Master Fujiwara left.

Wave a sleeve, take away full of indignation.

Before he came to Hong Kong Island, he thought that he would be humiliated. He thought that he would survive by biting his teeth.

But he didn't expect that Su Xun was so crazy that he dared to blaspheme God. He also wanted to The sun god.

Well, the Sun God thought.

How can he agree to this condition?

How dare you promise?

What's more, he said yes, it doesn't count!

"What a silly beep."

Su Xun scolded scornfully. Even if the sky was shining, he would not let the island go.

He's the one who doesn't recognize people when it comes to pants.

, old fellow, did I do the right thing?

"You just looked like the villain in the movie." Said Madana.

Su Xun said: "nonsense, how can I be a villain if I am honest and brave?"

"Well done, though, I would say." Madonna winked playfully.

Her hair was casually pulled, and the pink suspender skirt couldn't cover her delicate body.

Su Xun pulled her in: "let me show you how well I did."

"Ah! Stop it. I haven't finished washing the dishes

Madonna was blushing to refuse.

"Keep it and let Ma Xiaoling come back to wash it. She eats free food every day and does nothing." Su Xun said.

"Dong Dong..."

There was a knock at the door.

Su Xun and Ma Danna stopped.

"Brother Xun, it's not my fault that I don't cooperate. Go to open the door and reward you at night."

Ma Danna looked at Su Xun with a smile and pecked him on the mouth.

"Who? It's too early or too late."

Su Xun couldn't help but scold his mother. He got up, arranged his clothes and went to the door to open the door.

"Why so long? What are you doing?"

Outside the door, Ma Xiaoling said dissatisfied.

"How did you come back?" Su Xun didn't answer the question, otherwise how else could he answer?

Ma Xiaoling pushed Su Xun into the house: "Zhenzhen's new house is haunted. I'll take tools to catch the ghost."

Different from the original play, in this world, Wang Zhenzhen has long known that Ma Xiaoling can catch ghosts.

"It's better for me to catch you in this way." Susian leaned on the doorframe and looked at Ma Xiaoling who bent over to get something.

If a woman with a good figure bends down, her advantages will be more obvious.

For example, Ma Xiaoling's long legs are more slender and straight. Even if she doesn't wear silk or socks, her legs are as white as jade.

Ma Xiaoling looked back at Su Xun: "did you go to catch ghosts? I'm sorry to tear you down. "

"I swear not to touch Wang Zhenzhen." Su Xun raised two fingers, which was a rare time for him to tell the truth.

Pushing Wang Zhenzhen will obviously disgust Ma Xiaoling.

is as like as two peas Wang Zhenzhen, or Ma Xiaoling.

Seeing Su Xun, Ma Xiaoling swore and believed him: "well, I believe you once."

"Gone." Su Xun's voice fell, his thought moved, and he took Ma Xiaoling to the sky: "guide the way."

"Building 6, Jiading garden, this way." Ma Xiaoling held Su Xun nervously and pointed the way.

The corner of Su Xun's mouth rose, and he opened his eyes and said, "remember to hold tight, or you will fall."

"With you." Ma Xiaoling glared at him, then hugged him tightly, and her pretty face was red.

It's that high. You'll fall and die.

See, it's easy to be cheated without knowledge.

A few minutes later, when he arrived near Jiading garden, Su Xun and Ma Xiaoling landed in a place with few people.

Don't ask why his cultivation takes so long to fly for a few minutes. Everyone who understands it knows it.

"I hate it."

Ma Xiaoling quickly broke away from Su Xun's arms. For a moment, she almost didn't stand firm because her legs were soft.

"Come on, let's go in."

Su Xun gave her a hand without changing her face.

"This way."

Ma Xiaoling broke away Su Xun's hand and bowed her head to lead the way. Her ears were red.

Obviously, it's hard to be held by Su Xun.

Soon, they came to building 6 of Jiading garden.

"Xiaoling, why are you so fast..."

Outside the door, Wang Zhenzhen quickly came up. When she saw Su Xun, she was stunned.

What a handsome man No, it's the God of men.

"Hello." Su Xun gave a smile.

Wang Zhenzhen's subconscious response raised her hand and waved: "you Hello How handsome. "

I'm a big fan.

"Zhenzhen, this is my brother-in-law, Su Xun." Ma Xiaoling specially emphasized the word "brother-in-law"."Ah Wang Zhenzhen is a little disappointed. It's true that you were born and I was born, but I sigh that you have lost your life.

"Good brother-in-law." Cried Wang Zhenzhen.

As long as Su Xun doesn't take the initiative to seduce her, she can't hook up with Su Xun under normal circumstances.

Seeing this, Ma Xiaoling was relieved and said, "Zhenzhen, my brother-in-law is very good at catching ghosts."

"Please, I'm not sure if I'm haunted. It's the security guard who said it." Wang Zhenzhen said.

Su Xun said with a smile, "don't mention it. It's just a little help. Take me to have a look first."

Wang Zhenzhen smacks her tongue to herself. It's a little effort to catch ghosts. She is more powerful than Xiaoling.

"There's no mistake. It's such a big game."

"It's a bomb. It'll kill people."

"Yes, it's not necessary, big brother."

"It's necessary! It's necessary to exercise your courage. You won't be afraid to see ghosts. "

An exaggerated conversation came to his ears, and Su Xun heard a familiar voice.

Looking around, I saw a group of security guards around a young man in a cap and a black windbreaker on the grass of the community.

And the young man was holding a bunch of bombs.

"Zhou Xingxing?"

Su Xun blurted out.

"It's you!"

Black windbreaker youth also saw Su Xun, and then corrected him: "the former policeman Zhou Xingxing has died, now, please ask me to catch ghost expert Leon."


It's called Lyon. Combined with the haunted building and the security guards, Su Xun's expression became strange.

Xingye's movie: night of the soul.

This is the only horror movie of star.

It's about a couple surnamed Li who killed their mother in building 6 of Jiading garden, but they dare not tell.

Then the old lady's first seven souls came back to her grandson and took a watermelon knife to kill her daughter-in-law for revenge.

In the end, the ghost of the old lady was dealt with by Lyon, but Mr. and Mrs. Li became ghosts again, especially when Mrs. Li jumped off the building in red.

In the seven night Ghost War, Captain Lu and his wife are also in charge of team leader Lu.

At the end of the movie, Lyon is possessed by a ghost and seals it in her body. She is cut in half with a chainsaw and dies with the ghost.

It's called Lily's place in the movie.

As well as his unique chocolate ghost, cling film Ghost, just like horse riding with fun.

It's funny when you watch a movie, but it's not funny when the movie becomes the real world.

Because Lyon in this movie is so terrible that he can't even be killed by a horse bomb. He's just blown up into a bucktooth. Is he afraid?

In this horror movie, Su Xun thinks that it's not the ghost but Lyon who is terrible.

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