Princess Yunluo thought her virginity would be broken. Unexpectedly, a handsome young man appeared to help her. She was very surprised.

"Who are you?"

Tian can looks at Su Xun coldly.

"The dead don't need to know that much."

Su Xun said faintly, with a silent look, as if he was really looking at a dying man.

"That's a big tone. Die!"

Tiancan is furious. As the first master of the evil sect, he has never been so despised.

With a roar, he opened it up directly and used his unique skill, tiancanjiao.

Su Xun laughed and his eyes were frozen.


Tiancan explodes directly in situ, and the dust flies away.

It turns out that eyes can really kill people.

"This This... "

Princess Yunluo was confused. She thought there would be a big war.

I didn't expect that the day was broken.

She couldn't help looking at Su Xun. How strong was his martial arts?

Sorry, I'm Xiuxian.

The next second, Princess Yunluo felt dizzy and lost consciousness.

Su Xun took her out of the grotto.

Then he removed the magic from the stone gate, so that Wu Dehui and his disciples could wake up and break the stone gate.

He didn't eat alone. At least he left Xiaoman to the two of them.

The main reason is that he doesn't like Xiaoman, and his appearance and figure have not grown to his aesthetic point.

Su Xun took Princess Yunluo to a nearby farmyard for a night.

Before she goes to Hong Kong, she has to tell her what's going on.

In order to prevent the occurrence of moths, he didn't shout out the little world's aunts and grandmothers.

Su Xun felt that he might be able to divide the small world into several disconnected areas, and the beauties in each world were put in different areas.

Anyway, the small world is so big that each area will be built into a huge city.

In this way, they don't know each other's existence, so they have less trouble.

Then you can go to the area where you want to go. Isn't that wonderful?

When the stallion opens the back palace, it's also racking its brains. It's insane.

"Well ~"

a nice cry came into her ears. On the bed, Princess Yunluo slowly opened her eyes.

When he found himself lying on the bed, his face changed and he was relieved to check his clothes.

In ancient times, chastity was highly valued by women.

In the movie, Li Chi has to marry Xiaoman because she saw her navel.

Otherwise Xiaoman will commit suicide or kill Lichi.

Well, Sue thinks it's a good move.

"Girl, you wake up."

Su Xun looked at Princess Yunluo.

"Thank you for your help. By the way, my servant girl Xiaoman, and the two young masters?"

Princess Yunluo got up from the bed.

Su Xun said: "the cave has been closed for a long time. All kinds of poisonous fog surround it. I can only take the girl to leave alone. But you can rest assured that I have broken the stone gate when I leave. After ventilation, they will not be in danger."

The more you open your mouth, the more skillful you become.

"You don't have to blame yourself. You can save Yunluo. Yunluo has disappeared. If you are not a young man, Yunluo will lose her virginity." Said Yunluo.

Su Xun said: "miss Yunluo likes to have a rest. She went down to get some food. She just forced out the poison gas for her. She touched her stomach and found that she was still on an empty stomach. It's not very good."

"You You touched my stomach? " Yunluo's face suddenly changed and her pretty face became red.

Seeing this, Su Xun laughed in his heart, but he said, "I have to do it."

"Did you touch it directly, or untie your robe..." Yunluo couldn't speak any more. Her face became more and more red. She bowed her head and was very shy.

Su Xun was embarrassed: "this I dare not deceive miss Yunluo. I'm going to... "

"You don't have to say that." Yunluo interrupted him and said in a red face: "since you have seen Yunluo's belly, you have a close relationship. In the future In the future, Yunluo will be the son's person. Please take pity on him. "

That's the speed of the movie! Pay attention to a fast!

Of course, it's also because Su Xun is handsome.

But she said in the future, it's still early.

"This Is it a bit too old-fashioned? " Su Xun was in a dilemma.

Yunluo's pretty face turned white: "but you don't like Yunluo? In this case, Yunluo can only die. "

"No, miss Yunluo, I don't mean that. I just have many wives and concubines..." Su Yingdi looks like he wants to talk but stops.

Yunluo was relieved and said, "it's common sense for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Yunluo is not a person who doesn't know the etiquette, but you can be at ease.""In this case, in the face of Yunluo such a beautiful woman, where can I have the heart to refuse?" Su Xun looked at her affectionately and held her little hand.

Yunluo's body trembled and her pretty face turned red.

This is called movie speed. As long as you follow the plot, everything will be fast.

Next, Su Xun explained to Yunluo that it was 1989, not the Yuan Dynasty.

Then she took a set of women's clothes of an Zizhen from the system space, and they were almost the same.

White shirt with sky blue jeans.

A pair of long legs is really beautiful.

"Xianggong, are you too ashamed?"

For the first time, Yunluo was embarrassed to wear these pants.

God, how can people here wear such clothes? They would invade the pig cage at that time.

"No, that's good. It's normal to wear that on the street now."

Su Xun felt that the needle and cloth poke had fulfilled his childhood dream.

The next day, susian took her to Hong Kong Island.

Su Xun figured out the location of Bai Rourou, which was in a luxurious villa.

Bai Rourou, Hualing and Wang Ying are all here.

That night, Su Xun arrived at his destination.

All kinds of modern facilities along the way made Yunluo an eye opener, just like a lost quail, hesitating and confused, holding Su Xun's hand tightly.

"Stop, who are you? This is a private place. Please leave."

At the door of the villa, Su Xun was stopped by the security guard.

"Tell your boss, old friends are here."

Su Xun looked at the security guard and said calmly.

"Just a moment, please."

The security guard dropped a word and turned to leave.

A few minutes later, Wang Ying, Hualing and Bai Rourou, who still have the same face, appear.

After seeing Su Xun, the three girls and one of them all had a meal. They were all absent-minded for a moment. Then they cried with joy and ran over quickly.

Hua Ling was so stupid that he even ran away from his high heels. He was barefoot and had no image, just like a koala hanging on Su Xun.

"Brother Xun, Xianggong, I miss you so much."

The security guard was stunned and looked at Su Xun with admiration, respect and acid.

Is it true that you can do whatever you like when you are handsome?

This horse is really a fairy man.

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