The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Suzumiya Musashi straightened his back: "Hokage-sama!"

Tsunade snorted coldly.

"Tell me."


"Don't you have anything to say to me?"

Suzumiya Musashi thought for a while: "Well, Tsunade...Hokage-sama."

"It's great news that you can come back to serve as the fifth Hokage of Konoha!"

"I guess everyone in the village is very happy about this news?"

"It's great that the village can have a powerful ninja like you as Hokage..."


With a muffled sound, Suzumiya Musashi retreated violently and hit the wall behind him heavily.

Fortunately, the quality of the Konoha office building is good. Apart from a few more cracks on the wall, no holes were smashed.


"Bang, bang, bang, bang!!!!~"

"Drunk tourists, huh!"

"Bang, bang, bang!!!~"

"Appreciate my style, are you fascinated by me!"

"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

"The money and goods are cleared, right!"

"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

"Can you have a baby, right!"

"Bang, bang, bang!"

"Stop it!" Suzumiya Musashi stretched out a hand: "It's not me who said to have a baby, it's you who said it."

Tsunade glared: "How dare you talk back!!"

"Bang, bang, bang..."

A series of blows sounded.

Shizune stood outside the Hokage's office, listening to the dull blows coming from inside the room, and shrank her neck in fear.

Many people in the Hokage building raised their heads in confusion, still wondering if there was an invasion by foreign enemies.

Otherwise, I haven't heard that the Hokage building is going to be renovated?

A few minutes later.

Suzumiya Musashi stood in front of Tsunade with a bruised face.

The latter vented for a while and finally felt better.


Suzumiya Musashi wanted to cry but had no tears: "What else do you want me to say?"

Tsunade said: "Tell me why you appeared in Tansho Street."

"Don't use the excuse of getting drunk to fool me, I haven't settled the account with that white-haired guy yet!"

Suzumiya Musashi certainly didn't dare to mention the matter of "you said we're even" at this time, and explained truthfully.

"Senior Kakashi and the two children were seriously injured. Brother Kai said that only your medical ninjutsu can cure them."

"I just wanted to invite you back."

"I didn't expect that Daiki was drunk at the time and spoke rudely to you... I really didn't mean to lie to you!"

"That's it?" Tsunade looked at him with some suspicion.

"That's the fact."

Tsunade stared at him, trying to see if he was lying.

Suzumiya Musashi looked at each other confidently.

The office was quiet.

After a long while, seeing that Tsunade did not take the next step, Suzumiya Musashi said tentatively: "Hokage-sama, um, what you promised at the beginning..."

Tsunade: "What did I promise?"

Suzumiya Musashi said: "You said at the beginning that if I need your help, or if I ask you for something, you will not refuse."

Tsunade looked at him with interest: "Oh?"

"Then tell me, what do you want me to promise?"

"I want to learn your Yin Seal!" Suzumiya Musashi did not hesitate.

"It would be best if we could sign a contract with the Slug Sage of the Wet Bone Forest."

Tsunade's fake smile faded, and her face darkened.

She had thought it through. If Suzumiya Musashi made any excessive demands, she would make him look bad.

But when Suzumiya Musashi's demands were very serious, for some reason, she became even angrier!

Seeing Tsunade clench her fists and make a crackling sound, Suzumiya Musashi took two steps back in fear.

"I'm not asking for nothing. I can exchange it with mission merits!"

"I've worked hard and tirelessly in the Anbu for the past few years, but I didn't use any of the merits I got!"

"What... what are you going to do?"

"Don't come over here."

"I tell you, I bleed for Konoha!"

"I also fought with Orochimaru for you!"

"Stop! Don't come over here!!~"


Suzumiya Musashi left the Hokage building.

He didn't go through the door or the stairs.

He didn't complain until he was far away from the Hokage building, rubbing the dark blue on his body.


"You're so old, but you don't keep your word at all."

"No wonder you don't have a boyfriend."

"What are you talking about?" A voice suddenly came from my ear.

"Shit!" Suzumiya Musashi jumped up in fright, and turned around to find that it was Uchiha Izumi.

"You walk without making any sound!

? "

Uchiha Izumi tilted his head: "I saw you mumbling from a distance, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing." Suzumiya Musashi said unhappily: "I met a person who doesn't keep his word."

Uchiha Izumi didn't ask Suzumiya Musashi who he was talking about, but said: "By the way, Xiao Li and Sasuke's injuries have improved a lot."

"Do you want to go with me to see them?"


"I haven't been home for a long time, I'll go home to see my sister first."

Uchiha Izumi was slightly disappointed.

Suzumiya Musashi continued: "It's okay as long as Xiao Li's injury is healed. As for Sasuke, you can bring him and Aoi to my house for dinner in the evening."

Uchiha Izumi's mouth was slightly curved.



"Sister, I'm back! "

After returning home, Suzumiya Musashi hugged Ayame who was busy at home and turned around a few times.

"Oh, put me down!"

"You are so old, but you are still so impatient!"

Suzumiya Musashi didn't care.

Until Ayame felt a little dizzy, he put her down.

"Are you done?" Ayame calmed her fluctuating breathing.

"It's done." Suzumiya Musashi said: "Sister, I brought you a lot of gifts. Take a look!"

As he said that, Suzumiya Musashi took out the specially prepared gifts.

Local souvenirs, cosmetics, clothes and jewelry, as well as rare seasonings and spices.

Ayame looked at them with joy in her eyes.

"Do you like it?"

"Of course I like it. I like everything you bring back."

"Hehe, I brought back more than these."

Ayame looked at him expectantly: "What else? ”

“And I miss you so much.”

Ayame: Σ(⊙ˍ⊙)




There is no hope for learning the Yin seal for the time being.

Suzumiya Musashi can only put this aside for the time being and prepare to find a suitable opportunity later.

While there are no tasks, he will practice for a while.

Unexpectedly, he, who had been treated coldly by Koharu Utatane and others, was quickly "re-employed" after Tsunade came to power.

At night.

The lights of Konoha are bright.

People are dressed casually, walking in groups of three or two on the street, chatting and gathering. Many vendors are open all night, and the atmosphere is hot.

As a recent period The most recognized Hokage in the history of Konoha, and the first female Hokage of Konoha, the top management prepared a fireworks party for Tsunade to change the recent depressing atmosphere in the village and celebrate the inauguration of the new Hokage.

Everyone was very happy.

Those with girlfriends held their girlfriends.

Those without girlfriends brought Hatake Kakashi.

Those who were energetic strolled on the ground, and those who were not energetic sat on the roof.

Everyone's face was filled with a relaxed and happy smile.

Except for Suzumiya Musashi.

Hatake Kakashi sat on the street light box, looking at the figure in the ninja duty uniform in the crowd, and laughed and teased.

"Yo~ Musashi, it's rare to be so dedicated today."

"Still patrolling so late."

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