The gambling house.

When Tsunade pushed open the door and walked in, all eyes were on her, and then they became excited.

"Here I come!"

"I'm going to change my luck!"

"Damn it, I lost all night, and I can finally make some money~"

Tsunade has become accustomed to being stared at like a fat sheep by everyone.

"You don't have to be so happy! I didn't come here to gamble with you today." Tsunade snorted coldly, and then arranged a single room under the warm hospitality of the boss.

There were also people who wanted to get the qualification to participate by paying the entrance fee, but after being shocked by Tsunade's punch, no one dared to say anything.

Walk into the single room.

Tsunade suddenly relaxed and looked as comfortable as if she was back home.

Suzumiya Musashi observed the other party calmly.

Tsunade, anyone who has watched Naruto will be familiar with her.

Background, strength, and mind... are all unique in the ninja world.

At this moment, the fantasy character was sitting at the gambling table in front of him without caring about his image. With the green robe thrown aside casually, the whole person was shining under the lights of the casino.

"Dice, cards, dominoes... what do you bet on?" Tsunade reported a series of names.

Suzumiya Musashi came back to his senses and didn't know how to answer Tsunade's question for a while.

He didn't know any of these ways to play.

The reason why he agreed to gamble was purely because he believed in Tsunade's gambling luck.

"Let's play the simplest rules." He thought for a while and said, "It's best to understand it as soon as you say it."

Tsunade frowned and looked up and down at Suzumiya Musashi.

"You're not playing for the first time, are you?"

"What's wrong with the first time!" Feeling Tsunade's contemptuous look, Suzumiya Musashi couldn't help it: "Isn't it easy to win you?"

Half an hour later.

Suzumiya Musashi's face was dark.

Didn't win!

He didn't expect that his gambling luck was even worse than Tsunade's.


"You lost again!"

After losing again, Suzumiya Musashi couldn't help but question; "Did you cheat! How could I not win once?"

"Bang!" The white and well-proportioned palm slammed heavily on the solid wood table, making a muffled sound.

Tsunade's face was serious: "You dare to question my gambling character?"

Suzumiya Musashi sobered up a little and felt that he should have thought too much.

If Tsunade wanted to cheat, she wouldn't have been called a 'fat sheep'.

But he still didn't understand how he could lose so badly?

Although the money lost was nothing to him now, he just felt aggrieved.

"Come again!"


"Come again!"

Time quickly came to the middle of the night.

Suzumiya Musashi was numb.

He found that he was actually countered by Tsunade.

No matter what kind of cards, no matter what kind of play, he would lose to the opponent.

Opposite him, Tsunade's face did not look happy.

If it was a simple win of two games, she might be very excited.

But something was wrong today.

The boy in front of her had been losing all night.

And according to her experience, whenever she was in a state of "winning every bet", nothing good would happen.

All kinds of worries flashed through her mind. Tsunade thought silently for a long time, but couldn't think of what else she could be unlucky about.

There was no one left in the Senju clan.

Her lover and brother were long gone.

Even if she was unlucky again, how unlucky could she be?

Did Jiraiya die?

Not really. If he died, she would at most win a few games in a row, not a whole night.

[Could it be that she was in danger? 】Tsunade couldn't help thinking in her heart.

Then, she shook her head and put the idea behind her.

Danger is danger, death is death.

Life and death are no big deal. But how long has it been since she experienced such a hearty winning streak? Even if she dies, she must satisfy her addiction and win hard!

Besides, she still has a question in her heart.

How much money does the other party have?

She has won all night, but the other party has not lost his underwear and can continue to pay out money.

Could it be the son of a lord family?

When she excitedly transferred the money on the gambling table to her arms again, Suzumiya Musashi gave up.

"I give up."

"No more gambling! I won't gamble again even if you kill me!"

Tsunade was in high spirits, and heard the words dissatisfied and said: "Don't! I haven't had enough!"

Suzumiya Musashi shook

Shaking her head: "No more gambling."

"I didn't win a single bet all night! Gambling is harmful!"

Tsunade didn't want to stop.

She turned and looked at Nojiri Daiki who was yawning in the distance: "You can admit defeat, but don't forget our bet. If you lose, I will kill that white-haired guy."

Nojiri Daiki, who was still sleepy, suddenly became much more energetic.

Suzumiya Musashi thought for a while and said: "Forget about killing him, it won't do you any good."

"How about changing the conditions?"

Tsunade looked at Suzumiya Musashi and the others with contempt.

"Change the conditions? You are of no value to me."

Suzumiya Musashi suggested: "How about this, we are wrong today, we are willing to admit defeat, and we owe you a favor. If you have any troubles and it is inconvenient for you to take action, I can help you solve it, how about it?"

"Hehe~ What troubles can you help me solve?"

Suzumiya Musashi shrugged: "Who knows."

Tsunade paused.

Suddenly thought of her abnormal luck today.

After a moment, she said, "It doesn't sound impossible."

"But, there's one more condition!"

"What condition?"

"Be with me for another three... ten days!"

"If you make me happy, I'll forgive you for your previous offense."

Suzumiya Musashi thought it sounded weird.

If the other party wasn't the great and generous Tsunade, he would definitely not agree.


"But not too late, I have to go to bed on time."



For the next few days, Suzumiya Musashi stayed with Tsunade.

Trying to find a way to beat Tsunade.

Unfortunately, no matter how she played, Tsunade won in the end.

After a few days of peace and quiet, Tsunade had a guess in her mind.

Could it be that I only have good luck in gambling when I face this guy?

In order to test this conjecture, Tsunade ran to the public gambling table and gambled with others twice.

The result made her very excited.

She lost again!

Although she lost, she didn't care.

What does this mean? It means that her previous worries were unnecessary. Nothing bad happened, it was just God's blessing that she finally met someone with worse gambling luck than her!

In the following days, Suzumiya Musashi found that Tsunade looked at him more eagerly.

The look of finding a treasure made him feel a little creepy.

Being stared at by the other party, he didn't even have the mood to appreciate the peak, and couldn't help asking: "After ten days, you will let us go, right?"

Tsunade just smiled: "Hehe~"

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