The border of the Fire Country,

On the road full of cars and horses.

The sun burned the sticky blood, and the strong smell of blood in the air was nauseating.

A dirty and smelly little beggar like a mud monkey looked down at the white-haired boy who was sitting in a daze.

Suzumiya Musashi scratched the lice on his head.

"Hey! Kid."

"Are you still alive?"


Without a response, Suzumiya Musashi sighed.

A month ago, he was still a promising master's student, and he confidently handed his graduation thesis to his supervisor for review.

The tutor said to him: "Your paper poses no threat to my academic status, but it will ruin my reputation. My mortal enemy's research field is the same as yours, so you should write his name as the corresponding author."

He was so angry that he died that night.

After waking up, he had become an orphan of Konoha Ninja in exile.

The world of Naruto is too dangerous, and killing and death are the main themes.

He can live one day at a time and make a fortune when he returns to Konoha.

If the white-haired boy in front of him had not been kind enough to give him a piece of dry food not long ago, he would not care about the other's business.

He walked forward, stretched out his hand and waved it in front of the other's eyes a few times, and the white-haired boy's empty eyes focused.

"It seems that he is still alive."

The boy gradually turned his eyes to look at Suzumiya Musashi, and his brain finally restarted.

"...It's you, you're the little beggar during the day."

"Hey, that's too rude, kid." Suzumiya Musashi showed dissatisfaction: "Although I am indeed a beggar during the day, but now... I am your senior"

——Senior on the road of exile.

The boy's mouth twitched a few times.

"Woo... woo... wow!~"

"Dead! Father is dead, they are all dead~"

Suzumiya Musashi frowned and covered his ears.

As expected, children are the noisiest.

After the other party cried out of strength, he said: "Are you done crying? Come with me after you're done crying."

"But before you go with me, you have to clean up. You can't be like this now."

"What's wrong?" The boy raised his swollen eyes and looked at the little beggar in front of him who was the same age as him.

Except for the dirty face with features that could not be seen clearly, the tattered rags that barely covered the body exuded a pungent smell.

No matter how you look at it, I am much better than the other party, right?

While he was in doubt, a sinister laugh sounded not far away.

"Hehehe~ I'm lucky today. I met a nice little thing. It seems that I should have some meat today! Ahahaha!~"

Suzumiya Musashi sighed helplessly.

He knew that what he feared would come true.

Turning his head, he saw a tall and thin figure.

Dirty clothes and a broken sword proved that the other party was a wandering samurai.

At this moment, the eyes looking at the white-haired boy were full of surprise.

While the white-haired boy was still in a daze, Suzumiya Musashi had already taken action.

"Bang!" The knees hit the ground skillfully and quickly, making an abrupt sound, and buried his head deeply.

"Respected samurai, I was just passing by."

"Everything here, including this pretty boy, is yours, all yours!"

"Please enjoy it."

As he said, he moved his knees quickly and moved aside, as if he was afraid of disturbing the good things and making the other party unhappy.

The boy behind him: "(º言º)!"

Looking at the wandering samurai getting closer and closer, the boy vaguely felt that something was wrong. The other's perverted smile made him tremble all over.

"Puff!" The sword was casually inserted into the soil, the man's eyes were shining, his hands climbed up the boy's collar, and his facial features began to twist with excitement.

The boy wanted to struggle and escape, but his legs were shaking and he couldn't muster any strength.

He couldn't help but look at the "little beggar" not far away for help.

But the little beggar who was just talking about taking him away was now kneeling on the ground,

He bowed his head, as if he was going to kowtow to the wandering samurai.

Kowtow for mercy?

Even if he knelt behind the other party, he wouldn't even be seen.

Despair enveloped him, and the samurai's arrogant laughter echoed in his ears.

"Don't worry, kid, I will teach you well, ahahahaha!"

The strong body odor and bad breath made the boy's brain dizzy. In the laughter, the sound of the spring expansion was barely perceptible.


The laughter stopped abruptly!

A steel needle pierced through the warrior's throat, and blood slowly dripped along the silver needle tip.


