The teacher was very happy.

Until midnight, Uzumaki Naruto, who had exhausted his chakra, fell asleep while looking at the leaves that had drifted away.

The next day, he kept muttering to himself while going to school.

"Explode, explode, explode..."

"Naruto, what are you mumbling about in class? I saw the teacher staring at you several times." During the break, Akimichi Choji asked while eating snacks.

Uzumaki Naruto: "Hehe, I'm practicing the tricks that the boss taught me. Wait, it won't be long before I can beat Kiba."

Inuzuka Kiba, who was not far away, obviously didn't believe it: "Naruto, don't brag. You still have a long way to go to beat me."

"Hmph! Wait and see!" Uzumaki Naruto was full of confidence: "I'll win your snacks in a while, don't cry."

Three days later, Suzumiya Musashi, who had just finished dinner, was pulled by Naruto to watch him show his training results.


With a light shout from Uzumaki Naruto, the leaves placed on the soles of his feet were pushed out by a stream of chakra and flew more than a foot away.

Uzumaki Naruto looked at Suzumiya Musashi with excitement.

"How about it, Boss, is it possible?"

"Can I do the following training?"

Suzumiya Musashi nodded: "Not bad, Naruto, your progress is a little faster than I thought."

"Very impressive."

"In that case, I will start teaching you the next stage of training."

Bringing Uzumaki Naruto to an open space, Suzumiya Musashi said: "Like this, run on the spot."

After hearing this, Uzumaki Naruto began to lift his legs continuously on the spot, imitating the running posture.

"Then, use the chakra release technique you have practiced in the past few days, follow your steps, and release it on the forefoot. Don't release it on the entire sole of the foot, which will affect the balance of the body during exercise."

"Remember, it must burst out at the moment the sole of the foot lands, not too early or too late."

"Also, the degree of chakra release must be stable and consistent, not too strong."

Uzumaki Naruto repeated the action according to what Suzumiya Musashi said.

After three days of practice, he was already familiar with the release of chakra on the sole of the foot.

As time went on, the chakra bursting on the sole of the foot kept up with the rhythm little by little.

"Boss, I did it, then what?" Uzumaki Naruto said.

Suzumiya Musashi: "Then? There is no then. This is enough, the rest is to keep practicing."

"First stabilize the chakra output, and when you are familiar with it, it will become easier and easier."

Uzumaki Naruto: "But boss, it feels like there is no effect?"

The feeling of chakra bursting at the soles of the feet is like being patted by someone at the moment of landing.

Is this the trick taught by the boss?

It doesn't seem as cool as imagined.

"What else do you want?" Suzumiya Musashi said: "It can help you beat Kiba."

In this way, you can get familiar with the movements and then try running the route of the competition.

Uzumaki Naruto heard this and found his timer.

Came to the place where he raced with everyone before.

As the timer was pressed, the body exerted force to run towards the goal.

While running, distractedly controlling the output of chakra under the feet.

The target tree was getting closer and closer. As the kunai in his hand was nailed to the tree trunk, Uzumaki Naruto raised his hand and looked at the timer.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

"3 minutes and 33 seconds."

"I did it! I really did it!"


He ran quickly towards Suzumiya Musashi.

"Boss! I did it! I caught up with Kiba's record!"

"Boss, you are awesome!"

Suzumiya Musashi smiled.

"Naruto, don't be too happy too soon."

"At this level, it is possible that Kiba will surpass you."

"You didn't do a few things well in the running just now."

"First, the chakra control is not good. The depth and strength of each step are different. You can see it from your body shape."

"Second, the amount of chakra output is not right. You should distribute the chakra evenly to each step. You were okay in the first half just now, but the chakra can't keep up in the second half."

"Third, the rhythm is not good. Your rhythm is very fast when you are running, but the frequency of running in place and chakra bursts has not kept up."

"You still need to practice hard."

"When you can use chakra bursts at will during running, Kiba will definitely not be able to catch up with you."

Uzumaki Naruto was excited when he heard it.

It was as if he had seen the beautiful picture of Inuzuka Kiba who could not catch up with him no matter what.

He jumped up suddenly and hugged Suzumiya Musashi: "Boss! I can do it!"

"Yes, I believe you."

"After all, it's youth full of vitality."


The sun was shining.

On the streets of Konoha, Uzumaki Naruto walked in front proudly.

A few little guys of the same size followed him.

Inuzuka Kiba, with oil paint on his face, kept muttering.

"How is it possible, how is it possible."

"How did Naruto suddenly improve so fast?"

"He actually surpassed me, damn it."

Uzumaki Naruto in front heard it, turned his head, and was happy to see his throat.

"Hahahaha~ Kiba, I've already told you, the boss taught me a trick, I can definitely beat you."

"Don't cry."

"Tsk~" Inuzuka Kiba said, "I'm not a child, I won't cry. Wait, in a few days, I will still be the first."

Uzumaki Naruto laughed and said, "Bragging! Hehe, I'm waiting for you."

Seeing Akimichi Choji who was envious of the snacks in his hand, Uzumaki Naruto directly put a bunch of snacks in his hand.

Compared to the snacks, beating Kiba was the reason why he was most happy.

Moreover, he couldn't bear to see Choji staring at him.

Akimichi Choji was very moved: "Naruto, thank you, you are so nice."

"Oh, don't be so polite." Uzumaki Naruto scratched his head embarrassedly.

The smug look made Kiba even more unhappy.

"Tsk, I must beat you!"

Nara Shikamaru said lazily: "Kiba, Naruto's progress is really great. You used to be much faster than him, but now Naruto is much faster than you."

"If you don't know Naruto's special moves, the probability of you beating him is not high."

Hearing this, Inuzuka Kiba was suddenly a little worried.

After a while, he asked with some shame: "Naruto... Naruto, what is the special move your boss taught you?"

[Just ask one question, if Naruto doesn't tell me, I won't ask again. ]

"Ah? This..." Naruto scratched his head.

[Sure enough, Naruto won't tell me about the special move. ] Inuzuka Kiba thought.

"Special move? It's a chakra technique that the boss taught me. I'll tell you later."

Inuzuka Kiba looked up in surprise: "Really?"

Nara Shikamaru said: "Naruto, are you going to teach your special move to Kiba? What if he surpasses you again?"

Uzumaki Naruto: "Haha, if I surpass him, I'll learn a more powerful special move from the boss."

Uzumaki Naruto smiled.

Compared to victory, he values ​​the friendship of several people more.

While several people were talking and laughing, there was a burst of exclamations from a little girl in front.

One after another.

Looking up, a familiar figure stood on the street.

Uzumaki Naruto, who was originally happy, began to lose control of his facial features.

"Uchiha Sasuke."

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