"What's the matter with you, father

Xia Youren also holds a burning stick in his hand and looks at Jiu Shu with doubts on his face.

"I may have met an acquaintance. If it's him, you'd better stop calling me my grandfather, or you'll die miserably." Uncle Jiu said.

Father in law means father in law.

Xia Youren is alert: "who is it?"

His father and uncle Jiu were very good friends. He always liked uncle Jiu's daughter Zhi.

But Uncle Jiu had to let him inherit the Lin family's drugstore before he agreed to associate with ah Zhi, but he only likes to be a reporter, so he can't be a doctor.

So he and a Zhi's business has been dragging on, but he shouts his father, Jiu Shu doesn't say anything, and now he warns him.

This made him very curious. Who was it? Did Uncle Jiu order a baby kiss for ah Zhi?

"It's not sure if it's him." Uncle Jiu said casually, looking for him quickly in the crowd.


In the middle of the road, two zombies were enraged by the police shooting, roared and flew high.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the air, holding two zombies' necks in both hands and smashing them on the ground.


Two zombies hit the ground, all the bones were smashed into powder, and died again.

Everyone was staring at the scene.

"The trough! Superman

"He killed the zombies directly!"

"How handsome he is! Husband, I'm in love! "

Looking at the familiar figure, uncle Jiu's pupil shrinks into the eye of a needle, and his heart turns a thousand times.

"Is the horse still human?"

Xia Youren murmurs to himself that Jiu Shu has lived a long time, and he is not so powerful.

The next second, susian and Yunluo moved to Uncle Jiu: "Uncle Jiu, change the place to chat?"

"Ah! You... "

Xia Youren was startled by the sudden appearance of Su Xun, and his words became stuttering.

"Good." Uncle Jiu nodded.

Su Xun thought, and the four disappeared.

The crowd in place exploded in an instant.

"What about people? How many people are older? "

"Immortal! There are gods in the world

"Who's going to tell me about science? I'll kill him! Zombie science? Is that guy scientific just now? "

At the same time, a scene that happened at the scene had been broadcast live to TV by reporters.

In linglingtang cleaning company, a beautiful woman in a blue cheongsam stares at the TV with tears streaming down her face.

On TV, a taxi driver was interviewed by a reporter with excited face: "really, that Superman just sat in my taxi! He said that he was going to a cleaning company... "

"It's young master! The young master must have come to us, but I didn't expect to meet zombies on the way. "

"Yes, ma'am, the young master is still alive!"

Two moths crawling on the electric light fall on the bed and become two women. They say excitedly.

Although they couldn't see his face clearly in the picture because of Su Xun's speed, they could recognize it for the first time, that is Su Xun!

"He's still alive, still alive..."

Ma Danna wept with joy. Fifty years ago, the spiritual world heard that Su Xun had fallen in the island country. The spiritual world spontaneously held a funeral for him.

At one time, she wanted to commit suicide to accompany Su Xun, but how could she raise Ma Xiaoling? She could only live like a dead heart. In the twinkling of an eye, more than 50 years passed.

She didn't expect that Su Xun was still alive. She wanted to go to Su Xun and rush into his arms immediately, but now she had to wait, afraid that Su Xun would not find her.

"Auntie, why do you cry again and miss your uncle again?" Ma Xiaoling came in, white sweater with short skirt, meat, silk wrapped legs long and straight.

She didn't see her aunt. She only knew that he was very powerful, handsome and scum.

But she always envies her aunt and drinks the elixir given by her uncle. Decades later, her face is still so tender and her figure is still so good.

She can only be called a sister.

Ma Danna wiped her tears and squeezed out a bright smile: "Xiao Ling, your aunt is still alive. Maybe she will come to me in a few days."

"Auntie, you Are you all right? " Ma Xiaoling is a little worried. She heard that people will see the person they most want to see before they die. Is it her aunt's time?

After all, she is only immortal, but she can't live forever. She is 90 years old.

Madonna didn't explain any more. She just wanted to dress up these two days.


It's a park.

Su Xun and Jiu Shu sit on the bench, Yun Luo sits beside Su Xun, and Xia Youren can only stand.

Because the chair can't hold a fourth person."At that time, the spiritual world said that you were dead, but I had a premonition that you would not die so easily. I didn't expect that you were not dead, and even your appearance didn't change."

Uncle Jiu sighed and said that he was very curious about why Su Xun was not old.

As for Su Xun's flying ability, he was not surprised. After all, Su Xun had three flying corpses.

Xia Youren's eyes widened. Isn't it? This guy who looks younger than his age is actually an old monster who has lived for nearly a hundred years?

He knows very well that although uncle Jiu looks 40 or 50 years old, he is already over 100 years old.

"Uncle Jiu, you haven't changed either." Like Uncle Jiu, Su Xun was also curious about how he was not old.

Uncle Jiu said, "when I was traveling around the world, I got a very magical secret book by chance. As long as I let go, I would live longer, but if I kill, I would live longer."

Xia Youren knew this magic, and he was envious. He asked Jiu Shu that he had learned it. It's a pity that the aura of heaven and earth doesn't exist now. He can't get into it at all.

"Is the skill called longevity?" Su Xun's eyebrows were raised. This kind of skill set made him think of the immortal skill in the movie magic high one Zhang.

Uncle Jiu was shocked: "how do you know?"

"That's true." Instead of explaining, Su Xun said, "I think your daughter is Tingting's reincarnation."

"Not bad." Nine uncle mood is complex, that is oneself raised the daughter of 19 years, want to be arched.

The real reason why he does not allow Xia Youren to associate with ah Zhi is that he also knows that ah Zhi is reincarnated by Ren Tingting.

At the beginning, because ah Zhi looks more and more like Ren Tingting, it makes him suspicious.

Then, ah Zhi is Ren Tingting's reincarnation. He always thinks that Su Xun is not dead, so how dare Xia Youren associate with ah Zhi?

Xia Youren had a bad feeling in his heart: "my father, what's the relationship between him and ah Zhi?"

"Don't call me my grandfather. He's ahead of you. Ah Zhi was his woman in his last life." Nine uncle rolled a white eye, vision some sympathy.

Xia Youren was struck by lightning, but he was not reconciled: "you said it was the last life..."

"I will cast a spell to awaken her memory of her past life." Su Xun interrupted him. Well, it's interesting to think about breaking the place for his wife again.

Xia Youren

How can he fight in the face of such pressure?

"Wuwuwuwu, I have no love..."

Xia Youren covered his face and ran away crying.

"It's helpful for young people to experience more blows." Su Xun said seriously.

Nine uncle corners of the mouth twitch, change you for Xia You Ren that wanton son, you won't say so.

Next, they talked about their own experiences after they parted. Uncle Jiu was amazed to hear that Su Xun actually fought with the goddess Tianzhao of the island.

Uncle Jiu's experience is more ordinary, that is, to kill demons and demons, and to kill a few demons when they are evil.

After the end of the war, he came to Hong Kong Island to catch ghosts for a living. Later, he opened a drugstore in his own name.

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