The wind was blowing, and the sky was full of clouds.


The afterimages flew by, without the sound of the wind breaking through the body moving quickly.

It seemed that there were different rules from the outside world in the blood-stained space formed by the ice mirror.

After a while, Suzumiya Musashi felt a little tired from the highly concentrated spirit, so he stopped Bai who consumed a huge amount of chakra.

"Okay, Bai, stop first."

After saying that, without waiting for Bai to remove the blood stains, he hurried to the table and spread out paper and pen.

"Analysis of the characteristics of the Blood Limit - Magic Mirror Ice Crystal"

"Summary of the characteristics of ninjutsu in the space formed by the blood secret technique"

"On Elementalization - On the degree of mastery of chakra properties and possible conjectures of elementalization"

He recorded the topics one by one, and gradually, piles of notes were listed.

After a long time, Suzumiya Musashi stopped writing, and Bai's chakra was partially restored.

"Bai, let's continue."

"You don't need to cast the magic mirror ice crystal this time."

"Just slowly condense the ice element."

The completion of the magic mirror ice crystal is too high, and the principle of ninjutsu is too complicated. It is not something he can study clearly at once.

Start with the simplest one.

The basic "ice escape" synthesis and figuring out the principle are his most important and most difficult topics after the research on "physical skills", "sealing techniques", "lightning escape activation" and several chakra properties.

Sharingan, Shikotsu, Byakugan... Such bloodline limits are too dependent on bloodlines, and are not objects that he can study.

Compared with the above, the properties required for synthesizing bloodlines such as Ice Release, Melting Release, and Boiling Release are clearer, and the possibility of research results is also greater.

After all, even Dust Release can be learned and inherited, so there is no reason why other types of bloodlines cannot be studied.

The power mastered by the ancestors through practice has been integrated into the bloodline through generations to become bloodline limits. Now, he wants to reverse it and explore the principles of the existing bloodline limits.

Even if the probability is very low, he must give it a try.

This is the instinct left by being a social animal for many years of scientific research.

Bai stretched out his hand.

Chakra emerged little by little.

After leaving the body, it showed the properties of ice.

Suzumiya Musashi wrapped the chakra in his palm, deeply touched the other party's chakra, and felt the formation of ice.

Unlike the ice mirror, the chakra in the slowly condensed ice has a slight corrosive property, as if it wants to turn the chakra in Suzumiya Musashi's hand into ice.

Ignoring the slight tingling sensation in his hand.

Suzumiya Musashi closed his eyes.

He gave up observing with his naked eyes and experienced it carefully.

It is known that the 'ice' attribute is a combination of wind attribute and water attribute.

What is the proportion of wind attribute? What is the proportion of water attribute? These are the questions he needs to know most.

In addition, what level of chakra can meet the conditions for synthesizing bloodstains?

Ten minutes later, Suzumiya Musashi withdrew his hand again.

"Bai, in addition to the blood limit, do you have other attributes of ninjutsu?"

"No." Bai shook his head.

"After my bloodline limit awakened, I didn't have the opportunity to learn other ninjutsu, and then I met Mr. Zabuza."

"He told me that my bloodline limit is a precious ability that surpasses ordinary ninjutsu. As long as I make good use of the power of the bloodline limit, it will be fine."

"Is that so..." Suzumiya Musashi pondered for a moment, then walked to the side and found two ninjutsu scrolls.

He handed the scroll to Bai and said, "Try these two ninjutsu and see the effect."

"They are all basic ninjutsu. With your strength, you should be able to master them quickly."

Bai took it with some surprise.

"Wind Style: Wind Blowing Cut", "Water Style: Water Wave".

Two basic C-level ninjutsu.

"Senior Musashi, now?"

"Yes! Now." Suzumiya Musashi affirmed.

Bai had no choice but to start flipping through the ninjutsu scrolls.

From the principles of the technique to the order of seals, the scrolls were all marked by Suzumiya Musashi, which was very comprehensive.

Five minutes later, Bai put down the scroll in his hand.

"I'll try." As he said that, he began to seal his hands according to the technique recorded on the scroll, and the chakra began to condense.

The temperature in the room began to drop again.

Suzumiya Musashi frowned slightly: "Bai, control it, don't condense ice attribute chakra like before."

"I'll try my best."

Bai started to try again.

Once, twice... Ten minutes later, as Bai finished sealing again,

Chakra successfully began to be used according to the requirements of the technique.

"Don't be afraid, there is a barrier in the house, use it boldly."

Hearing Suzumiya Musashi's words, Bai no longer hesitated,

"Wind Style: Wind Blowing Cut!"

In the quiet room, the wind suddenly rose.

The sharp wind blade condensed into shape, and then flew forward with a whistle.

Suddenly, Bai exclaimed.

I saw Suzumiya Musashi in front of him suddenly step forward at the moment when the wind style ninjutsu was formed.

A thin layer of lightning covered his hands, and he actually touched the wind blade with his bare hands.

"Ding Ding Ding!!!~" A few crisp sounds.

In Bai's panicked eyes, Suzumiya Musashi was fine.

The thin lightning style chakra on his hand was partially defeated by the wind blade.

There were also a few that broke through the lightning style chakra under his deliberate control, leaving a few shallow blood wounds on his hands.

Looking at the blood wounds in his hands, Suzumiya Musashi's eyes were very bright.

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