncle Jiu snorted and looked at Su Xun: "are you going to mourn for Nintendo?"

Su Xun nodded and sat down on the stone bench. He asked casually, "why don't you see Qiu Sheng?"

"Qiusheng has gone back to the devil. I sent him on the train. I came back last night." Uncle Jiu said.

Su Xun was stunned: "Qiu Sheng, go to the devil, all go to mourning?"

"Qiusheng's surname is Huo. He is the eldest son of Huo Yuanjia, the leader of the demon capital Jingwu sect. His father competed with the islanders and died in the challenge arena." Uncle Jiu said slowly.

Su Xun was stunned and blurted out: "does he have a younger brother named Huo tingen?"

"How do you know?" Uncle Jiu was shocked.

as like as two peas, Hotingen and Su Qiu are looking at the secret road. Of course, I have seen the movie of the hero of the hero.

Chen Zhen is the main character in this movie.

It's about Huo Yuanjia competing with Akutagawa Yilong, a subordinate of Fujita Gang, an island officer. However, he was poisoned chronically and died in the challenge arena.

Chen Zhen, who was studying on the island, returned home to find out the cause of his master's death and killed Fujita Gang to avenge his master.

"However, how can Qiusheng come to renjiazhen?" Su Xun looked at Uncle Jiu in doubt.

Jiushu said: "Qiusheng is young and ill. His aunt took him back when she went to see him and asked me to treat him. I saw that he had a good bone talent, so I accepted him as an apprentice. He has been living in his aunt's house."

Su Xun suddenly realized.

"Qiu Sheng's father was killed by the islanders. He and the islanders have a grudge against killing his father. What do you think of being a master?" Su Xun poured himself a cup of tea.

Uncle Jiu sighed: "the country of bullets, who would have thought it would be a great disaster in China? It's God's will. Six years later, Maoshan will be closed and Qiusheng will join the army. "

"As for me, I will go all over the world, kill demons and demons, and do my best for the peace of the world."

He couldn't change the decision of closing the mountain to avoid disaster. He could only decide to do it by himself.

"If the land of China and the island country do not retreat, there will never be peace in the world." Su Xun said lightly.

Jiushu said: "the general situation is like this. Heaven's destiny can't be violated. A peck and a drink have their own number."

"You're right. China must go through this catastrophe to prosper. No one can change it." Su Xun said, there was a pause, and then he said, "but in six years, I will go to the island."

Uncle Jiu thinks that Su Xun is stubborn. How can he go to the island country alone? Can it bring chaos to the island?

Although he didn't think so, he still admired it in his heart, so he reminded him: "now you use the method of controlling the corpse to poison the heart of your son and mother."

"Not bad." Su Xun nodded.

Uncle Jiu said: "there is a distance limit for the son mother to control the corpse. You can use the blood of the six Yin women to mix your own blood and the blood essence of the ghost king to feed the zombies. No matter how far apart, as long as the zombies are still alive, you can feel it."

"Thank you, uncle nine." Su Xun didn't expect that there was something unexpected. The distance limit was very hard.

For example, if Ren Weiyong was not taken with him this time, he had to be pasted with a corpse talisman.

Otherwise, Ren Weiyong will lose control and go crazy.

Uncle Jiu shook his head: "don't thank me. Six Yin women and ghost king are not so easy to meet."

Ghost king he already has a place, as for six Yin female, can ask Wang Hui to help calculate its position.


At the same time, the inn learned that ah Hao had lost his body.

As in the movie, ah Hao pretends to be the body of Ren Taiye. Tonight, ah Qiang drives him to Ren's home, buries him and digs him out to deal with Ren's family.

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