The enemy's eyes lit up after a while, and the enemy's opponent was killed.

He was the same age as him, but his fighting style was fierce. The kunai in his hand ended his opponent's life accurately.

[Uchiha Itachi]

After a moment of distraction, the enemy's eyes suddenly lit up! Seize the opportunity and fire the kunai in his hand!

Just as Suzumiya Musashi wanted to roll and crawl again to avoid the attack, a ray of light flashed!


The two kunai collided, and one of them was obviously more powerful, driving the other kunai to penetrate the body of the Kumogakure Genin and end his life.

"Fuck..." Suzumiya Musashi wanted to curse immediately.

This was the opponent he had chosen with great difficulty!

When he turned around, he found that the battle had stopped and the enemy had begun to retreat.

Suzumiya Musashi then showed a youthful smile.

"Thank you!" He walked to Uchiha Itachi and stretched out his hand.

"My name is Suzumiya Musashi, just call me Musashi, what about you?"

Uchiha Itachi did not stretch out his hand, and said: "Uchiha Itachi."

"Ah! Itachi, I really thank you just now. If it weren't for your kunai, I would be finished! Thank you."

"You're welcome." Uchiha Itachi said lightly. When he didn't know how to deal with the sudden enthusiasm of Suzumiya Musashi, the Uchiha clan members in the distance called his name, so he turned and left.

The enemy retreated, and the people of Konoha began to rest, treat the wounded, and restore their strength.

Suzumiya Musashi also bandaged his own minor injuries.

With such a comprehensive raid, with his current weak strength, he can only try his best to save his life.

The tired Konoha ninjas took turns to rest.

But what they didn't expect was that before dawn, Kumogakure launched another night attack.

Screams, shouts, blood.

Repeating the scene a few hours ago.

The same thing happened to Suzumiya Musashi. Although he cursed in his heart, he could only start to slack off on the battlefield.

He also met Uchiha Itachi again in the battle.

Unlike him struggling to "fight" with the enemy.

The opponent's level was higher, and the attack was fierce. While killing two enemy Genin, the opponent also discovered the powerful kid of Konoha, attracting the siege of three Genin.

Even Uchiha Itachi, facing the siege of three people, began to be in danger.

No matter how talented he was, he was only four years old.

After a fierce fight, the two people restrained Uchiha Itachi's attack. The last one had a fierce look on his face and made seals with both hands, and was about to use ninjutsu to kill the Konoha genius in front of him.

Uchiha Itachi widened his eyes.

[Are you going to be hit? 】

"Bang! Bang! Bang!~"

Several... a shuriken pierced the body of the Hidden Cloud Ninja fiercely, and blood splattered, almost knocking him half a meter sideways.

Taking advantage of the sudden change in the situation, Uchiha Itachi broke free from the restraint of the two people, quickly stepped forward to finish off the ninja in front of him. Then he turned around and killed the remaining two enemies.

Turning around, I saw that the man who had just attacked was still struggling to "fight" the enemy in front of him.

At dawn, the enemy finally retreated.

Uchiha Itachi walked in front of Suzumiya Musashi, who seemed to be waiting here.

Uchiha Itachi did not ask the other party why he had the energy to kill the other party but did not do so.

[Maybe the other party is unwilling to kill] He thought.

Uchiha Itachi: "Just now... Thank you."

Suzumiya Musashi frantically suppressed the upward movement of his mouth and replied: "You're welcome."

Uchiha Itachi nodded: "You can still practice your shuriken."

Suzumiya Musashi: "..."

He didn't focus on practicing shuriken, and of course it was not as good as Uchiha's kunai throwing technique. It just highlighted a strong force, a large number, and the ability to achieve success. Even some shurikens were not shot out in a rotating manner, but were "smashed" out.

Shurikens·Throwing all out technique.

Uchiha Itachi: "I can tell you some of the skills I have mastered when I have time."

Suzumiya Musashi: "It's a deal!"

The two raids caused a significant reduction in the number of Konoha camps.

