The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

Tenten's apprenticeship was beyond Suzumiya Musashi's expectations.

After all, in his original plan, except for a few people around him, his energy was mainly focused on practice.

The contact with Team 3 was just a relaxation after practice.

Unexpectedly, he gained a little apprentice.

Counting them, Naruto, Karin, Aoi, and Sasuke.

He already has four children around him, and Tenten is the fifth.

It seems that without realizing it, there are more and more people around him.

Now that the other party has come in front of him, Suzumiya Musashi will naturally not refuse.

It won't take too long.

"In that case, Tenten, practice with me first."

Suzumiya Musashi accepted this little apprentice.

"First, let's talk about your chakra attributes. Wind, fire, thunder, water, and earth. Only by knowing your attributes can you strengthen them in a certain direction."

He planned to teach students in accordance with their aptitude and try to help his apprentice avoid detours.

"Teacher, I tested it at home, and none of the five elements are outstanding."

Suzumiya Musashi choked.

To be honest, among the five elements, he thinks he is good at wind, fire, and thunder.

Even if he is not good at water and earth, it is not a problem to teach a student for the time being.

I didn't expect that in addition to his good talent in psychic ninjutsu, Tiantian's talent in five elements ninjutsu is also average.

No wonder he was assigned to the physical class.

Looking at Tiantian who was a little nervous, he encouraged her.

"It's okay, Tiantian."

"You can still learn powerful ninjutsu even if your five elements are not outstanding."

Tentian said with some doubt: "Really? Teacher, you are not comforting me."

"Of course not." Suzumiya Musashi said.

"Look, let me show you the power of attributeless ninjutsu."

Under Tiantian's expectant eyes, Suzumiya Musashi stretched out his right hand.

Just when Tiantian was still wondering why the teacher didn't make a seal.

The subtle sound of the wind gradually became stronger.

Chakra quickly condensed and rotated on the right hand!

In a moment, the rich chakra was visible to the naked eye and turned into a fist-sized light blue chakra ball.

In order to let Tiantian feel the power of ninjutsu, Suzumiya Musashi deliberately strengthened the output of chakra.

There was absolutely no intention of showing off to the little apprentice.

The original fist-sized blue chakra ball grew again until it became the size of a basketball.

The light blue light became brighter and brighter, and the powerful chakra fluctuations made Tiantian's heartbeat increase.

From the light blue ball in front of her, she could feel the powerful chakra and the deadly danger.

Then, under Tiantian's gaze, Suzumiya Musashi stretched out his hand and pushed the tree trunk on the side.

The light blue chakra ball passed over the tree trunk, and a piercing sound broke out.

In just a moment, a huge cylindrical gap appeared in the big tree that one person could hug.

The blue chakra ball was still in Suzumiya Musashi's hand, spinning with undiminished power.

"Boom, crack, crack~"

The tree slowly fell down, and Suzumiya Musashi also restrained the chakra in his hand.

Looking at the little apprentice's mouth opened wide in shock, he was satisfied.

The teacher's majesty should be fine now.

"Siguoyi~" After a while, Tiantian exclaimed.

After exclaiming, she looked at Suzumiya Musashi with shining eyes.

"Teacher, I want to learn this! I want to learn this!"

"So impatient!" Suzumiya Musashi smiled as he flicked his finger on Tiantian's head.

"Take your time, make a plan first, as long as you can learn it, I will teach you everything I can."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, teacher, you say, I will do it!" Tiantian nodded like pounding garlic.

Although she knew that her teacher was a jonin and his strength was definitely no problem, her ability was still far beyond her expectations.

He could point out the way forward for her, and he could provide her with powerful non-attribute ninjutsu that was suitable for her. The key was that he was still young and had strong physical skills.

It was like picking up a treasure to have such a teacher!

Suzumiya Musashi was very pleased with his attitude.

"Practice? You must set a goal and proceed step by step."

"Tenten, the first point of your future practice plan is to eat well and sleep well!"

"What?" Tenten, who was originally thinking about practicing like a devil, couldn't help but be surprised when she heard this.

"Teacher, are you sure you're not practicing desperately?"

Suzumiya Musashi said: "Practicing desperately and eating well and sleeping well are not in conflict."

"Tenten, the most important and basic practice plan I customized for you is the extraction of your own chakra."

"This is not to let you stay up all night to increase the amount of chakra. Overdrawing your body too early is

There is no good ending. "

"I know of several geniuses who have very poor health. Even if they are strong for a while, they will not live long. "

"So, you have to eat well and sleep well."

"The second point is physical training. You can follow up with the daily training of the third team to improve your physical fitness, which is also helpful for the future chakra refinement."

"However, for your weapon training, I suggest you specialize in a few."

"It sounds good to be proficient in all eighteen martial arts, but in fact the upper limit is not high. The top ninjas in the ninja world who are famous for their weapons, that is, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist, even they only specialize in one weapon."

"It's okay to be a Genin, but you will suffer when facing a stronger enemy."

"The training of ninjutsu should be ranked third. Rasengan... that is, the ninjutsu I just performed. I will teach you. This is a ninjutsu with no seal and no attribute and a difficulty of A level, so don't rush, take your time. ”

After accepting Tenten as a disciple, it did not have much impact on Suzumiya Musashi's training.

As a member of the third team, Tenten mainly performs some daily tasks with Might Guy and others on weekdays. When Suzumiya Musashi has time, he will check the other party's training progress and give some pointers on the practice tips of the Rasengan.

Ninjas without plug-ins, if they are not old enough, must lay the foundation.

Tenten has a childish mentality and is very envious of powerful ninjutsu. If she is not careful, she may invest too much time.

Suzumiya Musashi warned her that there is no rush to practice ninjutsu.

Especially Rasengan, as a high-difficulty ninjutsu that is unique in the change of chakra form, it is unrealistic for Tenten to master it as soon as possible.

Although compared to Tsunade's medical ninjutsu and super strength The chakra control requirements of the Rasengan are not that high, and it is controlled outside the body, so it is not easy to cause serious consequences.

But it is still very difficult for Tiantian.

There are only a few people in Konoha who have mastered this ninjutsu, such as the deceased Minato Namikaze, Jiraiya, and Kakashi Hatake.

In the final analysis, they are not ninjas with ordinary talents.

Suzumiya Musashi expected her to complete the practice of this jutsu within two years.

And this is already a very high requirement.

A-level ninjutsu is a ninjutsu that many mediocre ninjas cannot master in their lifetime.

So despite the itch, Tiantian still focused on improving physical fitness and chakra at the request of Suzumiya Musashi.

Tiantian has no problem here.

Suzumiya Musashi encountered some minor problems in other aspects.


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