The Uchiha training ground.

"Tap, tap, tap!!!"

Shuriken and kunai flew out of the wind and hit the bull's eye accurately.

Uchiha Izumi looked cold, crossed his hands, and eight kunai appeared in his hands, and raised his hands again.

All hit!

Such skills rarely appear in the hands of Genin.

However, there was no joy on her face, just repeating the practice at hand.

"Izumi, stop." A familiar voice came, Uchiha Izumi turned his head and saw that it was Uchiha Itachi who stopped at the edge of the practice ground.

"You have been practicing for two hours. If you continue, your hands will not be able to support it."

"I know my own body well." Uchiha Izumi replied and continued to throw.

"Izumi, I heard that you just completed a B-level mission. You are the first team to complete a B-level mission. I haven't congratulated you yet."

"Heh, Uchiha Itachi would still care about a Genin's mission?" Uchiha Izumi said coldly.

Uchiha Itachi was a little confused.

After a moment, he had a guess in his mind.

[Maybe, Izumi is because I ignored her. ]

[But it's normal, Izumi is an ordinary girl after all. ]

Since joining the Anbu, the heavy tasks, the pressure from the village and the family have made him lose his former warmth and become more aloof.

Most of the remaining tenderness and patience were given to Sasuke.

So he didn't think there was anything wrong with Uchiha Izumi's sudden change in attitude.

For him, being able to come and care about his "girlfriend" has already used up his patience.

Now he has no intention of talking about love.

"You continue to practice and take care of yourself. I'm leaving first. Hokage-sama has a mission." He said and was about to leave. As for the angry Uchiha Izumi, she would adjust herself.

What should I do if my girlfriend is unhappy?

Just let her calm down.

As a Sigma man in the ninja world, Uchiha Itachi thought this was reasonable.

The growth of his younger brother Sasuke, the instructions of his father Uchiha Fugaku, the unbearable clansmen, the mission of Hokage-sama, and the tense relationship between the village and the family that was stretched to the limit.

These things tested his capacity.

As for girls, they didn't occupy any position.

"Wait!" Uchiha Izumi called him.

Uchiha Itachi thought the other party knew that she was wrong, or wanted to say a few more words to him.

Uchiha Izumi said: "You are familiar with Suzumiya Musashi, right?"

Uchiha Itachi was very surprised.

The green figure appeared in his mind.

Since they blackmailed the shadow clone here, they met less and less frequently, and even less and less frequently after he graduated.

Although that guy was still familiar and enthusiastic every time they met, he was not used to it.

Moreover, in recent years, when they met him, he always hugged his shoulders too enthusiastically, sometimes talking about the will of fire, sometimes talking about the politics of the daimyo, the history of the development of the ninja world, etc.


He thought about it.

"It's okay."

For relationships other than relatives such as Sasuke and Shisui, this evaluation is already the highest.

"What kind of person do you think he is?"

Few people would ask him such a question.

However, the other party was Izumi, and Uchiha Itachi still thought about it.

Although the other party always wore an ugly green tights, and was "youthful" and "cultivating" all day long, he knew the unknown side of the other party.

He would slack off on the battlefield, and privately threaten him to ask for the "Shadow Clone Technique".

"An ordinary ninja with some clever tricks." He concluded. "Izumi, why are you asking about him all of a sudden?"

"Nothing. Forget it." Uchiha Izumi lost interest and continued her practice.

Uchiha Itachi didn't understand, but it didn't matter.

"Then I'm leaving, Izumi."

It's time to go back to see Sasuke.

"Knock knock knock!!!"

The kunai was nailed hard on the target, as if it was nailed on someone.

Uchiha Izumi's eyes were filled with resentment.

[That guy, didn't even know Itachi. ]

[When did he master such a powerful technique. ]

[I actually said he was the last one. ]

[Damn it! He must be laughing at me in his heart! ]

The more she thought about it, the more irritated she became. When all the ninja tools in her hands were used up, she formed seals with both hands.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

The fierce flames burned the target to ashes.

Uchiha Izumi sat on the ground, but she didn't feel relieved.

Battle against Iwagakure

After she was killed, Suzumiya Musashi asked her to keep the matter secret with the excuse that "I saved you".

The reason was that if she didn't attract attention, she would have fewer tasks and more time to practice.

