The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"This won't work!" Suzumiya Musashi made a quick decision.

He didn't have time to regret his reckless behavior, and his brain started to work quickly in an instant.

His own ninjutsu, treasures... all the means that could be used were instantly filtered in his mind.

None of them had ninjutsu that could fly in the air.

Tiantian's summoned beast, Kamadoka, could only walk on the wind blades, and had no means to deal with the helpless sky. In addition, none of them had summoned ninjutsu that could fly.

In an instant, Suzumiya Musashi thought of the only means he could try!

He quickly took out the scrolls from his body.

These were the giant eagle scrolls that Nojiri Oki prepared for him to travel, so that he could save his legs. At this moment, it became their life-saving straw, but unfortunately, the straw was not very strong.

There were still seven scrolls, and he quickly stuffed them into the three people to keep. The giant eagle was still struggling and falling, and he didn't have time to explain too much.

"Go to a high place and tear open the scroll! Run north!!!"

While shouting loudly, he stretched out his hand, grabbed the clothes around Bai's waist, and then wrapped his arms around it.

The strange power technique was used. In order to avoid hurting the opponent, the body rotated several times on the spot, and then suddenly threw it hard into the distance!


Bai was thrown far away by Suzumiya Musashi like a sandbag, and turned into a black dot in the sky in the blink of an eye.


Suzumiya Musashi reminded, and Tenten, who already knew Suzumiya Musashi's intention, hurriedly prepared. Suzumiya Musashi held Tenten with one hand and did the same, and the latter followed closely.

Because the giant eagle was falling continuously, the last person had to use more strength and throw farther. Uzumaki Karin's body was stronger after physical training, so she ranked last.

When Suzumiya Musashi embraced Uzumaki Karin, the giant eagle could no longer withstand the huge gravity from below, and it shattered into ink all over the sky.

"Swoosh!" Suzumiya Musashi threw Uzumaki Karin with all his strength, making a more piercing sound of breaking wind.


"Don't worry about me!" Suzumiya Musashi shouted, and the whole person fell down.

Uzumaki Karin was extremely worried, but she also knew that she couldn't be a burden to Suzumiya Musashi at this time.

When her figure rose to the highest point, she tore open Nojiri Oki's scroll and stepped on the back of the giant eagle that reappeared.

Soon, she and Tenten and others joined together.

"What should we do, teacher!?" Tenten was extremely anxious.

Uzumaki Karin gritted her teeth: "Brother should have a way, let's leave here first!" After that, the three of them each drove the giant eagle to the north.

Suzumiya Musashi continued to fall.

He was filled with regret. He had thought that the Yellow Earth Forest was just an adventure similar to the Absolute Wind Valley, but he had never expected to encounter such a danger.

[It's my fault. I didn't know the information here and was too careless! ]

[I hope they'll be fine. ]

Below, the dark swamp kept expanding in front of him, and groups of strange snakes raised their heads high, making sharp screams that made Suzumiya Musashi's scalp numb.

Seeing that he was about to fall into the swamp, he quickly formed seals with both hands.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

A huge fireball appeared out of thin air, and then slammed into the monster snake below. At the moment the fireball exploded, the monster snake's cry became even more shrill. At the same time, lightning surged out of Suzumiya Musashi's body, covering his entire body in the blink of an eye.

The Lightning Style Armor wrapped his entire body.

Suzumiya Musashi fell into the swamp raging with flames. With the strange power infusing his legs, Suzumiya Musashi stepped with all his strength!


Whether it was the flames or the strange snakes, they were all broken by the huge force.

The violent power suddenly exploded, and the black mud was like being hit by a comet, and a huge amount of mud surged and exploded in all directions!

"Hua La La!" The black mud fell all over the sky, and the earthy smell was pungent.

Suzumiya Musashi used the power of recoil to instantly eject the whole person in the direction of Tiantian and others.

But the gravity below was too strong.

After only a few dozen meters in the air, he drew a rapidly falling parabola in the air under the action of strong gravity and approached the swamp again.

Dozens of strange snakes were already waiting for him with their fangs and claws, as if waiting for the gift of nature.

Suzumiya Musashi was slightly annoyed.

Although these strange snakes are scary and disgusting, he doesn't believe that they can keep him.

With the Thunder Escape Armor and the Super Strength Technique, he will smash and smash his way out of the mud.



A huge amount of mud

The slurry kept exploding, and every time it exploded, Suzumiya Musashi would push forward with a huge force of dozens of meters.

From the sky, it was like a stone, constantly skipping in the mud.

Occasionally, a monster snake over ten meters long could withstand his strange force, raised its huge and ferocious head and bit him fiercely, but was also smashed to pieces by his powerful strange force.

Uzumaki Karin and others kept flying towards the north.

In order to avoid being dragged by gravity, their route was still going upward.

However, even so, the strong suction still made the giant eagle shaky.

Looking down, several people felt that the huge swamp was endless, and as the giant eagle gradually consumed its chakra, it was becoming increasingly difficult to resist the powerful gravity that was everywhere.

"If this continues, we will fall again!" Bai reminded.

Uzumaki Karin and Tenten frowned, but they couldn't think of a solution for a while.

The area of ​​the swamp was too large. It was the first time for them to encounter such a situation. They had no means to deal with it.

Finally, the giant eagle began to move downward, and its shape became more and more unstable.

Uzumaki Karin said decisively: "Change the eagle!"

The scroll was torn.

The three of them changed to the second giant eagle, and the first giant eagle lost the ninja who controlled it and could no longer support it, and broke into pieces in the air.

Ink rain fell.

The few people held on for a while, looking at the endless swamp, their faces became more and more ugly.

"Are we going to die here?"


Uzumaki Karin swore.

"I don't know if the teacher can run away." Tiantian was still worried about Suzumiya Musashi.

They had the help of the giant eagle, but they still couldn't escape far. Even if Suzumiya Musashi was strong, how long could he resist?

"Bang~" The giant eagle under Bai's feet broke into pieces.

"Bang~Bang~" Uzumaki Karin and Tiantian followed closely behind.

"Ah!~" Tiantian couldn't help but scream, and then pursed her lips tightly.

Even if she died, she had to die decently.

But she was unwilling to accept that she hadn't become a great female ninja yet.

As she fell, Uzumaki Karin turned around and looked in the direction of Suzumiya Musashi.

[Are you really going to die? ]

[What a pity. ]

[It would be better if I could die closer to my brother. ]

Despair enveloped the hearts of several people.

Just as they were falling, Uzumaki Karin suddenly sensed something unusual and looked up suddenly.

With a sharp sound of breaking wind, a figure approached quickly.

"There's someone else!" With a light cry, Uzumaki Karin quickly saw the approaching figure.

It was a girl!

Short green hair, cool clothes, and wheat-like skin color.

The most eye-catching thing was the pair of transparent wings flapping at a high frequency on the other party's back.

Uzumaki Karin's eyes suddenly showed surprise: "It's you!"

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