Many people died in the logistics department, and Suzumiya Musashi had to take on more work, such as... serving food.

He also met Uchiha Itachi more often.

"Knock your seven children, Itachi, we meet again"

"Come, I'll give you more, eat more, grow taller!"

"Itachi, I have some questions to ask you tonight, let's burn our youth together!"

"Itachi, did you encounter a strong enemy today? It's a bit embarrassing."

"Little brat! Who gave you the courage? You dare to talk to our clan leader's son like this!" The sudden malice scared Suzumiya Musashi.


Behind him, an Uchiha clan member with a bandage on his head stared at him unkindly.

Look at the style of the clothes... um, Genin!

The Chunin's meal team is not here.

Seeing that Suzumiya Musashi did not reply tremblingly, the Uchiha Genin's face became even uglier.

"Damn brat! A civilian, don't you even know the most basic respect for the Uchiha master!"

"Enough! Daxiang, go back!" Uchiha Itachi's face looked ugly.

"Itachi-sama, but..."

"Go back! Don't let me say it again."

"... Hey!"

Suzumiya Musashi watched the backs of the two people go away.

[Itachi, is this the Uchiha's capacity that you hate? 】

After the Kumogakure started the surprise attack, Konoha naturally had to fight back.

You raid me, I raid you.

Sometimes fighting was going on in each camp, and sometimes the raiding teams directly bumped into each other halfway, and the next second the fight began.

Suzumiya Musashi gradually felt numb and bored.

The days of needing to stay alert every day were hard to endure.

Or his own strength was too weak. He could still deal with the last-place genin or the strong men who were not even genin, but he could not avoid the slightly stronger ones.

If he happened to be implicated by the large-scale ninjutsu of the jonin, his ninja career might have come to an abrupt end before it even began.

A few days later, another chaotic battle ended.

This was the largest battle since Suzumiya Musashi arrived. It was not only Konoha and Kumogakure, but also the enemies of Iwagakure.

The continuous shouting and killing made his ears buzz, and the bloody smell made his nose numb.

Several parties fought in a group, and people were sacrificed every moment.

After the battle, Suzumiya Musashi and Uchiha Itachi rested tiredly together.

Perhaps it was because Suzumiya Musashi's ability to survive was recognized, or perhaps Itachi's personality was not cold.

After many exchanges, although Uchiha Itachi still looked indifferent, he did not reject Suzumiya Musashi's active approach.

A groan came from the pile of corpses not far away. Uchiha Itachi walked over and found that it was an enemy who was not dead.

In Suzumiya Musashi's surprised eyes, Uchiha Itachi took out a water bag and gave it to the other party.

When the enemy opened his eyes, he went from confusion to shock, and then suddenly made a decisive move!


"Bang bang bang!!" A kunai and a shuriken hit him at the same time! The enemy lay down again.

Uchiha Itachi raised his head with confusion on his face.

"Musashi, I want to save him, why does he want to kill me?"

Suzumiya Musashi shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe he is also confused: he wants to kill you, why do you want to save him?"

"Okay, stop thinking about it, go back, don't let your father worry."

"Father, he won't."

Walking on the ground covered with blood and flesh, Uchiha Itachi suddenly spoke.

"Musashi, where are we going?"

Suzumiya Musashi: "Where are we going? Let's go back and eat."

"No, I mean, with such a ninja world and meaningless fighting, what is the meaning of our existence? What is the future?"

Suzumiya Musashi: "Go home and eat a bowl of ramen made by Sister Ayame."

Uchiha Itachi: "..."

"Oh, don't let your imagination run wild!" Suzumiya Musashi took Uchiha Itachi's shoulders and said as he walked: "I tell you, ninjas are tools, and fighting is a part-time job! You and I are not even Genin, we can barely be regarded as lubricants for tools."

"You have to find meaning in your spare time."

"So, after the war is over, I'll take you to Ichiraku Ramen, and you'll understand then! I tell you, the latest seafood ramen from the hand-made uncle is delicious, and a bite will refresh your mind..."

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