Today is the happiest day for Uzumaki Naruto.

From now on, he is no longer alone.

He has a powerful boss who takes him to eat his favorite Ichiraku Ramen.

And the boss is also a kitchen staff of Ichiraku Ramen.

Everything is beautiful like a dream.

So much so that when Suzumiya Musashi sent him home, he jumped up and down unconsciously while walking.

At night, Uzumaki Naruto lay in his little bed.

He covered his face with a quilt and laughed "chuckle" from time to time.

After a while, a faint sob sound came out.

Then there was a "hehehe" laugh.

It took a long time to fall asleep.

After sending Naruto home, Suzumiya Musashi walked slowly home alone.

As he walked, he wondered when the top leaders would react and what attitude he should take to face it.

Soon, he got the answer.

Very soon.

Because he hadn't reached home yet.

Under the calm night sky, the tiny sound of breaking wind would also seem abrupt.

Suzumiya Musashi's hair stood up and his body tensed.

The next moment, a black hand stretched out from the side of his body, with a fierce momentum, and it would clamp his neck in the next second.

The muscles suddenly contracted, and the vigorous power buried in the body exploded.


The speed of the punch was too fast, so fast that it was far beyond the attacker's expectation.

The strong force exploded between the fists and fingers, and the attacking ninja's face was severely injured!

Broken mask, flying teeth.

And the lines on the tongue that were exposed when caught off guard.


[The strength is uncertain, it should not exceed Chunin. 】

Suzumiya Musashi silently judged the opponent's strength in his heart.

He was in a dominant position and did not show mercy. The attacker was hit hard in the face and lost his ability to react for a while.

He took advantage of your weakness to kill you.

"Konoha Whirlwind!"


He kicked the attacker in the chest with great force, breaking several bones and kicking the attacker back.

[More than one person! ]

A strong wind sounded from the other side.

Suzumiya Musashi kicked Konoha Whirlwind again, but the opponent retreated immediately, obviously realizing that Suzumiya Musashi's strength was beyond his expectations and did not intend to fight head-on.

"Earth escape technique, earth flow technique!"

The ground below softened and turned into mud. The attacker wanted to trap Suzumiya Musashi.

However, Suzumiya Musashi reacted very quickly. He had just performed the ninjutsu when he stepped on it with both feet.

The strong force made him bounce out of the mud that had not been completely softened.

"Konoha's powerful whirlwind!"

"Earth escape: Earth Flow Wall!"


The earth wall that had just been raised was penetrated by a huge force, and the eyes behind the mask of the person who came could not hide the shock.

"What a strong physical skill!"

Two consecutive ninjutsu failed to work.

Before he could use other means, a shuriken came whistling.

He dodged quickly and knocked several shurikens away with a kunai. The huge vibration from his hand made his arm numb.

The ninja couldn't help but be surprised.

[Didn't you say he was just an ordinary student? How could he be so fierce! ]

"Bang bang bang!!!"

The green figure came quickly with the shuriken, and punched and kicked him.

He hurriedly resisted in a hurry, and every collision would cause severe pain.

[Damn it! Is this kid a monster? ]


A flying kick hit the chin, the ninja's alarm clock buzzed, and his body was kicked up.

"Lion Combo!"


After the heavy blow, there was a close contact with the ground.

The strong vibration made consciousness quickly dispersed.

The target's loud shouts were faintly heard.

"Hurry up! Someone is committing a crime in Konoha! Help!~"

Before losing consciousness, a thought flashed through the ninja's mind.

[The superiors shouldn't have sent us two Chunin team members]

[The kid has no martial ethics, I was too careless...]

Suzumiya Musashi was still shouting for help.

He was just an ordinary ninja school student who had not graduated yet. It was reasonable for him to panic and save his life when he was suddenly attacked.

However, just after shouting twice, two masked ninjas "swish" landed not far away.

Just as the body was tense and ready to fight, the other party spoke.

"Suzumiya Musashi, Hokage-sama wants to see you."


In the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen knocked the pipe in his hand and looked at Suzumiya Musashi who was confused in front of him.

"Musashi, I came to you because I want to verify something with you."

"Hokage-sama, what happened?"

"Is the village attacked by the enemy? I was just walking home.

, two ninjas suddenly attacked me!"

"Fortunately I..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped: "Okay, Musashi, that's not what I want to ask, it was just a misunderstanding."

"Uzumaki Naruto, how did you know each other, I want to know this."

Suzumiya Musashi was puzzled: "Naruto? That kid? Did you know each other just like that?" Then, he briefly talked about how he was found by Naruto when he was practicing Taijutsu.

