The first time, the second time.

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned.

Just now.

He went to the Anbu and found that the sixth team was not there.

Although it was time to get off work.

Although it was not the sixth team on duty today.

But generally speaking, each team in the Anbu would leave one person, regardless of whether there was a mission or not.

To ensure that the Hokage could be contacted at any time.

It was a voluntary 996 in the ninja world.

But today, when he went to the Anbu, he found that no one in the entire sixth team was there.

Can you slip away so early if you are not on duty?

This is not the will of fire at all!

"Bang Bang"

"Come in."

Walked into the office with one foot in the same direction and came to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Hokage, I've found out."

"Oh, where did Team 6 go?"

"They went to a dinner party."

"Dinner party?" Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little stunned when he heard the word.

It's not that ninjas don't have dinner parties.

Like Might Guy, Asuma, Kurenai Yuhi, they occasionally get together when they don't have missions.

But the Anbu is different.

How could they think of having dinner parties when they deal with intelligence and killing all day?

He asked the same question.

"Is there any reason? Why are they having dinner parties all of a sudden?"

Bingzu Leiyi's face was a little strange. He said.

"Well... it's said that a new sushi restaurant has opened in the center of Konoha, and the proprietress is a pretty beauty."

"Then, Hyuga Yuichi invited everyone to eat sushi."

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned even more.

The proprietress of the new sushi restaurant in Konoha is indeed very beautiful.

He used a telescope to steal... He occasionally saw it when he was monitoring Konoha's safety.

There is nothing wrong with the subordinates going to have a meal.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen still felt uncomfortable.

He, the Hokage, was still working.

You, as my direct ANBU, are going to have a meal?

"Forget it." He sighed lightly, feeling that he was making a fuss.

"It's just a meal. Although it's a bit sudden, it's not a big deal."

Benzu Leitong's expression became even weirder.

He hesitated for a moment and decided to tell the truth.

"Hokage, in fact... Team 6 doesn't have occasional meals."

"What do you mean?"

"It's a frequent meal." Benzu Leitong said.

"At least half a year ago, Team 6 started to have the habit of having meals together."

"I heard that some people would drink."

"Since Hatake Kakashi resigned from the ANBU and Yamato took over, Team 6's meals have become more frequent."


The Hokage hat was placed heavily on the table.

The dissatisfaction on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was clearly visible.


A Hokage.

He is old enough to have grandchildren, but he still has to handle official business late at night.

His Anbu often have dinner parties.

This is unbearable!

"Who took the lead?!" he asked.

Seeing that Sarutobi Hiruzen rarely showed anger, Bingzu Leitong lowered his head and whispered.

"I can't be sure. The people in Team 6 should take turns to treat guests. I haven't found a specific pattern."

"But... judging from the time, it should be after Suzumiya Musashi came."


An image of a man in a green tights with youthful determination in his eyes appeared in Sarutobi Hiruzen's mind.

"Swoosh. It turned out to be him."

Sarutobi Hiruzen poked his sparse head with his pipe.

"For that child, it is indeed very likely."

If it was another Anbu, he would have simply hinted that the dinner party would not be held.

But if it was Suzumiya Musashi.

It seems that a green young man can be imagined in front of him.

[Hokage! Look, I am building the bond of youth with my teammates! 】

Shaking his head, he shook out the green man in his mind.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also had a headache.

"Alas, the thing I was worried about still happened."

At the beginning, Might Guy begged him to transfer him to the Anbu with a serious face.

He found an excuse to refuse him.

He was afraid that the originally quiet and solemn Anbu would be led astray by the other party.

When he discovered Suzumiya Musashi's talent, he had the same hesitation.

But on the one hand, the other party's talent was excellent, and he had little involvement with the ninja clan and the upper echelons.

Secondly, he was not old.

Originally, I thought that under the influence of everyone, such a thing would not happen.

Unexpectedly, the more you worry about something, the more it will happen.

The good Anbu is almost becoming a youth brotherhood.

If this continues, I don't know what it will become.


He took a deep puff of his cigarette, letting the smoke swirl in front of his eyes.

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought to himself.

[Should we transfer this guy out of the Anbu? Or...give him a holiday? ]


"Damn it."

"Damn it."

The quilt was hanging in the air with the pillow wrapped around it.

Uzumaki Naruto kept punching.

He kept muttering to himself while punching.

He didn't even notice the door opening.

He was still punching the quilt in front of him.

"What's wrong, Naruto?"

Uzumaki Naruto turned around and found that it was Suzumiya Musashi who came in, and he didn't even notice it.

"Boss, you're here."

"Well, I brought you some fresh sushi." Suzumiya Musashi put the bag on the table.

"What's wrong? You look unhappy. What happened at school?"

Uzumaki Naruto said, "Yes. Boss, you still remember Sasuke from our class."

"Yes, did he offend you?"

Uzumaki Naruto was angry.

"Hmph! That guy is so arrogant all day long!"

"All the girls in the class like him."

"He's not that good, after all?"

"Also, during the battle class, he acted like no one could beat me."

"So you lost to him?" Suzumiya Musashi pointed out.

"What do you mean by losing to him!" Uzumaki Naruto argued, "It was just a simple sparring match."

"He just attacked me when I wasn't paying attention."

Then he said things like 'How can you say you lost in a school sparring match?' 'It was just an accident.'

"Okay, okay." Suzumiya Musashi said: "So, are you upset because girls like him, or because you lose to him?"

"Or both?"

Uzumiya Naruto's eyes were a little resentful: "... Boss."


Suzumiya Musashi concluded: "So, for Sasuke, you are not as popular with girls as him, and you can't beat him, right?"

"...Yes." Uzumaki Naruto lowered his head dejectedly.

After a moment, he suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Boss. Didn't you go to school with Sasuke's brother?"

"How did you compare with Sasuke's brother at that time?"

"I heard Sasuke say that his brother was very powerful before. Have you ever lost to him?"

Suzumiya Musashi was speechless for a moment.

He thought of the past.

All the girls in the class did like Uchiha Itachi.

As for strength.


"Naruto, don't ask about things you shouldn't ask about."

"Well, I'll teach you how to practice and try to make you better than Sasuke."

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes were dim: "So, Boss, you were the same as me back then, right?"

Suzumiya Musashi smiled: "Naruto, I don't remember what happened back then very clearly."

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