The fire blocked the view.

In Kakashi Hatake's wide eyes, a real hot fireball suddenly appeared in the air.

The air was twisted by the high temperature and rushed towards him with heat.


The fire blocked the sight in front of him.

When the flames went out, Uchiha Sasuke had already clenched the kunai in his hand and was ready to fight again.

Kakashi Hatake, who was observing secretly, couldn't help but admire.

[Excellent physical skills, ninjutsu talent. ]

[Rich experience in combat response. ]

Compared with the Uchiha he once knew, the other party's talent and personality are not much inferior.

[But, that's it. 】

Hand seals were made, and the figure gradually disappeared into the ground.

"Earth escape technique: Heart beheading technique!"

Hands broke out of the ground, grabbing the opponent's hands and feet.

As expected, the opponent showed a panicked look.

But the next second, disbelief flashed in Hatake Kakashi's eyes.


"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!!!"

The kunai broke through the air, covering Uchiha Sasuke and Hatake Kakashi together.


'Uchiha Sasuke' shattered into a puff of smoke, and Hatake Kakashi, who had just emerged, retreated back to the ground.

This time, Hatake Kakashi was really surprised.

"While performing fire escape technique to block the line of sight, he released a shadow clone."

"Such combat experience rarely appears in ninjas who have no fighting experience."

"But it's over."

Hatake Kakashi appeared near Uchiha Sasuke's real body.

"Lightning Release: Thunder."

The blinding lightning flashed in the forest.

The area within a few dozen meters was filled with arcs of light.

Faced with such a range ninjutsu, Uchiha Sasuke could no longer stop it.

This was not a ninjutsu that a Genin could resist.


With a scream, Uchiha Sasuke went offline.

Five minutes later.

The group regrouped.

Hatake Kakashi announced that all of them failed.

And pointed out the shortcomings of the three.

The reckless Uzumaki Naruto.

Haruno Sakura, who was obsessed with Sasuke.

And Uchiha Sasuke, who only believed in his own strength and wanted to be a lone ranger.

"Ninja is a profession that faces life and death."

"You have to choose between the lives of your teammates and the mission."

"You have to face countless unknown adventurers."

"You three are not qualified ninjas at all, and you don't understand the importance of teamwork."

"I can give you one last chance. Eat the bento and prove to me whether you can become qualified ninjas."

"By the way, two bento, not for Naruto. As punishment for using dirty ninja tools."

Uzumaki Naruto: "("▔□▔)... Teacher Kakashi, you are targeting me."

"If I find out that you secretly gave the bento to Naruto, you will lose the qualification to take the exam together and go back to school to retake!"

"This... is my rule."

Hatake Kakashi left.

Only three people were left.

As the aroma of the bento spread, Uzumaki Naruto's stomach growled.

Facing the sidelong glances of the two, Uzumaki Naruto forced a smile and explained.

"Ahahaha. ”

“I… I’m not hungry at all.”

“I don’t want to eat bento or anything like that. Compared to Ichiraku Ramen, bento is not appetizing at all, ahahaha.”


The stomach expressed a different opinion.

Uzumaki Naruto lowered his head helplessly.

[This explanation is really too fake.]

Enduring the protest from his empty stomach.

Uzumaki Naruto was suddenly stunned.

A bento suddenly appeared in front of him.

Turning around, it was Uchiha Sasuke’s arrogant face.

“This kind of thing… I’m not used to it either, I can’t eat so much.”

“Sasuke…” Uzumaki Naruto was unexpectedly moved.

“Tsk~” Uchiha Sasuke frowned and said, “Don’t look at me with that look, I’m just… just thinking of Brother Musashi’s face.”

Haruno Sakura: “But Sasuke, if we give it to Naruto, we will also lose our qualifications. "

Uchiha Sasuke said coldly: "Rules are like this, it's okay as long as they are not discovered."

[Besides, even if you are qualified, it will be difficult for you to pass with your low level.]

Seeing that Sasuke has made a choice, Haruno Sakura no longer hesitated.

She raised the lunch box in her hand.

"Naruto, I... I can't eat so much."

This time Uzumaki Naruto's eyes were shining.

Dear Sakura is willing to share her lunchbox at the risk of losing her qualification.

Sure enough, this is the love of a girl.

But then, he said helplessly: "But, Sakura, my hands are tied and I can't move."

Haruno Sakura: "..."

Uchiha Sasuke: "Hurry up, or we might be discovered if we delay for a while."

Haruno Sakura: "(╯#-皿-)"

Haruno Sakura: "Just... just this once! Remember!"

As he said, he picked up the lunchbox with chopsticks and handed it to Uzumaki Naruto's mouth.

Uzumaki Naruto: "(●´∀`●)... Sakura Sakura..."

"Shut up! Eat quickly!!"

Uzumaki Naruto promised.

Except for the ramen that the eldest brother treated him to when he was four years old, today's lunchbox is definitely the most delicious thing he has ever eaten!

I really hope I can be tied to a stake every day in the future.

There was a loud bang in the clear sky.

Hatake Kakashi fell from the sky.

"You guys!!!"

"Ah!!~" Haruno Sakura was so frightened that her soul flew away.

"You guys, are you ready to break the rules!" Hatake Kakashi said, making seals with his hands, and the clear sky began to be covered with dark clouds.

"Wait, wait..."

Among the shocked people, Uzumaki Naruto tried hard to think of a reason.

"Wait, Kakashi-sensei, you said that we... the three of us are one."

Uchiha Sasuke: "We are a group."

"Yes, Kakashi-sensei, how can we watch Naruto starve." Haruno Sakura shouted with her eyes closed.

Hatake Kakashi's expression remained unchanged

He stared at the three people with sharp eyes.

Under the pressure of his sight, the three people had no intention of betraying others.

It was as if a heavy burden was suddenly lifted from his heart.

A ray of sunshine appeared again in the heart that had been shrouded in haze for a long time.

The dark clouds in the sky dissipated.

Hatake Kakashi's cold expression suddenly turned into a warm smile.

"You guys..."

"All of you passed."

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