After Gaara and his friends left, Suzumiya Musashi looked at Uzumaki Naruto and his friends, wondering, "Why are you guys all together?"

"Musashi-senpai!" Rock Lee said, "I was expressing my passionate love to Sakura. Just as Naruto was here, I had a youth contest with them."

"Who won?" Suzumiya Musashi asked, and he understood the look on the faces of the three people.

Obviously, Rock Lee won or had the upper hand, while Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, who looked constipated, did not take advantage.

"Well done, Lee."

"Thank you for the compliment, Musashi-senpai."

"However, it's a pity that Naruto stopped me before I could perform 'that move'."

Suzumiya Musashi felt the rapidly approaching breath, his eyes turned, and asked, "Which move?"

Lock Lee said confidently, "It's what Mr. Kai told me to do..."


"Bang!!!~" The rapidly approaching green figure with thick eyebrows swung his youthful iron fist.

It hit Rock Lee's face hard, which was caught off guard.

The latter's face underwent a huge deformation visible to the naked eye, and then the body flew up in a circle, turned three and a half times in the air, and fell to the ground with a round "smack".

Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura: "(キ`゚Д゚´)!!(キ`゚Д゚´)!!(キ`゚Д゚´)!!"

"Little Lee!~ What did you just...what did you just do!?"

"That kind of trick is not for you to use at a time like this!!!"

Suzumiya Musashi stood up to stop Might Guy: "Brother Kai! Little Lee was also careless for a moment."

"You also know that this kid is determined to prove that he can surpass the genius, and it is inevitable that he will meet Sasuke..."

Might Guy's fist clenched tighter and tighter, and before Suzumiya Musashi finished speaking, Iron Fist had another close contact with Rock Lee.


Rock Lee got up and his eyes were filled with tears: "Teacher Kai~"

"Little Lee! Stop talking, don't be so impulsive next time~"

"Teacher Kai!~"

"Little Lee!!~"


"Two little guys! Wait until the Chunin Exams, and have a good fight with Little Lee!" A few minutes later, Might Guy left with Rock Lee, who was beaten even more embarrassed than Uchiha Sasuke.

Suzumiya Musashi turned around and looked at the depressed Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto.

"Do you feel bad after losing?"

The two did not speak.

Suzumiya Musashi consoled: "Look at it lightly."

"You will always meet enemies you cannot defeat."

"Take your time, work hard, and there will always be a day when you will surpass the other party."

Uchiha Sasuke couldn't look at it lightly.

He couldn't help but ask, "Brother Musashi, why is he so powerful?"

Suzumiya Musashi said bluntly, "Because he is one year older than you."

"More importantly, he works harder than you."

"Work harder than me?" Uchiha Sasuke obviously disagreed.

He thought that among his peers, no one worked harder than him.

However, Suzumiya Musashi just looked at him quietly.

Did Uchiha Sasuke work hard? Of course he did.

But this kind of effort was accompanied by arrogance.

He believed that he was carrying hatred and mission, and he looked down on his peers in his heart.

Especially when his strength was far higher than the opponent, although it was not easy to detect, he was slack in his heart.

It was okay when no one could compare.

But once he met an opponent, especially an opponent of similar age, who was stronger than him, his Taoism was immediately broken.

This situation was most obvious in Uzumaki Naruto.

When Uzumaki Naruto was in danger, he would go to save him without hesitation.

Uzumaki Naruto surpassed him, which made him feel worse than killing him.

Hatred and talent made him far stronger than his peers, but his youthful nature made him enjoy the happiness of being one step ahead.

Of course, there is nothing to blame. No one would ask a child to be perfect except the other's good big brother.

But Rock Lee is different from him.

Although Rock Lee also likes to show off. But he has a goal that he has been chasing - Hyuga Neji.

He is not like Uchiha Sasuke, who feels that he is a genius and invincible from time to time.

Instead, he has been chasing Hyuga Neji's footsteps.

With Hyuga Neji as his goal, he has been working hard for years.

Only time and sweat will not let down those who work hard.

So Rock Lee is very strong, at least better than the current Uchiha Sasuke.

Uchiha Sasuke understood the meaning of Suzumiya Musashi's eyes.

That thick eyebrowed man must work harder than himself.

He stopped talking and stared at the direction where Rock Lee disappeared.


At night.

Uzumaki Naruto had dinner at Suzumiya Musashi's house. Suzumiya Musashi took out a scroll and gave it to Uzumaki Naruto.

"Boss, what is this?"

Suzumiya Musashi said, "There may be unexpected situations during the exam."

"If you encounter a dangerous situation, tear up the scroll. I will rush over when I see the signal."

"Boss, you underestimate me again, I..."

"Keep it!"

"Oh~" Uzumaki Naruto agreed sullenly. Then he said, "Boss, why don't you give it to Karin?"

Uzumaki Karin said with a smug look on her face, "Do I need you to remind me? I already have it."

In fact, not only her and Uzumaki Naruto, but also Tenten and Suzumiya Musashi gave it.

The second level of the Chunin Exam is very dangerous, and the Genin who is taking the exam may really die.

Of course, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, who are cheating, will not do that, but again, there is no need to take risks.

"Bai, you stay at home during the Chunin Exam. If there is any unexpected situation, let Pete notify me."

"Yes." Bai responded.

Then he said a few words, and Suzumiya Musashi said: "Okay, that's it. Naruto, go back and rest early, don't be careless during the exam."

Uzumaki Naruto didn't respond, and said wittily: "Boss, what do you mean by rest early? I think you want to be with Sister Ayame, and you don't like me being a light bulb?"

Suzumiya Musashi didn't say anything, and looked at Uzumaki Naruto with a dangerous look.

"Boss! It's really late, I'm leaving now."

After Uzumaki Naruto left, Bai and Uzumaki Karin also returned to their respective rooms.

Suzumiya Musashi looked at Ayame.

"Sister, it's getting late..."


Anbu, all members of Team 6 are on standby.

"666, 667..." Suzumiya Musashi, wearing an Anbu vest, kept sitting and squatting in the corner.

The teammates were bored and watched Suzumiya Musashi exercising alone.

After a long time of getting along, they have become accustomed to this teammate always looking for opportunities to practice.

It has not changed for many years.

If it were them, they would not be able to use all their energy to practice.

"778, 779..."

"I say, Musashi, are you really not bored?" Hyuga Yuichi looked at it for a while and couldn't help asking.

"The captain said that when you are in the Anbu, you have to call by code name." Suzumiya Musashi continued his actions.

Hyuga Yuichi: "..."

"Pigeon, aren't you bored?"


Suzumiya Musashi said: "Practicing is not a boring thing for me. I can feel happy in practicing."

Hyuga Yuichi shook his head: "Pervert."

"I don't believe that you have almost no other interests besides practicing, and you won't get bored."

Suzumiya Musashi raised his head and looked at Hyuga Yuichi like a fool: "Who said I don't have other interests?"

"If you are tired of practicing, I can go home to accompany my wife at night?"

Hyuga Yuichi: "(`^′)...(`□′)╯~~┴—┴"

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