The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

He was training, while Might Guy and three Genin were practicing fighting.

The fists and feet kept hitting each other, echoing in the training ground.

After listening to Musashi's advice, Tenten no longer pursued learning the types of weapons, but worked hard on specialization.

From her practice with Might Guy, the progress was relatively stable.

From the original dazzling 18 kinds of weapons to a few commonly used weapons, this kind of progress may not be easy to see in one or two days, but over time, the difference can be clearly felt.

When the sparring is over and Suzumiya Musashi is resting, Tenten will come to ask him about the practice of Rasengan.

"Teacher, take a look at my practice, it still feels a little wrong." Tiantian said, stretching out a hand and slowly gathering chakra.

For her, it is still difficult to control chakra at this stage.

Slowly, the chakra gathered in the palm of her hand and then began to move.

It is not visible to the naked eye, but it can be felt that it is roughly a circle.

"Teacher, I have practiced for a long time, but I still can't cut the balloon." Tiantian said with a depressed look.

Suzumiya Musashi sensed the other party's chakra and said.

"Tiantian, don't be discouraged."

"Chakra control is a long process of basic training, and it can't be rushed."

"Looking at your practice, at least the direction is correct."

"But you need to pay attention not to pursue the shape too much."

"Slowly feel it, slowly figure it out. The final shape of the Rasengan is indeed a circle, but when you first practice it, don't rush to pursue the shape."

"Rasengan is a ninjutsu that changes its shape, and disorder and order are intertwined."

"It's disordered because the internal chakra trajectory is changeable, and the lines are dense, which is not easy to see through."

"It's ordered because chakra still has certain rules from a macro perspective. Whether it's the convergence and compression of chakra or the overall maintenance and release."

"There is a balance between disorder and order. Find the basic direction of effort, and you can slowly perceive this balance. It's like muscle memory."

"I will weaken the power a little, and you can perceive the rules." Suzumiya Musashi said, and the chakra in his hand gathered, slowing down the speed and condensing into a small chakra ball.

Tenten approached carefully, observing and feeling the law of chakra operation from a close distance.

Letting a senior ninja maintain A-level ninjutsu and letting people feel it up close is an opportunity that ordinary ninjas cannot ask for. Of course, she knows how to cherish it and dare not miss a minute or a second.

Not far away, Rock Lee was curious and wanted to come over, but was pulled by Hyuga Neji.

"What's wrong, Neji?" Rock Lee asked puzzled.

"Don't go over." Hyuga Neji looked serious.


"Don't you know?"

Hyuga Neji: "Senior Musashi is Tenten's teacher."

"When a ninja teaches ninjutsu, stealing is a taboo. Even if you don't have this intention, you should pay attention to it."

"Oh." Rock Lee responded belatedly.

He is a civilian ninja and doesn't know much about these things.

Looking at Tenten not far away, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

It is very lucky for civilian ninjas to be able to practice ninjutsu and get the careful teaching of senior ninjas.

But not everyone has this kind of luck. Just like him, he can't even use chakra to perform ninjutsu.

[Ningci is the genius I am trying hard to catch up with. Tenten now has the guidance of Senior Musashi. ]

[I can't be left behind by the two of them! ]

With a hint of urgency in his heart, Rock Lee clenched his fists.

He must work harder and harder!

To justify his own ninjutsu!

To make Rock Lee's name resound throughout Konoha!

Don't talk about challenging yourself!

He not only wants to challenge himself, but also challenge the enemy!

Ningci, Hinata, Uchiha...

He wants to let the geniuses see that even if Rock Lee doesn't have a blood limit and a talent for ninjutsu, he can still prove himself!

Prove yourself...

"Hit the tree stump in front of you a thousand times and break it! If you can't do it, run around Konoha upside down!"

Hinata Neji looked at Rock Lee strangely: "What kind of messed up rules are these."

Rock Lee said while punching: "This is what Mr. Kai taught me, a training to call for victory!"

"Through custom rules, push yourself to the limit and create shackles artificially."

"Break the tree stump in front of you, and you will be in trouble."

I can surpass Neji's goal, so I push myself to the limit and train with all my strength. "

"Even if I can't do it, I can still get training. This is the training rule that Mr. Kai gave me. "

Hyuga Neji looked strange.

[There is no such damn rule.]

But Rock Lee is his teammate after all. He has been familiar with his silly thinking for some time and is too lazy to refute and provoke him.

After all, the gap between him and the other party is too big, and he has no interest in finding a sense of existence from the weak.

Instead of pointing out the facts and arguing with the other party, it is better to use time and energy to practice.

Rock Lee has his goal, and he wants to become a great female ninja every day.

Of course, he also has his own goals.

Ask about the shackles of fate and explore the boundaries of soft fist.

Even if you can't break free from fate, you can only be a bird in a cage for the rest of your life.

You must be the one who cries the loudest.

Days pass by one by one.

Hyuga Neji focuses on the practice of soft fist. Every day, while improving his chakra, he studies the rules of Rasengan.

Rock Lee tries hard to catch up with Hyuga Neji every day.

It's just that plans can't keep up with the speed of change.

After a while, it was still on the training ground.

"Chunin Exam? "Rock Lee and others were surprised.

Might Guy smiled and nodded.

"Yes, the Chunin Exam."

"Are we eligible to participate?" Tenten asked.

"Of course." Might Guy said: "In theory, after becoming a Genin, as long as you have performed more than eight missions, you are eligible to participate in the Chunin Exam. How about it, do you guys want to give it a try?"

Rock Lee showed yearning.

But then, he shook his head.

"I won't participate."

"Although, I really want to try my strength and fight with stronger people. But I know that I don't even have the strength to try at the moment."

As a ninja who can only practice physical skills, he has not yet mastered a series of powerful means such as the Lotus Flower.

It's too difficult to stand out against other ninjas with many means.

"OK, Xiao Li gives up, what about you, Neji?" Might Guy turned to ask Hyuga Neji.

"I'll forget it too. "Hinata Neiji shook his head.

"Ah? Neiji, there shouldn't be any problem with your strength, right?" Tenten said.

Hinata Neiji smiled and said, "The strength of a ninja lies in its own strength. There is no difference between taking the Chunin Exam early or late. There is no need to rush. Since Xiao Li wants to wait for the next time, I will wait for the next time too."

Suzumiya Musashi, who was still practicing not far away, heard it and complained in his heart.

The people in Konoha, old and young, all pretended to be awesome.

Might Guy: "Swoosh, what about you, Tenten?"

Tenten smiled and said, "Since no one is participating, I will give up too."

"I haven't mastered the ninjutsu that the teacher taught me yet. Let's participate together next time."

Might Guy's lips trembled, and the next second tears burst out.

" are really...too friendly! I am so touched to have students like you! "

The next moment, Hyuga Neji and Tenten took a step back as expected.

Then, Might Guy opened his arms and hugged Rock Lee who was still standing.

The familiar sound of the waves rang in his ears.

"This is a touching youth!"

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