And asked her to forget what happened.

She couldn't forget it at all.

As long as she stopped, what happened that day would repeat in her mind.

Even when she was dreaming, the scene at that time would appear.

Strong and violent chakra!

Cracked earth!

And fists and feet that flashed with lightning and could not be stopped even by powerful ninjutsu!

How could it be possible? !

Invincible physical skills!

A powerful ninja who suffocated the unrivaled Iwagakure jonin to death in the ground.

How could it be a guy like Musashi!

Previous memories emerged in her mind.

A dark little beggar in front of Ichiraku Ramen.

In the entrance class, the green-clothed classmate who smiled and said "I am Itachi's good brother".

"My name is Suzumiya Musashi, and I like to practice youth..."

"Teacher, can I just admit defeat?"

"Even if Itachi really ignores you, if it really doesn't work... I can be with you. Brother Kai once told me that a young man in his youth..."

I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out at all.

Itachi is a monster, that's all.

How can that guy who always lags behind in school and wears a green tights be so strong!

So ashamed, I called him the last one in the past.

So powerless, how can I catch up with such a guy.

Under the shade of the tree, an Uchiha girl began to feel lost in the cold reality...

An office of the Konoha high-level executives.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo, Mito Kado En, and Utane Koharu sat together.

Everyone's face looked a little dull.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smoked his pipe fiercely, making the office full of smoke.

After a while, Koharu Utatane spoke up: "Recently, the atmosphere in Uchiha has become increasingly tense."

"Many ninja families are saying that the Uchiha police department is becoming more and more strict in their duties."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded and said: "Yes, a representative of the ninja clan has come to me to complain. He said that the power of the police department has been abused, and the Uchiha's attitude towards the villagers is too bad."

Mito Kado Yan's eyes were cold: "What are they doing! Are they expressing their dissatisfaction with the village in this way?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "Since the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the Uchiha area has been placed on the periphery, and they have been dissatisfied with the village. In the past few years, the dissatisfaction has not dissipated, but has become more and more unbearable over time. We must think of a way to alleviate the current situation. The situation before."

Danzo said coldly: "Hiruzen, Uchiha must strengthen restrictions!"

"A few years ago, the Nine-Tails was controlled by the Sharingan, and the suspicion of Uchiha in this matter has not been cleared!"

"The power of Uchiha must be strictly controlled and not allowed to be relaxed."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "No. In this way, the confrontation between the family and the village will become more and more serious."

Danzo said: "Huruzen, you are too hesitant!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a moment and suggested: "Otherwise, let Uchiha take on more tasks in the village."

"It has been so long, we can't keep them out of the core of the village."

Utakino Koharu and Mito Kado En are still considering it, and Danzo has loudly opposed it.


"Hirozen, you are too weak!"

"It is the Uchiha who are becoming more and more hostile to the village. The ninjas complained about them, so why do they want to increase the power of the Uchiha?"

"I think we must strengthen the control over the Uchiha and monitor their every move. The Uchiha clan is too dangerous. Now they have posed a serious threat to the village."

Utatane Koharu felt that Danzo was too pessimistic: "Things haven't developed to this point yet, have they? Danzo, no matter what, it is too much to monitor the entire village. Why not consider Hiruzen's proposal."

"Send a positive signal to the Uchiha and see if we can ease the tension."

Danzo still insisted on his attitude: "I object. The evil power of the Uchiha cannot be left unchecked!"

"Okay, okay." Mito Kado En said: "Things haven't developed to the point where they can't be controlled. Let's wait."

In the end, the few people still failed to decide on the final strategy for dealing with the Uchiha clan.

Danzo walked out of the office with a gloomy look, without looking back.

In his heart, he was increasingly disappointed with the few people.

[Hiruzen, and Koharu, you are all too weak. ]

[How could the village get better and better in the hands of you people? ]

[Unfortunately, I am not the Hokage. ]

[Otherwise, how could the Uchiha develop to the level it is today. ]

Walking to a deserted place, Danzo suddenly stopped


"It seems that my own strength is always the most reliable."

Danzo said to himself.

"Let's strengthen the power of the roots first. I need to recruit more talented seeds from the Yamanaka, Nara, and Aburame clans."

"Perhaps, I can only solve the Uchiha problem in the end."

"The village can never be separated from the roots."

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