On the way back to the south, Su Xun was still in no hurry, taking Ma Danna all the way.

This time, he and Shan Longjie, in particular, will go back to Maoshan.

How can I make up for the blisters on my feet?

"Brother Xun, how are you going to deal with the various sects in the spiritual world such as Longhushan and Maoshan this time?"

Walking along the mountain road, she didn't want to enjoy the scenery on both sides. Ma Danna looked at Su Xun uneasily.

She didn't want Su Xun to kill too many people, or she would be punished after she died.

Su Xun held her little hand: "don't worry, I know what I want for my husband. I won't kill him."

After all, although Su Xun hated Maoshan and Longhushan, u1s1, the two great sects of the spiritual world, did something good.

At least they're professional at dealing with ghosts.

For example, there is a zombie Taoist named Mao Xiaofang in Longhu Mountain. He can eliminate zombies and protect one side.

There are nine uncles in Maoshan who catch ghosts and demons to protect the peace.

The world is so chaotic, and there are more and more demons and demons. If the two factions are destroyed, who will catch the ghosts and destroy the demons.

If the spirit world is completely destroyed, the demons will be rampant, and the people who suffer will be the people under the stage.

"That's the best. I'm afraid you'll be angry and hurt the killer." Madonna was relieved.

Su Xun rubbed her little hand: "your hand is more and more slippery, and the cocoon in the palm is gone."

"I can't even bear the work of serving tea and pouring water. Of course, my hands are getting more and more slippery." Madonna rolled her eyes, but her face was full of smile and happiness.

The e demon three sisters behind her are full of tears, he is reluctant to let you do, let us do it all.

Not only let us work, from time to time come to the interest, but also work, we, too much!

"Cousin, are you tired, cousin?"

"A little bit."

"Cousin, walk slowly. I'll give you an umbrella, or the sun will tan your delicate skin."

A familiar voice came into his ears from behind, and Su Xun stopped.

"What's the matter, brother?" Asked Madana.

Although she was older than Su Xun, she yelled at her brother one by one naturally.

Su Xun turned around and looked at a familiar figure coming closer and closer behind him. The corners of his mouth Rose: "I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here."


Ma Danna looked at the two figures, one was a young man in military uniform and glasses, and the other was a young woman with snow-white skin in a skirt.

I don't know which one is brother Xun's acquaintance, but don't be that woman.

The two men on the other side also stopped. The young man in military uniform and glasses stared at Su Xun.

"Ah Wei, long time no see."

Su Xun showed a smile. That's right. The one wearing military uniform and glasses was Qiangzi, who used to be in TANJIA Town, and Ah Wei, the leader of Renjia town's security team.

A Wei: "is it really you?"

At the beginning, he thought he was dazzled. He didn't know for sure until Su Xun opened his mouth.

"Cousin, who is he?" The woman in the pink skirt beside him frowned and asked.

Ah Wei said, "he is..."

For a moment, I didn't know how to introduce Su Xun, because Su Xun had a lot of identities.

"I'm Su Xun, a friend of Ah Wei." Su Xun opened his mouth to help him out.

"Yes, my friend." Ah Wei nodded and then introduced the woman to Su Xun: "Su Xun, this is my cousin."

"Oh? It's just like awei. "

Looking at Ah Wei's cousin, Su Xun said that he had already guessed which movie it was.

Taoist Yimei.

This is a movie directed and acted by Jiu Shu. In the movie, Jiu Shu is called Taoist Yimei.

This movie is a bit messy. What impressed Su Xun most was that Jiu Shu raised a little zombie who ate tomatoes and a banana ghost in a red skirt.

The main line is a long eyebrow vs a vampire.

The neighboring village looks for Jiushu to see Fengshui. Jiushu finds that there is a problem with the water source, so he can only drill a new well. After choosing a place and leaving a mark, he is ready to start the next day.

But I didn't expect that at night, the mark was moved to another place not far away by a group of bats. The next day, a mummy was dug up from the ground.

There is a cross on the chest of the corpse. There is a ruby on the cross. Uncle Jiu thinks that the corpse is not right and says he wants to burn it.

However, avaricious Ah Wei died every day. For the ruby, he secretly changed the corpse to be burned, and then hid the corpse in his room, trying to saw off the gem with a saw.

As a result, he knocked out blood from his teeth and bled on the mummy. The mummy revived and sucked his cousin's blood. Then Jiu Shu killed the vampire after a fight.

"Ha ha ha, I like to hear you tell the truth the most." Hearing Su Xun say that he and his cousin are talented and beautiful, Ah Wei couldn't help laughing.Su Xun looked at his cousin: "Miss, do you know sugar cane aunt?"

is as like as two peas, Sandra Ng.

"Do you know my sister?" The woman was surprised.

Su Xun's mouth twitched, looked at Ah Wei and gave him a thumbs up: "Ah Wei, you can. Do you know that sugar cane aunt likes uncle Jiu?"

"Of course, sugar cane aunt was with my master a year ago." Ah Wei said.

"Did you make up with Uncle Jiu?" Su Xun asked

"Misunderstandings, just untie them." Awei waved his hand and pointed to his clothes: "I was transferred to Lvjia town as the leader of the security team. My master has also come to Lvjia town. I'll take you to see him."

"It has something to do with Uncle Jiu." The master and the apprentice married two sisters, and the younger generation became the same generation.

Ah Wei said with a smile, "it's a bit chaotic, but now my master is called Taoist priest Yimei because of the eyebrow problem. I just call him Taoist priest."

"You're a brilliant man."

Su Xun expressed his admiration. This guy is a professional security team leader and a professional cousin licker.

"You are more powerful."

Ah Wei looked at Ma Danna and the three sisters of e-demon, and frowned at Su Xun.

Su Xun laughed, low-key, low-key.

They soon caught up with Qiu Sheng and a Fang.

"Qiusheng, why do you go so fast? You are in a hurry to reincarnate!" Ah Wei didn't say well.

Qiu Sheng asked and looked back. Seeing Su Xun, he widened his eyes: "Su dashai!"

"Qiusheng, long time no see." Su Xun said with a smile.

"Elder martial brother, who is he?" A Fang has been helping Jiu Shu to look after his house in Lvjia Town, but he doesn't know Su Xun.

"Ma Danna, who was wearing a white cheongsam, whispered to him

"It's him!" A Fang stares big eyes, that raised three gold armor corpses, single pick spirit unreal world fierce male.

"What are you two talking about here? Throw things to Ah Wei, that bastard, and look for water."

Uncle Jiu came with the village head and others.

"No, master, marshal Su is here."

Qiu Sheng turned and said.

"Marshal Su? How handsome are you? Am I handsome? " Uncle Jiu didn't react at first.

"Uncle Jiu, I may be a little more handsome than you."

"Su Jiu Xun's face changed in a moment

Again, isn't that the guy?

But didn't see that three gold armor corpses, let nine uncle some doubts.

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