In the chat with Zhang Muzhi and others, Su Xun learned about the later experience of the independent division.

After he left, Zhang Muzhi was officially appointed as the commander of the independent division and was still stationed in Echeng.

Later, when the Anti Japanese war broke out, the independent division was transferred to the front line to serve as cannon fodder.

However, the independent division was well-equipped and well-trained. Following Su Xun, he often saw all kinds of zombies, and he was brave enough to fight on the battlefield.

Later, Zhang Muzhi took his army around the country and took part in the battle of Songhu and Nanjing

After several large-scale battles, the independent division was completely crippled, and then because of Su Xun's relationship, our party contributed money to reorganize the independent division.

Zhang Muzhi formally joined our party, then continued to fight, beat away the devils, beat the DPP, until he was injured and retired to the sanatorium.

The independent division has been fighting. Up to now, its name and flag are still kept.

An hour later, Su Xun left.


Zhang Muzhi yelled, and all the brothers of the independent division raised their hands to salute each other at the same time.

As soon as Su Xun's front foot left, there was a ghost on his back foot. He announced that Zhang Muzhi and the independent division were incorporated into the Yin army.

The other ghosts were red eyed with envy.

Why don't they have such a powerful boss? It's an official position in the local government.

It's like being an immortal.

"If you see it, I knew it. I'll follow the marshal. After I die, I'll still be popular and spicy!"

All the officers and men of the independent division cheered.

At this time, the duck in xiadifu is fighting hard with a sledgehammer.

Tears while smashing.

Tears drenched his hammer.

"What the hell is this horse riding place?"

He still remembered that Taoist priest said that they had only one incense burning time to come down, and they would go west together every hour, otherwise they would never go back.

But Tama has been caught here since last night. There's no chance to run.

I ran once before and almost got killed.


The ghost almost whipped him.

"What are you crying for? Hurry to work. Yang people go to hell without permission. They are looking for death!"

"Since you want to come to the underworld so much, you should stay here forever and contribute to the construction of the underworld."

Li Shimin cried even more. His voice choked: "my Lord, I don't want to contribute to the construction of the local government. I want to contribute to the construction of Hong Kong Island."


It's another whip on the back.

"I'm Ge. I'm a brick of my life. I don't realize where I need to move? Hurry up


On the afternoon of July 8, Su Xun took Zhong Li back to the sun and helped her solidify a Taoist body.

Zhong Kui was so envious that he really wanted to marry Su Xun. Unfortunately, Su Xun didn't like men.

"Several sisters."

Standing in the living room of the villa, Zhong Li was very restrained and stressed.

After all, those on the opposite sofa are no worse than her, and they are the latest to get started.

Fortunately, she could see that although they were dissatisfied with Su Xun, they did not exclude her.

Fear is not hot and cold attitude, ignore, make people embarrassed.

"What about Tingting?" Su Xun asked.

Flower Ling said: "Tingting sister seems to have an accident at home, she went home."

"What happened?" Su Xun frowned, worried, and said, "I'll go and have a look."

Voice down, the figure disappeared in situ.

When Uncle Lin ting and uncle Ren Ting were at the pharmacy, they were relieved.

"Uncle Jiu, what's the matter?" Su Xun asked.

Uncle Jiu saw Su Xun and immediately got up: "you came just in time. Did you see Li Shimin in the hell?"

"What's the matter?" Su Xun felt a little guilty for no reason. Jiu Shu's troubles seemed to have something to do with him.

Uncle Jiu said helplessly: "Li Shimin has disappeared for a day. When someone saw him enter my Taoist temple, the police came to me. I can't argue."

"Well What did you do at the end? " Su Xun asked. He also forgot where he had kicked the duck.

Uncle Jiu sighed: "no evidence, the police have to go, but sealed my Taoist temple."

"It's a sad story." Su Xun expressed sympathy and said that it had nothing to do with him.

Uncle Jiu said, "it's nothing. I'm not allowed to be a Taoist. I'll be a policeman tomorrow. Hum."

"Exorcist police." Su Xun said with a smile.

Nine uncle mouth up: "enough prestige, I now go out, you help me to see the pharmacy."

Then he can't wait to leave. Tomorrow, he will become Mr. Lin."It's no good to be a policeman. Now there's no future to be a Taoist." Ren Tingting said with her mouth.

Su Xun went over and hugged her: "your father is not at home. I haven't tried in the pharmacy yet."

"Don't make trouble, brother. Someone came to take the medicine. What should I do when I see it?" Ren Tingting struggles with a red face.

Su Xun said, "it's so simple. Just close the door first. It's not open today."

"I can't help you." Ren Tingting is only able to follow, which sounds exciting.

After more than 50 years, Su Xun took Ren Tingting's first time in the pharmacy again.

I have experience decades ago, so Ren Tingting is very cooperative, a very skilled Girl.

When Uncle Jiu came back, he saw the pharmacy door closed and his face turned black. He thought they had run out to play.

When he got closer to the door, his face became darker.

Because he heard the sound inside.

"It's really Son of a bitch

Uncle Jiu was so angry that he asked you to help me to look at the shop. He actually did my daughter in my pharmacy.

But he couldn't break in yet. He had to wait outside. He wanted to cut Su Xun into pieces.

By the time he came back, the battle was almost over.

So he just waited for a while, Ren Tingting cleaned up the battlefield, and Su Xun opened the door.

"Wow, uncle Jiu, you're back so soon."

Seeing Jiu Shu, Su Xun was stunned.

"Well! It's not as fast as you. "

Uncle Jiu looked at him with a cold hum, and then walked into the pharmacy with no expression on his face.

Su Xun always thought his words had meaning.

"Dad." Ren Tingting lowers her head, blushes and drags her skirt anxiously.

Uncle Jiu said, "don't go out for a month."

Finish saying, leave two people a suffocating figure, went upstairs alone.

"It's all your fault." Ren Tingting vomits her tongue and looks at Su Xun with all kinds of emotions.

She felt that she had died socially. How could she face her father in the next few days.

"It's OK. He just said you can't go out, but he didn't say I can't come over."

Su Xun's brain circuit is very clear.

"Get out of here!" The ninth uncle upstairs roared.


At the same time, a young man with several men out of the airport.

This young man is the one who has removed his make-up, also known as Ichio Yamamoto.

"Su, I'm afraid you never dreamed that I was still alive, and I'm like you. I swear, I will be your nightmare."

Standing outside the airport, Yamamoto showed a slightly ferocious and excited smile on his face.

Behind him, an old monk also walked out slowly. It was master Fujiwara who came to negotiate with Su Xun.

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