One, two, three...

Soon, five perfect circular depressions appeared on the ground.

Suzumiya Musashi said: "Did you see that, Tenten."

"My Rasengan just now consumes about the same amount of chakra as your Rasengan."

"My Rasengan can create five pits, and yours can only create less than two on average."

"Do you understand?"

Tenten nodded, not quite understanding: "I think she understands."

"Teacher, are you saying that if my Rasengan continues to improve, the goal of thirty won't be particularly difficult?"

"Yes." Suzumiya Musashi said: "I know that improving chakra is not an easy thing, so I won't ask you to double your chakra in a short period of time."

"You can only create less than two Rasengans now. If you can create three, then you only need to increase your chakra by 30%."

"If you can create four, you can directly meet my requirements."

"So, no matter what method you use, as long as you can create thirty pits, you will be qualified."

After hearing Suzumiya Musashi's explanation, Tenten finally felt a little confident.

Then he said excitedly: "Teacher, then tell me quickly, if I meet the requirements, what rewards will I get?"

"Tell me quickly, tell me, I will have more motivation."

Suzumiya Musashi smiled and said: "Don't you always want a powerful summoning beast?"

Tentian's eyes lit up: "Teacher, you mean..."

"That's right."

"As long as you meet my requirements, I will catch a powerful summoning beast for you."

Tentian's eyes lit up: "How strong?"

Suzumiya Musashi said: "At least the level of a jonin."

"Wow~" Tiantian felt that his saliva was about to flow down.

Summoning beasts are very precious in the ninja world, and powerful summoning beasts are even harder to find.

Among the summoning beasts of ordinary ninjas, many are responsible for exploration, intelligence transmission and other tasks, and only a few are strong in themselves.

For summoning beasts that are powerful, the ninjas they contract are often powerful ninjas themselves.

If I had a summoned beast that could rival a jonin…

Looking at Tiantian who was immersed in fantasy, Suzumiya Musashi planned to add fuel to the fire.

"Moreover, I can promise you that as long as you complete my request, the faster the time, the stronger the summoned beast will be."

Tiantian was even more excited.

But soon, she realized something was wrong: "Teacher, a summoned beast is such a rare thing, can you choose the strength of it?"

Suzumiya Musashi pointed to the entrance of the canyon outside where the wind was howling, and asked; "Do you know where this is?"

"Isn't it the Absolute Wind Valley?"

"It's called the Absolute Wind Valley, yes." Suzumiya Musashi said: "But in addition to that, this is also the nest of the Kamaitachi clan."

Tiantian was puzzled: "Kamaitachi?"

"Yes, Kamaitachi, the spirit beside the wind god in the legend, is also a famous summoned beast clan in the ninja world."

"The Kamaitachi clan is born There is a sense of perception of wind attributes and excellent talent, which can accompany the wind and master the powerful wind. " The face value of the psychic beasts is not low. Tibet: "..." It seems that the motivation is still very successful. In order not to be partial, Suzumiya Musashi asked: "Karin, do you want a summoned beast?"

"No need." Uzumaki Karin didn't even raise her head.

"Brother, you told me that in the early stage of physical training, you must have an unstoppable momentum and can't be distracted."

"You can't let external things affect the improvement of your own strength."

"Now my goal is physical training and the Eight Gates of the Ninjutsu. As for the summoned beast, don't worry about me."

Looking at Uzumaki Karin

Suzumiya Musashi looked very devoted, with a complicated expression.

On the one hand, he felt sorry for the hard training she would have to endure.

On the other hand, he was also pleased that she kept her word and persisted.

He wanted to set a target reward for her.

For example, if she could defeat Xiao Li with the "Eight Gates of Dunjia" and physical skills, he would teach her the subsequent "River Flow Seal".

But seeing Uzumaki Karin's current state, he gave up this plan.

Uzumaki Karin now has a strong inner support and a passion for training, so he doesn't need him to add more fuel.

"Karin, you should also pay attention to your body when you practice."

"Know your body, control your body, and break through your body. This is a comprehensive ability, and you must be careful not to overdo it."

"Brother, don't worry." Uzumaki Karin tried to keep her breathing steady and said, "I'm not that idiot like Lee, who would do stupid things that would damage my body and seriously injure me during training."

"My goal is to become stronger! I know how to go. If I encounter difficulties, don't I still have you?"

Suzumiya Musashi nodded with relief.

If Uzumaki Karin was not a girl, she would be the perfect successor to "Eight Gates of Dunjia" in his heart.

In fact, even if she was a girl, she would be the perfect successor!

Think about it, if she traveled outside for a few years, Uzumaki Karin's physical skills would be developed, plus the Eight Gates of Dunjia, plus his sealing technique.

Rock Lee?

Maybe the next time they meet, Karin will really have the possibility of defeating the other party?

After a while, Shiro's rice was ready.

In addition to simple meals, there is also a pot of nourishing porridge, which contains many precious ingredients that can improve physical fitness and restore physical strength.

All of this was naturally prepared by Suzumiya Musashi.

You can't treat your body badly in food when practicing. As long as it is good for the body, Suzumiya Musashi has always purchased as many precious ingredients as possible.

Pray before the meal and thank Cardo.

"Don't practice anymore, Tenten, Karin, come and eat."

The two people who were practicing enthusiastically stopped their actions, washed their hands and ate. Since they followed Suzumiya Musashi to practice, Suzumiya Musashi has set rules for them. Except for special circumstances, the quality of diet and sleep is the first priority of practice.

Eat well, don't be impatient, don't procrastinate. Sleep well, no matter what, put it aside.

Health is important.

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