People are in a good mood at happy events.

Another good thing.

I don't know if it was the spirit of flowers that had the effect of joy. The next day, the soldiers sent by Su Xun to Zhuge family came back.

"Marshal, Mrs. Wang has figured out the position of liuyinnv, which is in the northernmost part of the west of Qin Dynasty."

The dusty soldier said to Su Xun.

Su Xun nodded: "it's a good job. Go and get a reward by yourself. Have a good rest for a few days."

"Thank you, marshal." The soldier was overjoyed, saluted Su, and then turned to leave.

After the messenger left, Su Xun called for a map of Qinxi province.

Then find the northernmost town above, which is called Chenjia town.

Knowing the specific location, the six Yin women would be at your fingertips. To be exact, it was her blood.

However, six Yin female so harsh conditions can be achieved, is this the role of which film?


Suddenly, a voice broke Su Xun's misty thoughts.

Su Xun looked up. It was Zhang Muzhi and said, "come in. What's the matter?"

"Marshal, there is an Islander named Koizumi who wants to see you." Zhang Muzhi said.

Su Xun raised his eyebrows: "Oriental dog?"

"Listen to this surname, it may be a noble blood." Zhang Muzhi smiles.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I'll have to bring it in and have a look."

"Yes Zhang Muzhi turned and left.

A few minutes later, he came in with three Islanders. The two young men looked like followers.

The middle-aged man with a standard Japanese beard should be taro Koizumi.

"Susan, nice to meet you."

As soon as they shake hands with Koizumi's bright smile, they come in.

Su Xun ignored directly, went to the chair and sat down: "come on, what can I do for you?"

Koizumi's hand in the air, embarrassed.

"Baga!" A young man behind him pointed at Su Xun and said angrily, "you are so rude!"

Su Xun looked at him carelessly and learned to speak: "who is working for you?"

Then he looked at Zhang Muzhi and said, "adjutant Zhang, what do you think of my island accent?"

"That's not to say. The authentic Tonkin accent, at least at the level of Dazuo." Zhang Muzhi is in harmony with Su, and chiguoguo ridicules the island youth.

"You..." The young man was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said, "arrogant dragon, you'd better remember this name. My name is Ichio Yamamoto! In the future, you may hear it often! "

"It's none of my business for you to marry a second husband." Su Xun waved his hand and looked at Koizumi: "you didn't come to see me just to scold me, did you?"

It's said that island people have some strange hobbies. Maybe.

In addition, he thinks that this Yamamoto is a little familiar, but he can't remember where he met him.

Yamamoto's name is familiar.

"Husband, don't be rude!" Su said, "I sent you a pair of money from Koizumi."

"I'm interested when you say that." Su Xun leaned forward: "come on, talk about it carefully."

Koizumi's eyes flashed a touch of contempt, but his face was full of smile: "now in Qinxi, susang is the most powerful. Have you ever thought of unifying Qinxi? Even taking the west of Qin Dynasty as the starting point to occupy the capital

"Why not? I want to go to the capital during the day, cry at night and dream. " Then Sue sighed, "I have no money!"

"Now there is." "As long as susang becomes a loyal friend of our great Oriental Empire, we will provide susang with low interest loans," he said with a smile

The Empire had decided to conquer the dragon, but the Dragon kingdom was too big, especially in the inland areas such as the west of Qin Dynasty, they couldn't fight in for a while.

So I want to support the puppets, draw big cakes, pay money, let them fight each other, a disunited dragon state is beneficial to the great cause of the Empire.

"Really?" Su Xun was surprised and couldn't wait to say, "please lend me 50 million."

Koizumi's eyes widened: "take the liberty to ask, what does Su sang want to do by borrowing so much?"

"What else can I do? Of course, it's to buy guns and guns to fight the devil. " Su Xun said naturally.

"Puff -"

Zhang Muzhi couldn't help laughing, looked at Koizumi and said apologetically, "sorry, Mr. Yamamoto, I just thought of something happy."

Koizumi's face was gloomy and angry. He stared at Su Xun: "is Su sang playing with me?"

"It's really smart to step on a horse. You can see that." Su Xun expressed his appreciation.

But it is a great insult to Koizumi.


Koizumi got up in a rage and left."Step, step..."

A team of soldiers rushed in and surrounded the three men.

"Susan, what are you doing?"

Koizumi turns around and stares at Su Xun.

"You said you came to give me money. Now I haven't received the money, but you want to leave. Isn't that a lie to me? I hate being cheated

Su Xun's voice fell, and he smashed his cup on the ground. He got up and went to Koizumi.

"Three million ocean, less than a son, you don't want to go out of goose City alive. Now let the army of your island country fight to goose City!"

"You How dare you blackmail me? " Koizumi's body trembled, so angry that he couldn't even speak quickly.

Su Xun patted his face and said gently, "Mr. Yamamoto, you misunderstood me. I'm just helping you realize your previous promise."

"You You... " Koizumi was so angry that he was hurt. He didn't expect to be blackmailed.

Of course, it's not realistic for the island army to fight in the west of Qin Dynasty now, because the army is still outside Shanhai Pass.

Koizumi forbeared his anger: "I asked to talk to the outside and ask someone to send money."

He had to agree that if he was the only one, the key was Yamamoto's dignity, and he didn't dare to let him have an accident.

"That's right. To be a man, you have to keep your word. Since you've come to give me money, how can you leave without it?" Su Xun said to Koizumi in the tone of educating children.

Yamamoto stares at Su Xun.

Su Xun looked at him: "look at your father."

"Baga!" Yamamoto was furious.


Su Xun raised his hand and slapped: "dad taught you a lesson today. When you become a prisoner, your meaningless anger will only make you suffer more blows."

"Come on, pull it down and beat it up."

Two soldiers came forward to drag Yamamoto.

"Stop it! I've promised to give you money. You can't do that again! " Cried Koizumi.

Su Xun's eyes brightened: "Oh, so nervous, this guy's identity is not general, right? That's going to cost more. "

"Two million more, five million in all. One less son, I'll kill him first."

Of course, this is a bluff. He doesn't dare to kill these guys. After all, he can't just think about himself, but also think about the overall situation.

The identities of these three people are obviously different. They may be in military ranks. If he kills them, or if they die in the west of Qin Dynasty, the island state will attack the Dragon state.

Koizumi also felt that normal people did not dare to kill them, so he was so fearless.

But he didn't think Su Xun was normal.

So, in the face of madman, he dare not gamble.

"Good! Five million

On July 5, after receiving a humanitarian donation from five million Island friends to support the Anti Japanese War, Su Xun sent Koizumi Erlang and three people out of Echeng.

July is too hot, in order to be afraid of their rash, they were also kindly stripped.

And still drive them back, let them sit in the body, so convenient to blow.

By the way, let the people of e-Cheng know the island people who donated money.

"Baga! Baga road! I swear, I will lead the troops into Qinxi, I will

Yamamoto's eyes were red and he roared hysterically. He had never been humiliated like this.

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