The two of them were so excited that they had to fight.

Sure enough, in Jiraiya's eyes that he was sure of victory, Uchiha Itachi no longer hesitated.

He endured the stinging pain in his eyes and activated the "Moon Reading" again.

Under the scarlet light, powerful mental power surged out like a tide.


Uchiha Itachi moved.

He did not try to fight Jiraiya head-on, but came to Hoshigaki Kisame's side at the fastest speed, grabbed one of his hind legs, and ran away quickly.

He used the pupil technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan to hold Jiraiya and ran away quickly.

A moment later, there was a loud explosion.

When Jiraiya, who was still in shock, chased after him, the so-called indestructible esophagus of the Rock-juku Big Toad had been burned into a huge hole by the black flames.

Uzumaki Naruto looked at the black flames burning in the hole, and looked at Jiraiya with disgust.

"No one can escape. Huh?"

Jiraiya could only shake his head awkwardly.

"Ahem~ That... Rock-juku Big Toad has an upset stomach today. Um~ Naruto, don't look at me like that!!!"

Ignoring the two people who were jumping up and down, Suzumiya Musashi quickly came to the vicinity of the black flames.

"Fire Seal!"

As the black flames were sealed into the scroll, Suzumiya Musashi nodded with satisfaction.

[That's good now. ]

[It can give Karin and Tenten some time to deal with it. ]

As Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame ran away, Suzumiya Musashi said goodbye to Naruto.

"Naruto, be careful after leaving Konoha."

"Don't go out at night."

"If you encounter an enemy you can't defeat, run to Jiraiya, remember?"

"Yeah, boss, I remember."

"Also, if you meet a pretty lady when you go out, stay away from her."

"Boys should protect themselves when they are outside."

"Don't eat anything outside, throw it away if it's out of sight."

"When Jiraiya goes out to fool around, don't follow him in, or you'll get stye."

Jiraiya's face in the distance is getting darker and darker.

Even if the distance is not close, with his strength as a 'three ninjas', he heard everything, okay!

"Also, stay away from boys outside."

"Not only girls, sometimes boys are also dangerous, don't let Sasuke worry at home."

"Boss, what are you saying? Why don't I understand?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you should remember everything I say."

"The most important thing is, when you are outside, you must keep an eye on your wallet."

"Don't let the bad guys know that you have a lot of money."


Suzumiya Musashi kept giving instructions.

This was the first time that Uzumaki Naruto didn't go on a long trip with him, and there were endless instructions.

Uzumaki Naruto didn't feel nagging at all, and Suzumiya Musashi took everything he said seriously in his heart.

Finally, Suzumiya Musashi looked around, pulled Uzumaki Naruto closer, and secretly handed him something.

Uzumaki Naruto took it with doubt and found that it was an ordinary small wallet.

"Boss, why are you giving me this? I have..."

"Shh!" Suzumiya Musashi interrupted Uzumaki Naruto and whispered in his ear.

"This is the spare wallet that the boss gave you."

"Don't let others see it at ordinary times, do you hear me?"

"When you have no money, secretly input your chakra into it."

"I have sealed the spell in it. As long as you do what I say, the summoning spell will be activated and the wallet will swell."

"Three times a day at most."

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes lit up and he was about to turn the wallet over and take a closer look.

Suzumiya Musashi hurriedly stopped the other party's actions, still a little worried.

"The most important thing, remember, don't tell Jiraiya that you have this wallet, and don't tell him that the wallet can be summoned!"

"Did you hear me!"

"Yeah, boss, I remember it all!"

Uzumaki Naruto looked forward to embarking on a new journey with Jiraiya.

Suzumiya Musashi stood there, watching the gradually growing figure getting smaller and smaller in his sight.

Until the two disappeared on the horizon.

He was happy to see Uzumaki Naruto and Jiraiya practice together.

Although, he could also guide the other party to practice the ninjutsu of Rasengan and Rasenshuriken.

But he did not have the summoning contract of Myoboku Mountain.

And the foundation of Myoboku Mountain was one of the external forces that Uzumaki Naruto could not do without in the future.

Most importantly, Jiraiya's role in Naruto was not just that of a master.

It was still a new bond.

The other party could fill Uzumaki Naruto's heart like a lustful and indecent father.

And he was just the eldest brother.

A righteous and serious eldest brother.

However, the little guy who had been with him since he was four years old was taken away by someone else, and he still felt a little emotional.

After a while, Suzumiya Musashi retracted his gaze.

Carried the weak Uchiha Sasuke on his back.

"Let's go, stop looking, take you to the hospital."

Uchiha Sasuke lay on Suzumiya Musashi's back and rolled his eyes weakly.

[It's you who has been watching all the time! ]


"Shua shua~"

In the forest, Uchiha Itachi ran quickly with the big sword Samehada in one hand and Hoshigaki Kisame in the other.

It didn't slow down until it ran far out of Konoha.

"Damn it!" Hoshigaki Kisame opened his eyes and looked at the receding scenery, and spoke angrily.

"If Samehada was not in my hands at that time, I would not have been knocked out by Jiraiya. He attacked by surprise!"

"Yeah." Uchiha Itachi's face was calm.

"And that bastard in green clothes! No, it was two bastards!"

"They also attacked by surprise!"

"If I was ready to perform water escape and Samehada transformation, I would definitely be able to kill both of them."

"Yes, yes, yes." Uchiha Itachi agreed.

It seemed that Hoshigaki Kisame was the only one in the ninja world who mastered the ability to transform.

"Wait until next time!"

"Next time I see them, I will definitely let them taste the power of my big Samehada!"

"Okay, okay." Uchiha Itachi responded again.

"Mr. Itachi!" Hoshigaki Kisame felt something was wrong: "Are you really listening to what I'm saying?"

Uchiha Itachi stopped talking.

"Damn it!" Hoshigaki Kisame was furious: "Put me down, I'll go back and take down the heads of those two people in green clothes!"

"Bang!" Uchiha Itachi stood up and put Hoshigaki Kisame's body on the ground.

Hoshigaki Kisame: "("▔□▔)..."

"Mr. Itachi, you..."

"They shouldn't be able to catch up here, let's rest first." Uchiha Itachi's words made Hoshigaki Kisame feel relieved.

He just expressed his emotions.

If he really had to go to Konoha to kill people with his injuries, he was not a fool.

However, thinking about it, it was still a bit depressing.

I followed Uchiha Itachi all the way to Konoha.

I didn't let everyone feel the horror of him, Hoshigaki Kisame, and was kicked and punched by three people in succession.

What kind of martial arts is this!

Don't you even give a warning before you take action?

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