The first time, the first time, the second time.

A few days later, one night.

At the entrance of the casino, Tiantian stood woodenly.

The cold night wind blew, and her heart was colder than the night wind.

The words of the waiter echoed in her mind.

[This kind of place, wait until you grow up before coming! In addition, Lady Tsunade is the legendary big breasts! ]

The words of the staff were like a knife, stabbing into the girl's heart.

"Big breasts... Big breasts..."

Walking in the street in a daze, her heart received a huge trauma.

"Tiantian?" The familiar voice brought her back to her senses.

Turning around, it was a familiar green figure.

"Musashi Senior~" Tiantian's voice was trembling with grievance.

Suzumiya Musashi hurriedly approached: "What's wrong, Tenten, who bullied you?"

"That's... no." Tenten wiped her wet eyes with her sleeve.

During this period of time, Team 3 and Suzumiya Musashi have become very familiar with each other, and Suzumiya Musashi is closer to them in age than Might Guy, so Tenten did not hide her thoughts.

"Senior Musashi, do you think I can become a legendary female ninja like Tsunade-sama?"

"This..." Suzumiya Musashi was a little embarrassed.

Tsunade, one of the three ninjas of Konoha.

With her strong strength and broad mind, there is no female ninja in the entire ninja world who can match her.

Tenten wanted to become a female ninja like her, but her hope was slim.

But looking at the other party's eyes like a wounded little beast, he couldn't bear to tell the truth.

After thinking about it, he said.

"Tenten, the talent of a ninja is not just the ability to fight. Maybe you can try other directions."

"You are still young, and there are many possibilities in the future."

Tenten looked at him with red eyes again.

Whispering, "So, Senior Musashi, I can't become a legendary female ninja like Tsunade, right?"

Suzumiya Musashi scratched his head.

If it develops normally, Tenten's strength will improve to a certain extent in the later period.

Don't say it's compared with the cheaters like Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke.

Even Neji and Rock Lee, she can't compare.

In addition to her cute appearance, lively and well-behaved, and full of luck, her ninja talents are not many.

Sarutobi Hiruzen assigned her to Might Guy's third team just to give full play to the specialties of several physical ninjas.

With a certain degree of trial.

There was no plan that Tenten and Rock Lee would become top ninjas.

"Senior Musashi, why don't you speak?" Tenten was still asking.

Facing the other party's admiring and sad eyes, Suzumiya Musashi blurted out.

"It's not impossible."

"Really?!" Tenten's eyes burst into a strong brilliance, a light of hope that suddenly appeared when helpless.

"Senior Musashi, please, help me!"

Suzumiya Musashi began to be in trouble again.

But who can refuse a girl with two balls full of luck?

He thought about it and said, "We still have to start with your time and space talent."

"Time and space ninjutsu?"

"Yes, time and space ninjutsu." Suzumiya Musashi nodded.

"Your time and space ninjutsu talent is much stronger than that of ordinary ninjas."

"Although it is not as good as the blood limit, it is also a rare talent. If you can maximize this talent, it is not impossible to become a top ninja."

Tenten: "Senior, tell me more details."

"Okay." Suzumiya Musashi took Tenten and found an open-air chair to sit down.

He began to analyze the other party.

"There are three main areas of ninjutsu: ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu."

"Let's start with genjutsu. This is a ninjutsu that requires extremely high mental strength and talent."

"In the village, the Kurama family, the Yuhi family, and the former Uchiha family are all leaders in the field of genjutsu."

"Without sufficient talent and inheritance, it is still difficult to achieve success in this area, so this path is not suitable for you, Tenten."

Tenten: "Oh, then."

"Let's talk about the second one, taijutsu."

"Your taijutsu is favored by the top leaders, which is why the Hokage asked Brother Kai to be your team leader."

"However, having talent in this area does not mean that you will definitely achieve success in this area."

"You should also feel that compared with Neji and Rock Lee. As a girl, it is difficult for you to catch up with them in taijutsu."

"The Byakugan of the Hyuga family and Rock Lee's tolerance for pain are not something that ordinary people can have."

"So, Tenten, although you have talent in weapon use and taijutsu,

It is not enough for you to fulfill your dream and become a legendary female ninja like Tsunade-sama."

After being denied by Suzumiya Musashi in two aspects, Tenten's mood was a little low again.

However, Suzumiya Musashi said that it was not impossible, which meant that there was something important behind it.

"Senior Musashi, if there is no hope for Taijutsu and Genjutsu, then we can only do Ninjutsu, right?"

"That's right." Suzumiya Musashi said.

"Generally speaking, putting aside things like blood limit. There are two main aspects for ninjas to improve the power of Ninjutsu."

"The first aspect, and the most important aspect, is the quality and quantity of chakra extraction."

"Only with high-quality and powerful chakra can you have the possibility of becoming a powerful ninja."

"In the village, except for people like Brother Kai, every jonin has high-quality and powerful chakra."

"And they often master multiple powerful ninjutsu."

"So, Tenten. If you want to become a top ninja, you can't avoid a healthy body and high-quality chakra. ”

“After that, it’s the choice of ninjutsu.”

“Find your talent, get the guidance of talented ninjas, persevere and stick to it.”

“Your strength will become stronger and stronger.”

Ten-Ten excitedly pinched Suzumiya Musashi’s sleeve. “Senior Musashi, space-time ninjutsu is my way out, right?”

Suzumiya Musashi said: “This is just my personal guess.”

“Ten-Ten, let me see your summoning scroll.”

Ten-Ten took out the scroll she often used from her arms and handed it to Suzumiya Musashi.

Suzumiya Musashi unfolded it and looked at it.

“Ten-Ten, where did you get this scroll?”

“Family heirloom.” Ten-Ten said: “There should be more than one summoning scroll of this kind in the family. Dad said that this is a treasure passed down from generation to generation in the family.”

Suzumiya Musashi returned the scroll to Ten-Ten and said.

“Well, whether it is the material or the engraved technique, it is a rare good thing. ”

“The most common time-space ninjutsu is the summoning technique.”

“The basic ones are like your ninja tool summoning technique, which is small in size and consumes less chakra.”

“The more advanced ones are the ninja beast contract summoning technique. Many powerful ninjas in the village also master this ninjutsu.”

“Going further, there should be more advanced time-space ninjutsu in the village, but it’s hard to get them.”

“The one that suits you now is the second one, the ninja beast summoning technique.”

Tiantian was a little disappointed when she heard this.

“But Senior Musashi, I rejected Teacher Kai’s Ninja Turtle before.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Suzumiya Musashi comforted, “Brother Kai’s Ninja Turtle was not very suitable for you, so it’s okay to reject it. You can slowly look for it in the future. When your chakra is stronger, you can capture powerful ninja beasts for contracts.”

“Your treasure scroll is very good, and it can be used as a ninja beast contract summoning scroll. "

Tiantian wondered: "Can a ninja contract many ninja beasts?"

Suzumiya Musashi smiled and said: "It depends on different situations. For example, Brother Kai's Ninja Turtle, Senior Kakashi's Ninja Dog, and the summoned beasts of the three ninjas generally have their own tribes, so it is difficult to contract multiple ninja beasts. But if it is a wild summoned beast, plus its own strength is strong enough, it is not a problem. "

Tiantian began to have a headache again: "Senior Musashi, I am so weak, how can I catch a summoned ninja beast?"

"Haha." Suzumiya Musashi was touched by the other party's sad look, and reached out to rub the top of the other party's head. He smiled and said: "At that time, it was not you who relied on, but your elders and teachers. "

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