The three island ronins got up from the ground, helped each other and limped away.

"What are you doing? Why don't you go and get the batter back Captain Cao yelled at his men.

One of his subordinates reminded him: "Captain, the one who hit is Ren FA Ren's son-in-law."

"So what? Let's go. Follow me to Renfu to arrest people! " Captain Cao's eyes brightened, because he could take advantage of this opportunity to knock a sum of money out of Renfu.

"Captain, Mr. Ren. His uncle's surname is su. He is the commander of the Echeng garrison. He has thousands of guns in his hands."

The expression on captain Cao's face was stiff, and then he said: "so what? He's an Islander now. I have to give him an account! "

The rest of the security team secretly scolded the dog traitors. After all, they were all born and raised in Renjia town. Only Cao was transferred from outside.

They suddenly feel that captain awei is much better. Although he is greedy, lustful and timid, he is more than 100 times stronger than Cao.

With the support of the islanders, Captain Cao went to Ren's house to find Su Xun.

He thought very clearly. He couldn't do anything about Su Xun, and he didn't have the ability.

After waiting for Ren Fu, he analyzed the pros and cons, advised Su Xun to apologize to the island people.

At that time, it not only took this opportunity to establish its authority, but also won the favor of the island people.

It's killing two birds with one stone.

Team Cao grew up and swaggered into Renfu.

"Kang! High

Three minutes later, Captain Cao was carried out by two soldiers and left at the gate of Ren mansion like a dead dog.

The members of the security team waiting outside looked at each other, then spit on the body of Captain Cao one by one, and then left with the body.

"Mad, what the hell."

Su Xun threw the gun to Wang Ying.

Compared with the islanders, he hated the traitors who tried to be dogs for the islanders.

Ren Zhuzhu's eyes are shining. She feels that her brother-in-law is really handsome. She loves her so much.

"Cao's surname is transferred from above. If you kill him, it will be OK." Ren FA is a little nervous.

Su Xun didn't think so: "it's just that I don't know how to raise a dog. Just kill it. Who can do anything to me?"

"Come on, go to the town to find three injured Islanders, follow them, make them in the dark at night, and throw their bodies outside the town."

The reason why we don't kill them in the daytime is that in full view of the public, they have a great influence.

At night, they are killed quietly, and the corpses are fed to the dogs. Who knows where they have gone?



"Pa!" "Pa!" "Pa!"

The three slaps were clear and loud.

In the dark room, two or three people on the well bowed their heads. They didn't dare to fart after being beaten.

"Baga!" The slapper cursed.

"Hi X3

the three bowed their heads.

"Don't forget our purpose. Maoshan's corpse driving skill is extremely mysterious. Now the Dragon kingdom is in chaos. This is the best opportunity for our Jiuju sect!"

"Hi X3

"leave Renjia town tonight to meet with Yamamoto Jun. Hao Erjun, they have retreated back to China three days ago, so we should go."

"Hi X3

as soon as it was dark, four islanders left Renjia Town, but no one was following them.


Half an hour later, uncle Jiu found Su Xun.

"Uncle Jiu, what's the matter?" See nine uncle brow tight wrinkly, Su Xun doubts of ask a way.

Uncle Jiu said in a deep voice: "numbly dead."

"What? How did you die? " Su Xun was stunned.

Uncle Jiu shook his head: "I don't know who did it. At the same time, many Maoshan disciples who chased the corpses were attacked and robbed a lot of corpse driving scripts."

"The secret of robbing the corpse?" Su Xun was even more confused.

Just then a soldier came in.

"Chief of the report, I have something important to report!"

"What's the matter?" Su Xun asked.

The soldier replied, "chief, we followed the three Islanders and found that they had left Renjia town. They were going to fight outside Renjia Town, but they found that they were going to meet people. There were many islanders. I thought the situation was wrong, so I came back to report them first."

"Did you hear what they said?" Su Xun frowned. How could there be so many islanders.

The soldier recalled: "because we were worried about being found, we were so far away that we only vaguely heard the words of Maoshan, chasing the corpse, returning home and so on."


Su Xun and Jiu Shu looked at each other.

There is absolutely no one in China who dares to rob Maoshan's Secret books on such a large scale, but the islanders absolutely dare.

"Take us there now!"

Su Xun took the Royal zombies and Nintendo and set out with Jiu Shu.

Half an hour later, I came to a forest outside Renjia town. From a distance, I saw a group of islanders gathered together, and it seemed that they were still waiting.The zombies and the sovereigns directly let Nintendo.

Nintendo and royal zombies flew by.

"Flying corpse!"

Uncle Jiu opened his eyes and blurted out.

"Who is it?"

The people of the archipelago heard the sound. The people with guns drew their guns and the people with knives drew their swords.

Uncle Jiu's face changed and he screamed.

At this time, Royal zombies and Nintendo fell from the sky and fell in front of the islanders.

"Kang Kang..."

The island people shoot subconsciously.

However, Royal zombies and Nintendo have nothing to do with each other. They just yell and rush to kill the past.


The Royal zombie grabs one and sucks blood, then drops the body and rushes to the next.

Nintendo is even more exaggerated, directly extend the hands, who caught a bite to suck blood.

"Damn it! What the hell is this

"Run! Run separately! Ah

"Yahu butterfly! Monster, monster

The islanders were scared out of their wits and ran away, but they couldn't escape because Nintendo could move in a flash.

This is a one-sided massacre.

Jiushu was stunned, especially Nintendo's ability, which made Jiushu dumbfounded.

"Flying corpse?" Uncle Jiu quickly ruled out this idea: "no, it can't be a flying corpse."

"It's just a variation." Su Xun said.

Nine uncle corners of the mouth twitch, good a just variation, this step horse call just?

Su Xun let the zombie leave a living.

"No, don't kill me, don't kill me."

The surviving Islander knelt on the ground, shivering and uttering the lame words of the Dragon kingdom.

Uncle Jiu tore open the clothes of a corpse on the ground and looked at a Maoshan secret book that had fallen from it. Uncle Jiu's face was very ugly: "it's really them."

Finally, after interrogation, it was learned that these people were all from the Jiuju School of the island state. They came to rob Maoshan to get rid of the corpse while the Dragon state was in chaos.

A total of two groups of people came, and one of them had already left for home three days ago.

"Damn it Nine uncles were surprised and angry when they learned that the secret book of Maoshan's corpse had fallen into the hands of the islanders.

But Su hears nine chrysanthemum one faction four words, but suddenly thought of a movie called exorcism police.

In this movie, it's Michiko nishiko from Jiushu PK Jiuju school.

The coroner used his wits.

Is it because this time the Jiuju faction snatched back these Maoshan corpse driving secret scripts and then studied them, that they finally got the corpse control technique that the member of the Jiuju faction, Michiko nishiko, used when he was fighting Jiushu?

However, the plot of that movie was in 1990, nearly 60 years away.

Su Xun took back his thoughts, looked at Jiu Shu, and said, "Jiu Shu, it's so far. It's no use saying anything else. In the future, we can only take precautions."

"Alas." Uncle Jiu sighed.

After killing the living man, Su Xun and Jiu Shu leave with the stolen Maoshan corpse driving script.

A few minutes later, behind the low slope in the distance, an Islander crawled out tremblingly and said with lingering fear: "dragon Kingdom corpse driving skill, Si Kingdom one."

Then, he took a look at the corpses on the ground and ran along the road.

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