Looking at the herbs in Hualing's hand, Su Xun confirmed that this was the beginning of the plot of nuqing Xiangxi.

Chen Yulou and Luo laowai have reached the cliff of Pingshan and are preparing to go to the underground palace for the first time.

"You Who are you

Hualing was sitting on the ground, holding herbal medicine in one hand, touching his leg in the other hand, and pursed his lips. He opened his watery eyes and looked at Su Xun.

She was a little girl in a Taoist suit. Her hair was fixed with a wooden hairpin, and her face was plump.

Lovely, want to

"Don't be afraid, little girl. We are good people."

Su Xun came forward and squatted down in front of Hualing, showing a gentle smile.

Hualing is proficient in pharmacology and can cure diseases. If she is in the game team, she belongs to the role of nanny.

Looking at Su Xun close at hand, Hua Ling's eyelashes blinked and subconsciously hid for a while.

Although the officer is more beautiful than the elder martial brother, there are no good soldiers these days.

"Step, step..."

At this time, the forest is a burst of foot sound sounded, a tall man came out.

"Who is it?"

The soldiers surrounded.


Su Xun recognized that this guy was from Chen Yulou. Kunlun was a mute.

Kunlun stares at Su Xun, as if wondering how he knows himself.

"Kunlun, I know Chen Yulou. Take me to see Chen Yulou." Su Xun didn't tell a lie. He had seen the play and confirmed that he knew Chen Yulou.

Chen Yulou doesn't know him.

"Yes, yes."

Su Xun understood the gesture of nodding after Kunlun's babbling.

Su Xun looked at Hua Ling: "you sprained your foot?"

"Yes, yes." Hualing nodded. It was so painful.

Su Xun said with a smile, "let me help you go."

In the play, Kunlun handed a stick to Hualing as a crutch and walked with it. It's true that God didn't know how to seize the chance to get rid of the single created by him.

Su Xun is different.

God gives him a chance and he takes it.

If God doesn't give him opportunities, he will make them himself.

"Thank you Thank you Hualing pursed her mouth, hesitated for a moment, and handed her hand over.

She tried to get up, but she sprained her ankle. It was very serious at that time. She could get up and couldn't walk.

Susian held her hand. The back of her hand was slippery and cool. There was a cocoon in the palm of her hand.

He pulled her up, supported her and walked up the mountain behind Kunlun.

Hualing was held by Su Xun, smelling the strange, strong male atmosphere, which made her a little shy.

She wanted to say that she could be helped by another woman, but she felt that it was a great kindness for her to be helped by others. She should not be choosy.

The mountain road is hard to walk, the two bodies touch and rub from time to time, and the strange atmosphere spreads in silence.

Su Xun said, "the girl's name is Hualing."

"How do you know? Do you know me? " Hua Ling turns around and looks at Su Xun in doubt.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I dreamed of it."

"Deceiving. You must know me." Hua Ling tooted her lips. She didn't believe Su Xun's words.

Su Xun continued: "really, if you don't believe me, I'll tell you about my dream..."

Su Xun told Hua Ling the story of nuqing Xiangxi in a very bad way.

"You Who are you? "

Hualing's pretty face is full of shock. How can he know that he and his elder martial brother are looking for xiaochenzhu.

He said it as if it were true.

Are there really six winged centipedes in the tomb?

Will you really die in it?

"I said it. I dreamed about it." By knowing the plot, you can do whatever you want.

"Are you also here for the Yuan Dynasty tomb in Pingshan?" Hualing asked another question.

Su Xun looked at her and said, "I'm here for you. You're so cute. I can't bear you to die."

"Please respect yourself." Hualing's face was full of seriousness, and then added: "you are full of flowers, I don't believe you any more."

"No? We'll see. "

Su Xun didn't say any more. After what he said happened, she would naturally believe it.

If she believes it, she'll get it.

Half an hour later, a group of people came to the top of the mountain.

"Who is it?"

Luo laowai's soldiers and Chen Yulou's Xie linglishi heard the footsteps and drew their guns one after another.


Kunlun makes a gesture to Chen Yulou.

"Don't shoot, somebody knows me!"

Chen Yulou understood the meaning of Kunlun.


After the partridge whistle and the old foreigner saw that Hualing was supported by Su Xun, their faces changed."Don't get me wrong, Hualing girl sprained her ankle, and I just met her." Su Xun said.

Zhegushao and the old foreigner are Hualing's elder martial brothers, and they also belong to the group of mountain movers.

Hualing nodded: "mmm."

"Thank you, sir." Partridge whistle and Lao Yang's face color eased a little, and they bowed to Su Xun.

"Granny's, this son of a bitch is a soldier."

Looking at Su Xun's well-equipped soldiers, Luo laowai envied him.

Because compared with Su Xun's soldiers, the army ruffians behind him, who were seven down and eight crooked and couldn't wear their hats well, were just a mob.

Yang said in a low voice: "Luo Shuai, this group of people are not good at it. I'm afraid they are here to rob the baby."

"Mad." Luo laowai scolded in a low voice. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Chen Yulou looked at Su Xun and said, "you are invited. I don't know who you are. You know me, but I have no impression of you."

"Mr. Chen, I'm su. Don't you know me now?" Su Xun said with a smile.

As he spoke, he looked at the crowd.

The middle-aged man with an open uniform and a full face is Xiangxi warlord Luo laowai.

Next to him was deputy Yang, who had two moustaches and looked like a bad thing.

Chen Yu Lou was stunned, and then laughed: "Su Shuai is interesting. Su Shuai inspired many people. Is this also for the treasure in the tombs of the Yuan Dynasty?"

"You don't have to worry. The baby I want is not the same as the baby you want." Su Xun knew that they were afraid of robbing themselves.

Soon, according to the play, Chen Yulou decided to take 30 people to explore the way.

Luo Lao Wai didn't dare to go down, so he sent Deputy Yang.

On the other side of the mountain Porter, Hualing stayed up because of his sprained foot, and the partridge whistle and the old foreigner went down.

Luo laowai looked at Su Xun: "Su Shuai can't go down?"

"I won't join in the fun." Su Xun said with a light smile, according to the plot, they will encounter centipede attack when they go down, and then hastily withdraw.

Chen Yulou is in a coma below, and will be sent up by the six winged centipede.

Su Xun just had to wait on it and catch the six winged centipede when it appeared.

Seeing that Su couldn't go down to the underground palace, he didn't send anyone down. Others couldn't figure out his way.

This man doesn't look like he's coming for gold, silver and jewelry. So why did he come?

Hua Ling was a little silly. He took a look at Su Xun. Did he really come for me?

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