The two of them were very happy.

Suzumiya Musashi took out a small scroll from his arms and handed it to Tenten.

Inside it was the remnant of Amaterasu left by Uchiha Itachi many years ago.

There were only three scrolls in total.

Karin had used one before, so he made up for it. This is the last one.

"Here, here you go. Just like Karin, don't say I'm partial this time."

"How could that be~" Tenten argued, "Teacher treats me the best!"

Suzumiya Musashi glanced at Tenten, but didn't refute her.

After thinking for a while, he took out another scroll from his arms and handed it to her.

"When you encounter a tough enemy, tear the scroll and throw it at the enemy quickly. But Tiantian, the fire-sealing scroll is very dangerous. Be careful with the flames inside."

"The second scroll has a fire-sealing seal I set. If you accidentally get burned, you must wrap it around your body as soon as possible. Remember?"

Tiantian took the scroll and nodded repeatedly: "Remember, remember."

"Of course, it's best not to use it. You don't know how to seal, so it's still very dangerous for you to use this scroll."

Tiantian hid the scroll close to his body with satisfaction, patted it to make sure it wouldn't be lost, and talked about the second purpose of coming to find Suzumiya Musashi.

"Teacher, I have learned the Rasengan now. Do you have any new ninjutsu to teach me?"

"Also, teacher, you said that I am most suitable for development in the direction of summoning beasts, but I don't even have a summoning beast now."

Suzumiya Musashi couldn't help but say: "You think I am Doraemon when you think I am your teacher!"

"Hehe..." Although Tiantian didn't know what Doraemon was, he knew that he was a little greedy.

She was already very happy to get the Fire Sealing Scroll, and the rest was just a try.

"Teacher, I'm just asking."

"It doesn't matter if you don't have it."

"Teacher, are you thirsty? Do you want me to pour you a glass of water? Or rub your shoulders?"

"Forget it." Suzumiya Musashi said unhappily.

He thought about it and felt that what Tiantian said made some sense.

After mastering the Rasengan, all he had to do was practice continuously. He should indeed learn some new ninjutsu to increase his means of dealing with the enemy.

However, Tiantian couldn't learn his five-element ninjutsu.

As for the summoning beast, he hadn't decided where to find it yet.

After thinking for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Let's go home with me."

After returning home with Tiantian, Suzumiya Musashi searched for his ninjutsu information, while Tiantian looked at his and Ayame's bedroom with curiosity.

"Teacher, this is the master's wife's bedroom. It's not good for me to come in. If the master's wife knows, she won't be angry, right?"

Suzumiya Musashi glanced at her: "Who told you to come in? Go wait in the living room."


A few minutes later, Suzumiya Musashi found the information to unseal it, and returned to the living room with a stack of information and put it in front of Tiantian.

"Here, for you."

"Teacher, what is this? A new technique?"

"Is it powerful?"

Suzumiya Musashi said: "Whether it is powerful or not depends on whether you can learn it."

Tentian was puzzled: "What do you mean, is this technique as difficult as Rasengan?"

Suzumiya Musashi nodded and said: "Maybe."

"This technique may be more difficult than Rasengan."

"Ah?" Tiantian immediately looked embarrassed.

It took her more than a year to barely master the Rasengan alone.

Here comes another ninjutsu that is more difficult than Rasengan.

Is it so difficult to have no talent for the Five Elements Ninjutsu?

"What?" Suzumiya Musashi looked at Tiantian who looked like she didn't know what she was talking about: "This is an S-level ninjutsu."

Tiantian immediately shut up.

Then, her big eyes glowed like a light bulb, and her breathing became rapid.

S-level ninjutsu!

It's exciting just to hear about it!

Just think about it, if she becomes the first person in a group of friends to master an S-level ninjutsu, how cool it would be to go out...

"Don't be happy too soon." Suzumiya Musashi interrupted Tiantian's fantasy.

"The name of this technique is "Flying Thunder God"."

"It is a space-time ninjutsu that has been developed and perfected by two generations of Hokage."

Tiantian's breathing became rapid again.

Suzumiya Musashi instructed: "Tenten, before learning this ninjutsu, there is one thing you must remember! Never tell anyone about this technique!"