"Swoosh, so it's a coincidence." Sarutobi Hiruzen spit out a puff of smoke.

"Yes, Hokage, is there any problem? Naruto is a very lively guy, quite interesting. I don't know who spread the rumor in the village that he is a demon fox, it's really vicious!"

"Cough cough cough!" The third generation was choked by the smoke, and then said: "Musashi, this matter is more complicated. It will take a while to find the reason. "

"But Musashi, for some reasons, you should not stay with Naruto. There will be someone in the village to take care of Naruto. "

"Why?" Suzumiya Musashi was puzzled: "Is there something wrong? Why did Hokage-sama make such a strange request?"

"Ahem! This... The rumor that Naruto is a demon fox, the village needs to carefully consider how to deal with it."

"If you stay with him, it will have some impact on you. People don't think very well of Naruto. When you graduate, your class division may be affected. In this case..."

"Hokage-sama!" Suzumiya Musashi interrupted Sarutobi Hiruzen loudly: "They are all companions in the village. How can we cut off the bond because of some rumors?"

He clenched his fists, and his eyes were determined under his shiny hair.

"Hokage-sama! Everyone in the village, like leaves and branches, makes up the village! My ninja way will never allow me to leave a companion because of other people's criticism!"

"Even if I am talked about or hated by others, I will stick to my choice! I will shout with my own voice! Everyone in Konoha is a companion who cannot be abandoned! ! "

The gloomy Hokage office was illuminated by a green light.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of cigarette after another, thinking about what to say next.

"Hokage-sama! Brother Kai and Senior Kakashi made me understand the power of bond and friendship. It is this kind of inclusive emotion and deep bond that can make Konoha Village always united. "

"I will not leave Naruto, and I will never allow others to let me leave for any reason! Where Konoha flies, the fire will also continue. Although I can't protect the entire village like Hokage-sama, I will also carry out this will of fire to the end, use my own strength, and burn myself for the brightness of the village,"

"This... is my youthful ninja way!"

The green light began to sting Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes.

"Cough cough!" A familiar cough came, and a dark magnetic field faintly eroded the space of green light.

"Huruzen, what are you talking about with this kid. "

"Just give the order. No unexpected people can appear around Naruto, and only when the tools are properly..."

"Danzo!" Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted his old friend.

"Don't say such things in front of children."

"Hmph!" Danzo snorted coldly, expressing his attitude. Then he said to Suzumiya Musashi in a deep voice.

"Suzumiya Musashi, don't go to Uzumaki Naruto again, this is the order of the village."

Suzumiya Musashi asked in confusion: "Hokage-sama, who is this old man?"

"Oh, this is Danzo, the senior consultant of the village, you should call him Elder Danzo." Sarutobi Hiruzen said.


Suzumiya Musashi responded.

Then, he said to Sarutobi Hiruzen again: "Hokage-sama, I still stick to my idea! Can't..."

Danzo's face was gloomy and his face became more gloomy.

At this time, a masked ninja came close to his ear and whispered a few words.

Danzo then looked at Suzumiya Musashi with a look of understanding.

[A civilian ninja with good physical skills]

"Hiruzen! Don't waste time on such trivial matters."

"Just give the order."

"Hokage, I don't agree!" Suzumiya Musashi was excited: "You don't know how lonely Naruto is now!"

"Without companions, without relatives and friends, the people in the village have malicious intentions that they shouldn't have. Hokage, if Naruto is left alone like this, can he still grow up healthily as a branch of Konoha? !"

"Hokage! I will never allow it! Everyone in the village should be a companion and a comrade-in-arms! Someone who can establish a close bond. ”

“I often think that one day I will graduate and become a ninja, wearing the Konoha forehead protector and shining brightly. I want to be a ninja like my father! If, if because of this

"If you abandon your companions for a reason, then can Konoha on the forehead protector still shine?"

Hot tears flowed down, and snot was not to be outdone.

Suzumiya Musashi burst into tears.

"I don't allow it... I don't allow it."

"Okay!" Sarutobi Hiruzen tapped his pipe.

"Let's forget about this matter for now. There's nothing else here, Musashi. Remember, practice well and don't forget your dream. Never forget the will of fire of Konoha and your youthful ninja way."

"Hi! Hokage-sama."

"Hiruzen!" Danzo got up from his seat in dissatisfaction: "The Kage of a village cannot be weak, you will regret it!"


"Elder Danzo!" Suzumiya Musashi looked at Danzo for the first time, with a determined look on his face.

"The Third Hokage is the Hokage!"

"It is correct and great, and will surely lead Konoha and all of us to a better future. The strongest Hokage of all generations! ”

Danzo: “…”

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