Dongtou village is located in the east of Renjia town.

Just like Jiushu's reputation in Renjia Town, Bagu's reputation in Dongtou village is far-reaching.

So Su Xun found her easily.

"You said you were my elder martial brother's friend?"

Sugar cane aunt looked at Su Xun in front of her.

Well, pretty white face.

But it's a little inferior to elder martial brother.

What is beauty in the eye of the beholder?

This is it. They have made false judgments without conscience.

Su Xun nodded and glanced at the three ghost baby dolls at the top of the room.

"Bagu, I'm here for the three ghost babies that uncle Jiu sent to you."

"Does my elder martial brother know?" Sugarcane Gu is very cautious, because these three ghost babies are very fierce.

Su Xun shook his head honestly: "Uncle Jiu doesn't know. It's what I want."

The reason why she didn't cheat cane Gu was that she would definitely go to him to prove her affection for Jiu Shu.

"Unless elder martial brother comes in person, I will not give the ghost baby to anyone." Sugarcane Gu refused, but the elder martial brother put it here. How can anyone take it away?

Su Xun laughed: "cane Gu, you like Uncle Jiu, but Uncle Jiu only has Michelin in his heart, right?"

"So what? One day, elder martial brother will be moved by me." Sugarcane Gu bottom gas shortage said.

Su Xun said slowly, "but as far as I know, michelian and her husband are going back to Renjia town. Aren't you afraid that Jiu Shu and her old love will revive?"

"How do you know, who told you?" Sugarcane Gu moment not calm, stare big eyes.

She felt a strong threat.

She has been pestering her elder martial brother for so many years. He has obviously become loose and doesn't hate himself.

She is confident that her elder martial brother will follow her.

But if Micheline comes back, all her confidence will be gone in a moment.

Instead of answering, Su Xun said, "give me the ghost baby. I can help you get Uncle Jiu."

Mad, it's a shame to say that.

"Tell me first." It is obvious that Zhagu is active.

Su Xun took out a small porcelain vase and put it on the table: "colorless and tasteless, as long as he sleeps with you, can he not be responsible?"

"Of course not!" She blurted out.

Su Xun pushed the porcelain bottle over: "don't mention it. As a friend of Jiu Shu, he's almost 40 years old and still doesn't have a family. I'm worried about it. I want to help him, too."

I helped uncle Jiu to get rid of the bill. This is more than Yuelao's contribution.

Uncle Jiu: Thank you.

"Isn't that too cheap?" Sugarcane Gu still hesitated, her eyes fixed on the small porcelain vase.

Su Xun said seriously: "this is for love, love a person never do!"

"You're right." Sugarcane Gu grabbed a small porcelain vase, her face almost turned into a flower.

Soon, Su Xun left with three ghost babies.

"Don't forget to buy me a wedding wine then."

"Sure, sure."

Looking at Su Xunyuan's back, sugar cane aunt's eyes fell on the small porcelain vase, full of expectation.

"Elder martial brother, although I lost your ghost baby, I compensated myself to you."

"It's a big deal. You'll work hard then. I'll give you three more babies. Hee hee."


After returning to Renjia Town, Su Xun fed all the three ghost babies to the Royal zombies.

After swallowing the third ghost baby, the Royal zombie has a golden spot on its hand.

Although it's just a piece the size of a fingernail, it's already a golden corpse. As long as these golden spots keep growing until they cover the whole body.

Su Xun finally had a sense of security.

After all, he had a disease called fear of insufficient force.

Once the force is sufficient, he is not afraid.

Su Xun gave Lei Dun and Ben Lei Quan he got from Shi Jian to the Royal zombie cultivation.

On the 18th of July, Su Xun took Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu on his way back to e-Cheng.

At the same time, Jiushu also took the corpses of Shijian and his son to Maoshan.

On July 22, Su Xun arrived in e-Cheng.

"Marshal, Mr. Kate said that he would let you go to the research laboratory as soon as you came back. He asked me to tell you that what he said last time has been successfully studied."

As soon as he got out of the car, Lin San gun came up.

"Oh?" Su Xun's eyes lit up and said to Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu, "you go home first."

"Well." They nodded cleverly.

Then Su Xun came to Kate's research room.

"My boss, you are back at last. The medicine I said last time has come out."Seeing Su Xun, Kate is very excited because he wants to share his research results with others.

To put it bluntly, it's about looking for someone to pretend.

The research results must be kept secret from others, and Su Xun is the only one he can force.

Su Xun asked, "are you sure of success?"

"This..." The smile on Kate's face froze, and then she said, "after my research, this is true in theory, but the actual situation is not clear."

Unless a person takes the medicine and observes it for years, he can't guarantee 100% success.

"Give me the potion first." Kate said that if it was successful in theory, then Su Xun was sure that it was completely successful.

According to the law of film, that's it.

Kate took out seven green potions that had been installed and carefully handed them to Su Xun: "boss, thank you for your support. I think it's time to say goodbye to you."

"You're going home?" Su Xun was stunned.

Kate shakes her head. "I'm going to do research on mummies. I'm going to do research on mummies."

"Well, I hope you can give me your research report on the elixir of immortality before you leave." Su Xun didn't stop him, because this guy might be able to make a great contribution to the development of mankind.

Kate nodded: "as you wish, you should have a copy of my research results. I may write a book in the future. Boss, your space will account for a large proportion of it."

"I hope you don't maliciously smear me in the book." Su Xun made a joke.

Kate waved: "of course not."

After returning to the Marshal's Mansion from Kate, Su Xun gave the potion to Hualing.

"Brother Xun, what's this?"

Bai Rou looks at Su Xun curiously.

"It's Kate's work that keeps you looking good." Su Xun gave a smile.

Several women's eyes widened in an instant.

"True or false?"

"Can that foreigner work out this?"

"It can't be deceiving!"

Face is not old, these four words are too attractive for women, so they can't believe it.

Su Xun shook his head: "I'm not sure about the specific effect, nor is Kate. It's just that after some relevant experiments, it's a success in theory."

"No matter, gamble. Anyway, there's no poison. If it's true, I'll make money." Said Anne.

Ren Tingting and others agreed, and then took the medicine in their hands.

The success of Kate's invention depends on time.

"Good, sweet, anything else?" Hualing's eyes narrowed, and some of them were still in the air.

"You think it's plain water." Su Xun rolled his eyes, then glanced at the five people: "to get down to business, I'm going to send you to Hong Kong Island."

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