The old man was in a hurry to get out of bed.

Konoha training ground.

Suzumiya Musashi was sweating.

After the funeral, he visited Might Guy and found that he had recovered from the sadness of Might Guy's death, so he was no longer worried.

He started to practice Taijutsu again.

Due to the stimulation on the battlefield, he increased the intensity of his practice again after returning.

He didn't want to be cannon fodder anymore.

Just after noon, the sun was shining, and Might Guy's voice came from afar.

"Kakashi, hurry up! I'll introduce you to a little brother. This brother has a bit of my style back then.

When I see him, I can't help but think of my youthful vigor!"

"Oh, oh, I know, I'm on my way."

Soon, Might Guy, dressed in green, pulled a white-haired man who was full of resistance and came to Suzumiya Musashi.

"Hey! Musashi, you are right here, hahaha. Look, I'll introduce you to a friend, my lifelong enemy, my best friend - Hatake Kakashi!"

Sweating all over, Suzumiya Musashi said, "I know, Konoha's genius ninja, a powerful existence who became a jonin at the age of 12, senior Kakashi."

"Kakashi, this is Suzumiya Musashi, a physical genius with a strong foundation."

"Hi." Hatake Kakashi nodded. The only eye that was exposed was full of fatigue and gloom.

Suzumiya Musashi didn't care, and his eyes were bright on his sweaty face. "Senior Kakashi, you and Brother Gai are my role models! I will work hard to practice and chase you with all my youth!"

"Oh! Youth is so exciting! Musashi!"

"Brother Gai!"


"Brother Gai!!"

"Musashi!!! Woohoo~"

Hatake Kakashi: "..."

[Another troublesome guy like Gai]

"Kakashi!" The passionate Might Guy suddenly turned around and said to Hatake Kakashi with snot and tears on his face: "Youth The light is so dazzling, let's have a hot competition! Do you see the Hokage Rock in the distance? Let's see who can rush to the head of the Third Hokage first! If I lose, I will kick a thousand times with weights! How about it! ? "

Hatake Kakashi: "No."

"Kakashi-senpai!" Suzumiya Musashi clenched his fists and said excitedly: "How can I refuse Brother Kai's youth invitation! Take me with you! If I fall behind you, I will do a thousand squats on the Third Hokage Rock!"

Hatake Kakashi: "Absolutely No, don't. "

Might Guy suddenly appeared in front of Hatake Kakashi, holding his shoulders tightly with both hands: "Kakashi! As my lifelong enemy, you can't retreat at this time."

Hatake Kakashi: "... Don't."

Might Guy: "Kakashi, you know, if you don't agree, whether you are eating, taking a shower, going to the toilet... I will sincerely invite you all day! Kakashi!"


"Kakashi! !"

"Kakashi-senpai! !"

"Stop!" Hatake Kakashi waved his hand to stop the two people from getting stronger.

"Okay, I agree, let's start. Kai, this is the last time."

"Yoshi!" Might Guy stretched out his right hand, and his thumb popped out with a bang to hit a stone away, and gave Kakashi a thumbs up. Then he said: "Youth's invitation really can't be refused! Kakashi, Musashi, the stone falls and it's time to start. Get ready..."



The moment the stone fell to the ground, the three figures rushed out! Stirring up a cloud of dust.

Might Guy and Hatake Kakashi rushed in front, and Suzumiya Musashi's figure fell farther and farther behind.

He was not discouraged, feeling the muscles trembling under the drive of his will, providing a strong propulsion for his body, and his mood was excited.

It doesn't matter if he can't catch up now, one day, he will get closer and closer to the figure in front.

There will always be that day!

The wind blew across his cheek, and suddenly, a drop of liquid hit his face.

The sun was shining in the sky, it couldn't be raining.

[So, if it wasn't Brother Kai's saliva, it should be Kakashi's tears]

Looking at Hatake Kakashi who was running more and more crazy in front, even one step ahead of Might Guy, Suzumiya Musashi was thinking.

The Third Ninja World War had just ended, and Hatake Kakashi had just lost two of his companions.

That’s why Might Guy brought him here to mess with him.

“Kakashi, you are indeed the one I’m chasing after!

"You won this competition!" Might Guy panted on the Hokage Rock.

"Huff~Huff~" Kakashi Hatake, who won the game, seemed to be breathing out his lungs.

The sweat all over his body made him look like he had just been fished out of the water, but his eyes were a little more lively than before.

"The passionate competition really makes people feel refreshed! Kakashi, next time, I will definitely not lose to you!"

"Kai, I said, this is the last time."

"Kakashi, I said next time."

Kakashi: "..."

Wisely not arguing with Might Guy, Kakashi Hatake looked at the smoke gradually approaching in the distance and said, "Very energetic kid."

Might Guy retorted, "Kakashi, Musashi is not a kid! He is a genius physical boy who inherited the will of fire and my youthful ninja way!"

Kakashi Hatake glanced at Might Guy with one eye: "So you gave that technique to him? "Gai, you are so naughty!"

"Ahahaha" Might Guy laughed awkwardly: "That... at that time... mainly I was afraid of what would happen if I died in the battle? This technique must be inherited by someone!"

"Besides, I will never regret passing it on to Musashi! Kakashi, you also discovered that the child is very similar to me."

"No talent for ninjutsu?" said Hatake Kakashi.

"No!" Might Guy said seriously: "Musashi is not without the talent of a ninja. In fact, as far as I know, his talent for ninjutsu is not bad!"

"And this is one of the reasons why I am moved. This child obviously has the talent for ninjutsu, but he can have such an excellent foundation in the practice of physical skills!"

"That technique can be passed down because of such a person!"

"The talent for ninjutsu is not bad." Kakashi said softly.

Might Guy: "Not bad. Kakashi, you know, my ninjutsu talent was very poor at first, and I couldn't even pass the entrance exam at one point. That's why I put all my energy into taijutsu. But you know, Musashi is different. From the time I met this child until now, he has never slacked off! Not even for a single day! "

"If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that such a root would appear in a four or five-year-old child."

"Wait and see, Kakashi. This child's taijutsu talent will surprise you."

"Really?" Hatake Kakashi looked at the dust getting closer and closer: "Then I'll wait and see how good the child you are so optimistic about can grow up to be."

When Suzumiya Musashi ran to the Hokage Rock, the breath of Might Guy and the other two had calmed down.

Although panting and exhausted, Suzumiya Musashi's eyes were still bright.

"Brother Kai, I failed. Next, I will fulfill my oath and do a thousand squats on the Third Hokage Rock!"

"Yoshi! Musashi, great! Failure is not terrible. Even I lost to Kakashi again today.

Next, I will kick a thousand times with weights on my feet! Kakashi, are you interested in supervising us? ! ”

Hatake Kakashi: “Not interested at all, thank you! Goodbye!”

After that, he quickly left. After running far away, Hatake Kakashi looked back at the two who had already started to "practice the oath", and couldn't help but sigh.

"I thought Kai was a rare person in the ninja world, but I didn't expect that Musashi would come together with him."

"It seems that I have to avoid them in the future. If I get entangled by these two people... ah~ I can't think about it anymore!"

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