The old man was killed in a car accident.

Ebisu's team has been disbanded for a long time now.

Suzumiya Musashi joined the Anbu.

Uchiha Izumi joined the medical team.

After Ebisu recovered from his injury, he felt that he was not suitable for fighting, nor for the job of leading a team of jonin.

After formally applying with Sarutobi Hiruzen, he became a special teacher specializing in cultivating talents.

As for Nojiri Oki, he was the most idle.

After discovering that his teacher and teammates had run away one after another, he simply stopped being a ninja.

As one of the major tax payers in Konoha, Nojiri Oki applied to be exempted from ninja duties as the son of Shueido and concentrate on art.

Considering that the tax revenue generated by the other party was much greater than the profit obtained from the mission, Sarutobi Hiruzen also agreed to Nojiri Oki's request.

And for some reason, the Anbu's missions were not as many as before recently.

Yamato even found Suzumiya Musashi and said that he would give himself a long vacation.

Suzumiya Musashi was naturally happy.

Going to work on missions was boring.

There was no freedom like practicing on your own.

So he found Nojiri Oki and asked him for some "flying birds" for commuting, and then applied to Sarutobi Hiruzen to go out.

The reason was to go to the Rain Village to see the grave of his father Suzumiya Kenta and see if it could be moved back to Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen naturally couldn't refuse.

However, Suzumiya Musashi didn't plan to go to the Rain Village.

He planned to finish his own work and go back to find a random reason to deal with it.

For example: the people in the Rain Village discovered Suzumiya Kenta's identity as a spy, and the grave was blown up.

It's easy to explain.

The Land of Grass.

Located at the junction of the Land of Fire, the Land of Wind, and the Land of Earth.

The number of ninjas is not small among small countries, and they are good at learning and studying the ninjutsu of other countries.

There are constant battles all year round.

A large bird made of ink descended from the sky.

Suzumiya Musashi jumped off the large bird.

Today he did not wear his tights, let alone the ninja uniform of Konoha.

The loose white outer robe was supported by his sturdy and well-proportioned body. Under his neat and tidy short hair, his face was handsome and his spirits were high.

The large bird turned into a painting on the scroll.

Suzumiya Musashi put away the scroll and looked at Kusagakure from a distance.

"It looks quite peaceful." Suzumiya Musashi said softly.

From the outside, Kusagakure and Konoha are no different.

A lively scene hides the sins within.

Perhaps Konoha is similar.

They are all grass-roots teams.

An unknown Hokage assisted Konoha's crimes and made great efforts.

After appreciating the scenery of Kusagakure Village for a while, Suzumiya Musashi retracted his gaze.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

"Bang! Bang!"

The two figures quickly disappeared from the spot.

Suzumiya Musashi walked towards the Kusagakure Village Hospital.

He didn't have a deep impression of Uzumaki Karin.

He roughly remembered that it was near the Kusagakure Village Hospital.

The mother and daughter lived in a simple room.

After being used by the injured ninja, they returned to their own residence until they died.

He was not sure how many hospitals there were in Kusagakure Village and where their residence was.

He could only look for it slowly.

He always found it.

More than an hour later.

Suzumiya Musashi, who had almost circled Kusagakure Village, finally saw the familiar simple little house.

It was located in a corner on the edge of a hospital.

There was no one around, so he walked straight to the house.

He imagined that it might be a poor mother and son.

It might be a scarred little girl.

He opened the door.

There was no little girl in the dim house.

The smell of mold and a faint smell of decay came to his face.

A figure lay motionless on the bed.

It was an adult.

[Karin's mother is not dead yet? ]

[In other words, Karin has not suffered the same fate as her mother? ]

Feeling a little excited, Suzumiya Musashi approached.

The dry and white long hair scattered on the bed showed that this was a woman.

The smell of decay and death came from the woman.

Exposed outside the yellow quilt was a thin skin covered with teeth marks.

The miserable look was scary.

Suzumiya Musashi had a calm face, but the pupils in his eyes were a little deeper.

He reached out his hand and gently stroked the skin covered with scars.

Arms, neck, cheeks.

It felt like leather, and the bumps on the scars seemed to make people feel numb.

The figure moved.

Under Suzumiya Musashi's gaze, the woman slowly and laboriously opened her eyes.

She looked at Suzumiya

Musashi squeezed out a few words from his throat after a while.

"Do you need me again...?"

No response.

The woman tried to open her eyes wider.

She felt that she was going to die.

But it didn't matter if she died.

If they needed it.

I can do it.

Anything is fine.

If I hold on for a while longer, my daughter can delay for a while.

She made a sound from her throat again.

"I... can do it"

A finger pressed against her lips.

She felt something was wrong.

She pushed harder and opened her eyes a little more.

She saw the person in front of her.

It was a man.

Very handsome and young.

But he was not from the village.

The people in the village were violent and impatient.

They would not have the warm and gentle chakra of the man in front of them.

The man looked at her with a look of guilt and compassion.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, I'm late."

The woman's eyes moved woodenly.

Then, a little bit of light began to fill.

The woman's weak breathing, which was about to die, suddenly became rapid.

She tried hard to turn her body a little so that she could look at the man in front of her more carefully.

She failed.

But she saw that the other person's hair was black.

Not red.

"You are..."

"Who are you..."

Suzumiya Musashi walked closer so that he could appear completely in the woman's sight.

"It doesn't matter who I am."

"My teacher is also a member of the Uzumaki clan."

After the words fell, the woman's eyes suddenly shone with light.

That was the bright light of hope before life went out.

But soon, the light was replaced by fear.

She tried to raise her hand, but only moved her fingers.

Suzumiya Musashi held the other person's hand.

He saw the fear in the other person's eyes.

He said, "Don't worry."

"The people here can't stop me."

"I will take Karin away. The Kusanagi people can't stop me."

The woman finally got excited.

She lay on the bed, tears streaming down her face, soaking the pillow.

"If you have anything else to say, tell me. Don't worry, it's still in time."

"It's still in time."

Just saying this, Suzumiya Musashi's heart had sunk.

Even if he wasn't a sensing ninja, he could sense the strong aura of death on the other person.

Or rather, such a person was already a dead person.

The body had withered, and only with the last obsession, the life didn't completely dissipate.

The woman looked at Suzumiya Musashi.

Her lips trembled, her eyes stared.

It seemed that she had a lot of things to say.

Just looking at the other person's eyes, she just used her last strength to spit out a few words.

"Yes... Be good to her... Be better..."

"I will."

The light in her eyes went out.

The trace of life that should not have been left disappeared, and the woman's dry mouth was smiling.

Seeing hope before death, she must be happy on the way.

Suzumiya Musashi looked at the woman quietly.

He felt, felt the other party's life completely dissipated.

The body temperature that was barely maintained was also dropping rapidly.

Became a complete, miserable corpse.

He took out a scroll and collected the other party's body, along with the few small items in the room.

Then he started walking towards the hospital.

He didn't walk fast.

He was afraid of walking too fast. The burning killing intent in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

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