The ghost King's blood has arrived, but the soldiers who were sent to Zhuge's house to ask Wang Hui to calculate the six Yin women have not returned.

Kat's heart has been sliced. I don't know what he's studying.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was June that Su Xun received a letter brought back by someone.

The letter was written by soldiers sent to Zhuge's house.

The letter says that Wang Hui is away from home. He is waiting at Zhuge's house. Once there is a result, he will come back.

Su Xun could only put the matter behind him for a while and put the focus on the government affairs of e-Cheng.

After Liu Dutong's death, Qinxi had been stabilized again after a period of chaos.

The government took advantage of this opportunity to send people to take over the west of Qin Dynasty, and designated Kangcheng as a new provincial capital.

In order to maintain stability, Su Xun was promoted to an official, a commander, a division commander, and a major general.

Now I can barely call myself commander su.

It's much harder than the grassroots kings who dare to call themselves "great commanders" when they occupy a town.

But Su Xun didn't take it seriously.

After all, he is not going to be a warlord all his life, and he is not interested in promoting him to a commander.

The reason why he is still a warlord is to take advantage of his identity.

For example, some time ago, he sent a platoon of soldiers to follow Zhuge kongfu out to collect demon spirits and coffin fungi.

After all, Nintendo also wants to upgrade the copper armor corpse.

Nintendo already has some abilities of flying corpse. Isn't it heaven to really advance into flying corpse?

On June 5, Su Xun was having lunch with his four aunts when a soldier came to report.


"Come in." Su Xun said.

A soldier walked into the side hall and looked at Su Xun respectfully handing over an invitation: "marshal, marshal Xu of Tengteng town sent someone to send an invitation."

"Oh? Bring it here. " Su Xun put down the dishes.

This commander-in-chief Xu knows that the warlords in Qindong province next door don't set up his mansion in the city, but in the town. He doesn't know what he thinks.

Moreover, he always felt that Tengteng town seemed familiar to him, but he couldn't remember it for a moment.

Bai Rourou got up, took the invitation from the soldiers, and then handed it to Su Xun with both hands.

Su Xun opened it and saw that it was Marshal Xu who was going to marry his fourth aunt on the 12th of this month and invited him to the banquet.

Tengteng Town, Xu dashai, married the fourth aunt.

These three key words together, Su Xun suddenly thought of a movie, and finally knew why Tengteng town sounded familiar.

This movie is really the shadow of childhood, more shadow than the legend of hemp clothes - Ghost cannibal.

The movie is about five ghost babies brought up by Bailian in the former Qing Dynasty. They were later sealed in an ancient vase by a Buddhist master and suppressed by a little golden Buddha.

Then during the period of the Republic of China, when the warlord Xu dashai robbed the tomb, he dug out the ancient bottle and the little golden Buddha that sealed the ghost baby, and took it back to his home.

Because of the suppression of the Golden Buddha, nothing happened at the beginning. Xu dashai happily married a fourth aunt and spoiled her only.

This caused the other three aunts to be jealous, but they were very sensible.

Not only did he not make a big noise, but because he was afraid that marshal Xu would be cold, out of concern, he put on a hat one after another.

Well, it's just that the color of the hat is green.

Among them, the housekeeper of Marshal Xu's mansion is the one who gives Marshal Xu a green hat with the third aunt.

The housekeeper used a fake Golden Buddha to take away the bag of the Golden Buddha, which suppressed the ghost baby, and took it to the pawnshop to sell.

Without the suppression of the Golden Buddha, Five ghosts were born. Four of them were attached to Yeyu's four daughters and made all four aunts pregnant. They were pregnant with ghost babies.

The fifth ghost baby is attached to dashai mansion. A servant named the sixth day of junior high school slaps Xiaoyu, a servant girl. Then Xiaoyu is pregnant with the fifth ghost baby.

An expert named Qinghai mage in Yizhuang of Tengteng town arrived in time to kill four ghost babies who had not yet been born.

But the fifth ghost baby was successfully born by Xiaoyu and killed Qinghai mage.

At the end of the movie, on the sixth day of junior high school, according to the last words of Qinghai mage, we know that only the Golden Buddha can kill the ghost baby.

So he found the Golden Buddha and saw the talisman pattern left by the master of Qinghai in Yizhuang.

He burned the Golden Buddha into juice and used the juice to copy a spirit talisman to kill the ghost baby and the fish possessed by the ghost.

One of the most memorable scenes of this movie for Su Xun is that when the ghost baby was born, his belly was torn open and his head came out

I used to feel scared, but now I feel sick.

He also knew why Xu dashai had set his mansion in Tengteng town. He was afraid that the ancient tomb had not been excavated yet.

"I see. You go back and I'll be there on time for a wedding." Su Xun looked at the soldier and said.

"Yes, marshal." Then he turned around and sent the invitation back.

"Shall we go with you or not?" Ren Tingting looks at Su xunruo and asks.Su Xun shook his head: "no, it's hard work. I'll go alone."

He was aiming at the little golden Buddha. Even ghosts can be killed. If it's used to smash people, can't it kill them all at once?

It's not safe to put such a dangerous weapon outside. Let him keep it.

"Take Wang Ying with you." Su Ting said that she was afraid of a woman.

Compared with those women who don't know what to do, of course, the people around them are better.

After all, they use that too.

How disgusting it would be if susian came to sleep with some unruly women outside.

Su Xun was just about to speak when Zhuge kongfu rushed over.

A voice comes before a man.

"Marshal, I'm back, marshal."

"How's it going?" Su Xun got up in an instant.

Zhuge kongfu showed a bright smile and patted his chest: "marshal, when did I let you down? No result, I dare to come back? "

"Cut the crap and say it." Su Xun impatiently interrupted his boast, he now just want to know which coffin fungus and demon soul can be used to advance Nintendo.

"Marshal, I've heard that there is a dead king of Xiangxi around Pingshan in Xiangxi. There must be coffin fungus on him!" Zhuge kongfu said.

Su Xun raised his eyebrows: "Pingshan in Xiangxi?"

"Yes, I came into a Miao village by chance and listened to the villagers." Zhuge kongfu nodded.

Su Xun had doubts in his heart and asked: "did the people in Miao Village say that the dead king of Xiangxi was a general of Yuan Dynasty?"

"Marshal, you're really a mastermind!" Zhuge kongfu looked at Su Xun in shock.

He couldn't understand why he had to ask his sister-in-law Wang Hui to help him figure out the position of liuyinnv since he was so accurate?

Su Xun said that I just read countless films.

"Well, I see. You did a good job." Su Xun has determined that this corpse king in Western Hunan is the one in the world net drama nuqing Xiangxi.

Zhuge kongfu said: "marshal, I came back as soon as I found out the news of Xiangxi corpse king. Now I will set out to collect demon spirits."

"No need." Su Xun shook his head, looked at Zhuge kongfu and said, "have a rest for a few days, and come to Tengteng town with me to attend a wedding banquet in two days."

Nuqing Xiangxi not only has Xiangxi corpse king, but also has goblins, such as a six winged centipede spirit.

The coffin fungus and demon soul are taken away.

Qindong province and Xiangxi border, just to Tengteng town to get the Golden Buddha, you can go straight to Xiangxi territory.

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