"Gurgle, gurgle~"

The twisted smile in his eyes froze into disbelief. He just wanted to turn his head to look at the source of the attack, but he heard a gust of wind.

"Zizi!" The sharp blade pierced his neck from the side.

Then, it began to cut back and forth in the body, accompanied by severe pain.

The cold voice of the little beggar was in his ears.

"It must be uncomfortable to be inserted into the body."

The little beggar's eyes were no longer afraid, and his slightly red eyes were filled with anger.

"Why, why can't people live well."

"Why... must I die."

"Enjoy it, samurai-sama"

The sharp blade in his neck made him lose strength quickly.

The instinct of survival made him use up his last strength and keep elbowing back.

Hitting the little beggar behind him, the other party groaned, but did not let go.

The muscles were slowly cut open, and he couldn't turn back.

One, two, three times... until the man's head was completely cut off and thrown aside.

The smell of blood in the air became stronger and stronger.

A relieved smile appeared on the face of the little beggar.

"Not bad, I have lived a full day!"

Two minutes later.

Wipe the steel needle and kunai on the headless man's body and put them away.

Walked to the front of the white-haired boy and stretched out his right hand with blood stains.

"My name is Suzumiya Musashi."

"You can call me Musashi. What's your name?"


"My name is Oki, Nojiri Oki! From Konoha Village."

"You can call me Oki... You can call me anything!"

"From Konoha? Do you remember the way?"

"Remember... Remember."

"Lead the way!"

One month later.

On the dense forest path, two dirty little guys moved slowly.

"Musashi, I'm starving! I think the fruit on the tree is good. It's blue and has patterns, and it looks delicious."

"Then you eat it. After you eat it, I'll chop down the fruit tree, light it as firewood, and send it to you. The original soup will be turned into food."

"Hey, hey, hey, don't talk so scary, okay. Are you sure you can't eat it?"

"I'm not sure, but if you eat it, you can help me confirm it."

"That green mushroom looks delicious, how about we eat one?"

"Damu, if you don't want to live anymore, you can just say it."

"......, but Musashi, if you keep going like this, I'm really starving to death!"

"You deserve to die of starvation. You led the way." Suzumiya Musashi said, "Are you sure you led the right way? There won't be any wild animals in such a dense forest, right? If we meet a wandering warrior, we might still be able to survive. If we meet a pack of wolves or tigers, our youth will end here."

"Don't worry, believe me. I took this road when I left Konoha. It's not wrong."

"After crossing this path, it won't be long before you reach Konoha Village. I'll treat you to a big meal then!"

"All expenses will be paid by Nojiri-kun!"

Looking at Nojiri Oki's smug look, Musashi said nothing more.

He didn't have much energy to speak.

After a month of escape, the two had more bandages on their bodies.

The wounds came from poisonous insects, traps and strangers.

The life full of dangers made him extremely exhausted both physically and mentally.

On the contrary, Nojiri Oki was more energetic than before.

When they first met a month ago, Nojiri Oki was still trembling with fear. He did whatever he said, and he didn't even dare to speak loudly.

However, after a few days of exile, he came out of his sadness and fear. After realizing that Musashi would not casually stab his neck, he gradually became familiar with him.

The address also changed from "adult" to "big brother", and finally became "Musashi".

You begged on the 1st, 3rd and 5th, and I begged on the 2nd, 4th and 6th. If you begged more, you would walk a little further, and if you begged less, you would go hungry.

The numb life of escape didn't seem so boring anymore.

I walked for a while with an empty stomach.

The view in front of me finally opened up slowly.

Green trees and grass, birds singing and flowers blooming.

The quiet and peaceful atmosphere made Suzumiya Musashi feel that the ninja world he had seen in the past two months seemed like an illusion.

Looking at the vaguely familiar building, Suzumiya Musashi let out a long sigh: "We are finally here - Konoha."

"Ah! I, Nojiri Daiki, am finally back!" Startled by the sudden howl beside his ear, the next moment Nojiri Daiki grabbed Musashi's hand and rushed forward like a husky.

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