"Brother Kai, Lee, Ningci, even your parents, you can't tell them, remember."

"Remember!" Tenten nodded vigorously: "But teacher, why can't I tell you?"

"In short, you can't tell you!"

The Flying Thunder God Technique is his

It was stolen from the sealed book.

Now that the third generation has passed away, it can be taken out. Even if it is discovered in the future, it can be explained that it was given to her by Minato.

But in order to avoid trouble, it is better not to tell anyone.

Tiantian was very excited.

If she doesn't want to tell you, then don't tell her.

This condition is nothing to have the opportunity to learn S-level ninjutsu.

It is foreseeable that she will have a sweet dream tonight.

Suzumiya Musashi didn't know whether Tiantian listened or not, and began to explain the precautions of Flying Thunder God to her.

Flying Thunder God, as an S-level space-time ninjutsu, is powerful and difficult to learn.

At least the ninjutsu professor and the strongest Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't know it.

He didn't know whether Tiantian's talent could learn it, but he just held some hope and let her try it.

"Teacher, do you know this ninjutsu? Can you show it to me?" After listening for a while, Tiantian suddenly said with some expectation.

She didn't forget the scene when Suzumiya Musashi showed her the Rasengan. Even if you can't learn it for a while, it's good to see the power of S-level ninjutsu in advance.

But Suzumiya Musashi shook his head: "I can't do it."

"This is a time-space ninjutsu. My talent doesn't meet the requirements for learning."

"Teacher, you don't know it, then I..." Tiantian suddenly became worried.

"Relax." Suzumiya Musashi comforted: "Your time-space talent is better than mine, and you may learn it."

"Here are some ideas I have for studying other ninjutsu. If you study them carefully, it may be helpful to you."

After getting the Flying Thunder God Technique, Suzumiya Musashi certainly tried to study it.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to get started.

The requirements for talent are too high.

After all, there are too few ninjas with excellent talents like Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato in the ninja world.

In his guess, Uzumaki Naruto might be able to give it a try.

In his memory, the other party was able to maintain spatial perception and continue fighting while turning into a shuriken and spinning rapidly. It might be a talent inherited from Namikaze Minato.

And Uzumaki Naruto has a few fox whiskers. The whiskers of ninja cats can enhance spatial perception, and it is unknown whether Uzumaki Naruto has a similar effect.

He plans to wait for Uzumaki Naruto to grow up a little bit, and then give this technique to him to see if he can learn it.

As for Tiantian, his expectations are not high.

If there is hope, even if she can learn it in ten or eight years, it is worth it.

Rasengan can give her a certain combat power when facing Chunin and Genin.

If there is a chance to find a suitable summoning beast, and Tiantian has enough chakra, she can also fight against Jonin.

And Flying Thunder God is a life-saving method he prepared for his little apprentice.

Once he learns it, his safety will be greatly guaranteed, and he can feel more at ease.

"Teacher, I am so touched." Tiantian raised her head, and both eyes were a little red.

"I will definitely work hard!"

Suzumiya Musashi smiled and said, "Don't be moved so early."

"Now you should do a good job of the Rasengan and basic training, and make sure that the chakra is sufficient. As for this ninjutsu, just take your time."

"It's just that I can only help you with this technique to a limited extent. You need to slowly understand it yourself."

"Don't worry, teacher, I will definitely work hard!"

After leaving Suzumiya Musashi's house, Tiantian was happy and worried.

What she was happy about was that Suzumiya Musashi was so good to her.

Not only did he plan her future route, teach her the attributeless ninjutsu Rasengan, but he could even teach her S-level ninjutsu.

Such a teacher can't be found even with Neji.

What she was worried about was that she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to learn it.

In the ninja world, the ninjutsu of a jonin is generally only B-level, and A-level is rare. And S-level ninjutsu is a precious ninjutsu that is difficult for ninjas from the big ninja clan to access. If she gets it but fails to learn it, she will definitely blame herself.

She was even more afraid that Suzumiya Musashi would be disappointed in her.

Thinking about Suzumiya Musashi's teachings to her, she secretly made up her mind.

[I must learn it! ]

[I can't let my teacher down! ]

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