At noon, after shopping, the three people had dinner in a high-end restaurant named wanfulou.

There are many of these time-honored restaurants on Hong Kong Island. The decoration is popular, but the price is absolutely not low.

What we eat here is the taste. As long as we have some money, no matter who we are, we all like to eat here.

Three people into the restaurant attracted a lot of attention, after all, handsome men and beautiful women, or two beautiful women.

"Miss, I'd like to meet you."

As soon as they sat down, a young man in a suit with deep eyes and evil spirits came over.

His voice was low and hoarse, and he was like a poisonous snake.

"Hello! Die to change, state, quickly get out of here, or miss Ben will be rude to you! "

Ma Xiaoling took back her leg, but she didn't change her shrewdness and glared at her.

Just bought clothes in the mall, Su Xun tricked her into changing a pair of black, silk, tut Tut, the effect is full.

Black bra dress, with black, silk high-heeled shoes, leg play years, who will see more.

"Miss, don't threaten me. I'm a little afraid, because your legs can really kill me."

The young man touched his chin and licked his tongue.

"Ha ha ha..."

Hearing this, not far away, a table with young people at the same table are laughing.

Others are frowning, think this guy is too vulgar, no quality.

"Liangkun, if you don't go away, you will die miserably."

Su Xun took a look at him. This guy is really like the movie. It's disgusting.

"Do you know me?" Liang Kun was a little surprised.

Su Xun said, "I can count."

When he heard that he could calculate, the young man in a white shirt on the table next to him looked at Su Xun.

"Yes? Then you can figure out if I can get the best girl Liang Kun's evil smile.

Su Xun also showed a smile: "I reckon that you've had bad luck today. It's a disaster of blood."

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Liang Kun laughs and points at Su Xun: "you know my name is Liang Kun, do you know what I do?"

His younger brothers are also looking at Su Xun jokingly. As the old fool, they may have blood disaster every day.


Suddenly, the chair collapsed. Liang Kun farted directly, sat on the floor, and then screamed.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

I saw a broken chair leg pierced Liang Kun's left thigh, and blood kept coming out.

The scene gave everyone a fright.


The boys came forward to help.


A man slipped under his feet, suddenly fell down, overturned the table, and the hot soup poured on liangkun's face.

"Ah, ah

Liangkun is rolling on the ground.

Two younger brothers hold liangkun up and go downstairs. Somehow, they release their hands and liangkun rolls down the stairs.

"Ah, ah

"Kowtow to the white cart! Knock on the white cart

Liang Kun roared hysterically.

Everyone is dumbfounded, so impossible things have happened, too evil.

For a moment, all the people on the second floor looked at Su Xun suspiciously.

"The man is doing, the day is watching. It's his bad luck."

Su Xun returns with a smile, he is the day.

"Master Chen, what do you think?"

On the table next to Su Xun, the young man in a white shirt looked at the middle-aged man and asked.

Master Chen gave Su Xun a dignified look and said, "it's very powerful. I'm not as good as him."

"Is he really that accurate?" The young man in white shirt seems to be a little surprised.

"Right?" Master Chen gave a wry smile and shook his head: "Master Wu, it's not a matter of accuracy. Don't you find that the man just got hurt is strange? What a coincidence. "

"Bang Dang!"

Just then, there was a loud noise outside.

"Lying trough, it's too evil. As soon as the patient was carried into the car, the ambulance was hit."

"Yes, doctors and nurses are all right, but the injured one flew out of the car."

Listening to the comments from outside, the second floor of Wanfu building is very quiet.

Looking at Su Xun with a calm face, there was a chill behind everyone.

"You mean..." Young master Wu pursed his lips, and his face was incredible.

Master Chen nodded: "yes, if I guess correctly, it's not that liangkun is unlucky today, it's that he offended that one, so he is unlucky."

"Hiss -"

young master Wu took a cold breath, and then showed an apologetic expression: "master Chen...""Needless to say, Master Wu, I understand. If you are inferior to others, you will not show your shame." Said master Chen.

Young master Wu apologized and said, "you and I have worked together for so many years, but it really matters a lot."

"Just because of this, I will point out the strength of that gentleman. Young master Wu, let's leave first." Master Chen's voice dropped and he got up and left.

"Can you have a word, sir?"

Young master Wu went to Su Xun and sat down.

"The geomantic omen around me is not good. The last one who sat next to me is miserable now." Su Xun gave a smile.

Mistakenly, young master Wu said, "you're looking at me for a moment

"Then you are more dangerous." Su Xun's vigilance, Cao, dieji, Lao.

Young master Wu

"I've just seen Mr. Wu's ability. I'm the general manager of Wu's real estate. Recently, our company took a piece of land, but it's not flat. I'd like to ask Mr. Wu to have a look at Feng Shui." Master Wu handed me a business card.

Su Xun was not interested in this, so he said, "I want three hundred million Hong Kong dollars as a reward."

Hearing this number, Ma Xiaoling's eyes widened, and the water in her mouth almost came out.

A fool will spend 300 million on Feng Shui.

"Yes." Young master Wu agreed.

Sue promised, "do you know what's your surprise?"

Ma Xiaoling's eyes widened.

Did you really meet a fool?

"I know." Young master Wu smile slightly, some bitterness: "but don't promise, the blood has no return."

"Tell me." Su Xun didn't expect that the other party actually agreed, but he thought this guy was a little bold.

Young master Wu's face became serious: "our family spent money to buy half of the island and prepare to develop it into a high-end villa area. I didn't expect that we had never been able to live in peace since the start of construction. Now the construction site has been in a state of shutdown."

"From the first night of the groundbreaking, some people died strangely, and others said Said I saw Ghosts. "

"I can solve the problem, but you can decide for three hundred million?" Su Xun looked at him curiously.

The 300 million Hong Kong dollars of this year are not small money, even if they will be big money in a few decades.

Young master Wu nodded: "I'm the only child in my family. My father generally doesn't refute my decision."

"Then go back and discuss with your father. He agrees and call me again." Su Xun finished and looked at Ma Xiaoling: "Xiaoling, your business card."

"Ah, oh, oh..."

Ma Xiaoling, who is still in a state of muddle, muddled out a business card of linglingtang cleaning company.

Su Xun handed the card to master Wu: "I don't have a phone. Just contact me to call this."

"Well, I don't know what to call master yet?" Master Wu took the card carefully.

Su Xun spat out two words: "surname su."

"Master Su, I'll leave first. I'll buy today's single." Master Wu got up and left.

"Get out of the way! Let's step on the horse

At this point, a group of people carrying a stretcher came up, the stretcher is a mummy.

To be exact, it's a mummy like person wrapped in bandages. It's Hong Xing liangkun.

"Master, I'm wrong. Put Let me go... " Liang Kun looks at Su Xun praying.

He thought it would be good to be in the hospital, but he didn't expect that the pain had just begun.

It's a small problem to put the needle in the wrong place. The doctor broke his other leg with a hammer

If it goes on like this, he'll die.

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