As a special tool for judges, the judge's pen is a magic tool that can outline the book of life and death.

It's the same level as Zhong Kui's sword.

Strictly speaking, it's a artifact!

But it was broken by a mortal.

Not to mention his courage, his ability to judge by breaking his pen is not weak.

Of course, no matter how big the ability is, as long as it is no bigger than the king of hell, and if you dare to break the judge's pen, it will be a big deal.

"What a brave man, old man Zhong, your brother-in-law dares to break the judge's pen. I'll go back and mix with you now. You can't save it until you die."

The voice of the ghost judge falls and flies away directly. "

"Don't go! I'm not familiar with him

Zhong Kui is so anxious that he shouts at the back, but the ghost judge ignores him and goes back to complain.

"It's over. I'm in big trouble. Don't make my brother angry. Let him plead for you."

Zhong Li said to Su Xun in a soft voice.

"Su Xun! Do you know what you've done? " Zhong Kui looked at Su Xun and roared.

Su Xun said that he didn't know it now, but next I knew it was going to be your sister.

Zhong Li is also a master of acting. In the twinkling of an eye, he is a pear blossom with rain: "brother, you need to help him."

"You..." Zhong Kui didn't expect that at this time, his sister would never leave Su Xun.

Angry liver pain, and helpless, who let him stand on such a sister: "you now go back to the Yang room, I'll tell you when I deal with it."

"Big brother, isn't he the king of hell? I even killed the Jade Emperor. There's no need to be so flustered." Su Xun relaxed and cocked his legs. He couldn't deny it.

Zhong Kui almost laughed angrily: "you don't wake up from your horse dream. If you don't want to die, go away quickly!"

Uncle and brother are all bean curd hearts.

"Xianggong, listen to my brother. Let's go." Zhong Li shook Su Xun's arm.

"Go? Where to? Be reckless

A majestic voice containing anger spread all over the world, and a tall figure came through the air.

By his side, stood black and white impermanence, as well as the previous departure of the ghost judgment.

"See Yama."

Seeing this man, Zhong Kui bowed down, and the kids carrying the sedan chair also lowered the sedan chair one after another.

It's the Lord of hell.

Hong Kong Island's film and television works have always been relatively small. In their films, the most powerful one in the underworld is Yama, and there is no dizang.

Let's put it this way. Let the immortals in mainland movies and Hong Kong movies fight with each other, and the immortals on Hong Kong Island will be beaten to death.

Zhong Li was ready to get up and kneel down, but Su Xun pulled him back to his arms: "when I'm a woman, no one has the right to let you kneel."

"Xianggong, although it's cool to pretend to be forced, it's painful to be beaten." Zhong Li carefully reminded.

Su Xun

"Presumptuous! Why don't you two kneel down? " The king of hell looked at Su Xun and Zhong Li angrily.

Su Xun said: "I'm afraid you can't afford it. When I kneel down, you'll collapse."

"I've never seen anyone so arrogant." Yama said coldly.

When I saw Su Xun's lines, I picked up my eyebrows and laughed

Zhong Kui and Zhong Li were very frightened. They had never seen anyone who would die like that.

"Black and white is impermanent. Let me take it down." The king of hell yelled angrily, just ordinary people, dare to challenge their own dignity, unforgivable!

"I'll follow you."

Black and white impermanence looked at each other, then took out a soul binding chain and flew to Su Xun.

"Go away!"

Su Xun didn't lift his eyelids.

"Ah! Puff -- "

black and white impermanence screamed, a mouthful of blood gushed out, and fell on the ground from the air. Their souls became half pale and lost half their lives.


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, even the king of hell could not calm down.

"Two little flies. Next time, I'll try my best to kill you."

Su Xun said casually that black and white on the ground were changeable, and they were scared to shake.

"Well, well, no wonder I dare to be so arrogant. I have some ability, but it's over!"

The king of hell wants to defend his authority, so he has to do it himself, and when he comes, he will make a big move.

"Get down here and talk."

Su Xun stretched out his hand to explore the void.


The king of hell screamed, and was caught by a golden hand and knelt on the ground.


The knee sank into half a meter, leaving only the upper part of the body exposed outside, shaking up countless dust.

“………………”For a moment, the whole audience was dead and quiet. It was so quiet that we could only hear each other's breathing.

That's the king of hell. The Lord of hell is in charge of reincarnation. That's it On your knees?

Zhong Li looks at Su Xun's beautiful eyes. Her two slender jade legs are close together. She is so excited!

It's true that she hasn't married out after eighteen times. God never treated her badly!

The reason why I didn't marry out for so long must be to wait for his arrival.

Zhong Kui was also stunned. Now he believed that Su Xun even killed the Jade Emperor.

And then look at the ghost judgment, already scared pale, cold sweat dripping, in the heart flustered a batch.

Hell, now it's Sushen's home court.

where he is, that's what he has the final say.

"You Who the hell are you

Yama asked in a dry voice. He wanted to stand up, but he felt imprisoned by a magic force.

In front of this person, he did not have the slightest strength to fight back, just like a baby meeting a Hercules.

"You don't need to know who I am. Today I'm married, but you ruined my wedding. You should have died, but I'm kind. I'll give you a chance."

"You are responsible for a new marriage for us. If we are satisfied, we will let bygones be bygones."

Su Xun looked at the king of hell and said faintly.

"Yes, thank you very much. I'll follow you."

Yama was relieved. At least he saved his life. This kind of big man, RBQ, RBQ.

In his heart, he said hello to the eighteen generations of his ancestors. This horse is what you said to me about ordinary and weak ordinary people?

"Beating gongs and drums, going home."

Su Xun said lazily.

Yan Jiaoxian shouts to get up.

Then, the kid carried the baby, and the king of hell walked in the front, carrying the lantern and leading the way.

As the white gauze of the sedan chair was put down, two figures could be seen, hugging each other, accompanied by a woman's smile.

"Xianggong, don't be shy."

"No problem, they dare not look."

"Well, you're good or bad ~"

it's interesting to be in a sedan chair. A real man should dare to try different challenges.

The sedan chair was rickety. All the ghosts were on their way with their heads down. No one dared to look up.

"Lord Zhong, you must plead for me."

At the back of the team, the ghost judge begged and kept taking money from his sleeve to Zhong Kui.

Holding the sword at his waist, Zhong Kui's face was high spirited and high spirited: "ha ha, ghost judgment, now I know what geomantic omen turns?"

It's so sweet to marry my sister to Su Xun as a concubine!

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