The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

He didn't care about the other party's situation and continued to face other enemies.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!!!~"

He exerted his speed to the fastest. Under the stimulation of the lightning chakra, the whole person was like a flash of lightning. Few enemies could last a few moves under him.

Whether it was illusion or ninjutsu, no matter how fancy the means were, as long as the power was not enough to hurt him, he would break it with one punch!

After solving the enemy in front of him and the remaining part of the others were enough to deal with, Suzumiya Musashi quickly left the place.

In the distance, there were more enemies, wreaking havoc in Konoha.

Suzumiya Musashi began to search for enemies everywhere, and when he met them, he punched and kicked them without saying a word.

"Bang!" "15", "Bang Bang!" "16", "Boom!!~", "19"...

After dealing with a wave of enemies, Suzumiya Musashi turned his head and looked at the periphery of Konoha.

A vibration sound came from afar.

The huge three-headed snake roared and raged, and wherever it passed, ninjas dodged and walls and houses collapsed.

The Genin who had no time to dodge was crushed and died.

"It's you!"

Suzumiya Musashi started running.

The speed was getting faster and faster, and when he approached the giant snake, he shouted!

"Get out of the way!!~"

The ninjas who were blocking looked up suddenly.

When they saw a beam of lightning approaching rapidly, the sharp-eyed ninjas quickly got out of the way.

The lightning roared and collided with the giant snake that was constantly advancing.


Accompanied by a loud bang, the momentum of the three-headed snake's advance suddenly stopped.

The head in the front of the middle was hit hard, and it instantly rose back, pulling the huge body back a little, and then fell again.

"Bang! !~" The snake head fell to the ground, and the building below collapsed instantly.

"So strong!" A ninja exclaimed.

"It actually blocked this monster with one strike!"

Ignoring the reactions of the ninjas, Suzumiya Musashi looked at the three-headed giant snake.

The snake head that had just fallen moved, and slowly raised up amid the hissing of the other two heads.

In the middle of the snake head, a wound as sunken as a big pit gushed out blood.

"The scales are harder than I thought." Suzumiya Musashi said to himself.

He looked at the Konoha ninjas standing around and said loudly: "Go and deal with other enemies, I'll deal with this guy."

Even for him, it would take some effort to deal with the giant snake in front of him.

Facing such a huge monster, ordinary ninjas can't deal with it at all. It's better to deal with other enemies than to stay here.

The surrounding ninjas looked at each other, knowing that it was useless for them to stay, and quickly evacuated to find other enemies.

"Be careful!"

"Musashi Jonin! Thank you!"

Suzumiya Musashi nodded gently, watching the giant snake in front of him start to move again.

A large amount of Yang Release Chakra and Lightning Release Chakra began to cover the whole body.

When facing a giant target, the means of a ninja are very limited.

Ordinary Chunin and Genin, needless to say, even detonating tags are ineffective.

Few Jonin have the skills to fight against giant beasts.

Even if the power of small-scale ninjutsu can break the defense, it can only be regarded as a superficial injury to the giant beast that can move tens of meters.

High-power ninjutsu often lacks concentrated destructiveness.

Water burst, water dragon bomb, large-scale fire release, etc. may be able to block, but it is difficult to cause fatal injuries.

To achieve a fatal degree, it needs the power of Kage level.

Similar to Jiraiya's Toad Oil Flame Bomb, Uchiha Madara's Great Fire Extinguishing...

Suzumiya Musashi didn't master it.

Wind Style Shuriken might work, but this technique is too difficult. Even now, he hasn't mastered it to the extent of releasing it without injury.

This is why, when summoned beasts fight, ninjas usually use summoned beasts to deal with it.

The size difference is too big.

Looking at the three-headed giant snake in front of him, Suzumiya Musashi's mood to develop powerful ninjutsu became more urgent.

[Wait until the matter is over, and the research with Bai has to speed up. ]

Seeing the giant snake getting closer and closer, Suzumiya Musashi threw away distracting thoughts, and the chakra on his body instantly condensed.

The ground under his feet exploded, and the whole person disappeared instantly.

A line of lightning!

A trace of human fear flashed in the giant snake's eyes, and looking at Suzumiya Musashi's rapid figure, his head subconsciously dodged to the side.

Its speed is not slow, but Suzumiya Musashi is too fast!

"Bang!!" The giant snake's neck was hit hard, and its scales shattered as its neck suddenly tilted!

Before it could react, the lightning used the force of the impact to

The path disappeared again, and when it appeared again, it was already on top of another snake head.


"Boom boom boom boom!!!~"

Compared to its huge body, Suzumiya Musashi was as small as a sesame seed on the giant python.

But this tiny figure flashed rapidly on its body, and every collision was accompanied by a huge roar, as if it was nailed by tiny nails, scales flew across, and blood pits became more and more.

The three giant snakes hissed in pain.

One of the heads seized the opportunity and spit out a large amount of saliva and mucus at itself with a "Puff!" sound.

Suzumiya Musashi did not dare to take it head-on, and dodged instantly.

Wait until the mucus dissipated, and then start attacking again!

"Boom boom boom boom!!!!!!~"

The anger and the severe pain from the body made the giant snake howl, and then the body began to roll on the spot.

The huge body caused a huge vibration, and the houses and the ground were broken, splashing dust and smoke.

The ninjas in the distance looked at the movement caused by the giant snake rolling, and couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

"This momentum! It's amazing!"

"Is the strength of Musashi Jonin so strong?"

"I didn't feel so powerful when I was on a mission together."

"But, with such a companion, I feel a lot more at ease."


"Ahem~" The dust was too heavy, and Suzumiya Musashi covered his mouth and nose and temporarily stepped back.


"It is said that you should hit the snake at its seven inches!"

"This is more than seven hundred inches!" Suzumiya Musashi wished he had a big sword like Wen Tai in his hand.

In this way, he wouldn't have to worry about the small range of his physical attack.

After dozens of breaths.

The dust gradually dissipated.

The giant snake struggled to get up, with huge wounds all over its body, and blood gushed out, flowing down its body to the ground, mixing with the dust into a large piece of blood mud.

Among the raised heads, one snake head drooped slightly, and one snake head had an eye blown out, and the whole snake was in a mess.

The remaining eyes stared at Suzumiya Musashi, with fear in their shock and anger.

Suzumiya Musashi took a deep breath, smoothed the chakra in his body, and then moved again.

The speed was getting faster and faster!

He was going to temporarily suppress the opponent through high-speed and powerful attacks as before.

Then try to see if the fire escape could solve the opponent.

Lightning flashed, and in front of the huge giant snake, it was like a bright thin line approaching rapidly.

A trace of tyranny flashed in the eyes of the three-headed giant snake.

Then, the three heads swayed, and the mucus-like water flow gushed out again!


"Hua La La! ~"

It seemed as if a heavy mucus rain had fallen from the sky.

The huge coverage made it difficult for Suzumiya Musashi to dodge, so he simply used the Lightning Armor to its full strength and planned to withstand it!


The water curtain broke!

Suzumiya Musashi approached with a fierce momentum!

The remaining eyes of the giant snake looked at him steadily, with a human mockery in his eyes.

The next moment, a "bang~" sounded.

It disappeared.





Suzumiya Musashi couldn't stop in time, and the whole person plunged into the ruins.

After a moment, his figure broke out of the ground.

Thinking of the last look of the giant snake, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

Suzumiya Musashi: "... Don't let me see you again!"

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