Zombie King, this is a classic.

I remember the plot very clearly.

The movie is about the ghost gate opening on the Chinese New Year's day. Uncle Jiu's Apprentice Wencai goes to the theater to see the play, but tonight's play is for ghosts, but Wencai doesn't know.

Nine uncle learned that, took Qiusheng to the theater, let Qiusheng go in, without disturbing the ghost to bring Wencai out.

As a result, Qiusheng and Wencai continue to perform the tradition of master Keng.

They meet a female ghost named Xiao Li in the theater. They are fascinated by her. They regard the four ghost guards as bullies and use Rune paper to suppress her.

Then there was no shade difference to look after, all the ghosts ran away, including Xiao Li.

This time, the hornet's nest was broken. So many ghosts ran away. Uncle Jiu couldn't wipe his ass for his apprentice. Gu, so he asked a group of martial brothers to help him.

Including their elder martial brother Shi Jian.

Finally, he uses the congenital eight diagrams array to catch the ghost, and Jiushu bribes Yincha to solve the problem.

Because he bribed Yin Cha with a lot of money, Jiu Shu ran out of money, so he went to see feng shui for Qian's new cafe in the town. As a result, he met Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian.

On the surface, Shi Shaojian is Shi Jian's apprentice, but in fact he is Shi Jian's son.

At night, Mary and her daughter go to the wild to show their magic.

But Wencai and Qiusheng find out that they want to punish Shi Shaojian, so they let him steal his body and hide it when he is out of the body.

But I didn't expect that the body was gnawed by wild dogs.

Nine uncle know after for Shi Shaojian summon spirit, Shi Jian face-to-face did not trouble, but let nine uncle apprentices to find coffin fungus for Shi Shaojian mend spirit.

The coffin fungus is in the mouth of the Zombie King in the zombie forest.

Shi Jian didn't want any coffin fungus at all, but wanted to kill Jiu Shu and others by the Zombie King.

Finally, with the help of the female ghost Xiao Li, Jiu Shu takes back the fungus from the coffin, and Shi Jian abandons it like a clog. He uses magic to revive Shi Shaojian and turns him into a corpse demon.

The corpse demon looks like a human, but it needs to suck human blood for a long time to maintain its appearance.

Jiushu sees through his real body, uses Baibao soup to break the body of Shi Shaojian's corpse demon, and completely turns his face with Shi Jian, but Jiushu is not Shi Jian's opponent at all.

In the end, he rebounded Shi Jian's own attack with a piece of eight diagrams to kill him.

This shows that Shi Jian is very powerful.

Su Xun has been greedy for Shi Jian's thunder fist and Leidun for a long time. He must get it this time.

The second is greedy girl Xiao Li.

This female ghost is unusual. If she says a mantra, she can be on call. No matter where she is, she will appear instantly.

It's more intimate than door-to-door service.

And then there are those ghosts who are greedy to see the play. Three zombies are going to eat a lot.

Su Xun had a bold idea and a complete method.


July 15, morning.

Su Xun and Ren's sisters arrive at Ren's town.

Ren Zhuzhu's father Ren Cai came to greet him.

Ren FA was in charge of the ancestor worship in the Yuan Dynasty.

"Dad." "Second uncle."

Ren Zhuzhu and Ren Tingting say hello.

Both of them were dressed in white cheongsam, with beautiful appearance, enchanting figure and different customs.

Su Xun, who has picked the pearls of Ren family, has a great reputation in Ren family town.

"Hello, uncle." Su Xun also said hello.

After all, if you sleep with someone else's daughter, you have to be polite. It's called being polite in the future.

Ren Cai said with a smile: "well, well, the ancestor worship ceremony is about to start. Let's go to the ancestral hall first."

"Uncle, I heard that there will be a big show in town tonight." Su Xun seems to have no intention to ask.

Ren Cai nodded: "this is the tradition of Renjia Town, but the opera is for ghosts."

"Oh, I don't know where the stage will be? I can avoid it at night Su Xun asked.

Ren caiyao pointed to a direction: "it's just north of the town. Don't go tonight."

Su Xun said in secret, I can't go there.

It's a theater in your eyes.

The cafeteria is in my eyes.

Of course, this meal can't be eaten in a restaurant.

You have to wait until the food runs out.

In the movie, ghosts love tofu, uncle Jiu uses tofu to attract ghosts, and then uses the array to catch ghosts

tofu is made of soybeans and red beans. After eating tofu, ghosts will feel weak and can't run.

Su Xun is going to use this move before Jiu Shu.

After Wencai and Qiusheng put down Yincha and let these ghosts run away.

He also brought them in with tofu, first let them eat tofu, and then let the zombies eat them.

That's fair enough.

And then by the way, you can let uncle Jiu carry the pot.Wenqiu and Wenqiu are the ones who let them go.

It's uncle Jiu's business if he can't find it back.

I have nothing to do with someone.

As we all know, I Su is a good man!

It's estimated that this time uncle Jiu's money will be doubled. If you don't add money, you can't solve this problem.

Uncle Jiu is such a man. This time he's bleeding heavily. Alas, it's really pitiful (๑́₃̀๑).

The compassionate Su Xun shook his head.

Jiushu, who is printing Ming money in Yizhuang, suddenly sneezes several times and rubs his nose.

"Isn't sugar cane aunt thinking about me?"

Think of cane Gu, nine uncle hit a spirit.

The woman has been eating him for a long time.

How can talin Jiu, who has been a boy for nearly forty years, take advantage of her?


Time flies to the evening.

In Yizhuang, Jiushu is still working overtime to print money. Qiusheng is working for him.

After all, there is a lot of money to be consumed.

This is equivalent to the modern Valentine's Day contraceptive, to a large number of consumption is a truth.

This example is easy to understand.

"Wow, master, five thousand taels. How can you print such a large face value?" Qiusheng picks up a Ming note.

Uncle Jiu said: "nonsense, too much paper money, resulting in the following inflation."

Then he sat down and began to write sacrificial rites.

I have to write and speak at the same time, and then I accidentally say my real name.

"Wow, master, your name is Lin Fengjiao. Tut Tut, Fengjiao, Fengjiao, Fengjiao."

Qiu Sheng is still hard to change his true colors of death. He comes up to the ninth uncle with a face full of banter.

This shows that he has come out of the grief of his father's death for the time being.

"Get the hell out of here!"

Uncle Jiu's face twitched and threatened: "if you dare to say it, I'm not polite to you."

"Don't worry, Fengjiao..." Qiusheng daily life and death, see nine uncle to be angry, quickly changed the subject: "master don't worry, I will not say."

"Hum!" Uncle Jiu snorted coldly, and then asked, "Wencai, why didn't you see him?"

"He's short. He went to the theater first." Qiu Sheng said carelessly.

"Theater?" Uncle Jiu's face changed: "tonight's play is for ghosts. Come with me."

"Ah? For ghosts? "

Qiusheng quickly follows up.

At the same time, Su Xun had already asked his men to prepare special tofu.

He went to the theater alone.

He had to watch the ghost run away with his own eyes.

By the way, I'll make friends with the four Yincha.

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