After the Icarus apocalypse, little time has passed.

The effects of cultural revolution events and new nation-specific abilities were being synergistically transformed into a powerful nation at an astonishing rate.

Among the many changes, the king was also the underheim. It once felt like an empty wasteland and a castle outside of a bustling commercial district, but inevitably needed expansion as the population of Underhaim exploded.

Due to the persistent destruction of the walls, Lord ordered the expansion of the capital. Existing walls became ‘fortified walls’ and ‘outer walls’ surrounded the city far from the fortress. And the vacant space between the resistance and the exterior became a development area and was newly incorporated into the Underhaim. Many city buildings have entered, and immigrants are growing endlessly.

With the development of groundwater technology, there was no need to worry about drinking water by creating an 'artificial oasis’ that could utilize rich groundwater as well as wells throughout the Underhaim. On the other side of the development area, there was a hot spring, which was surprisingly hot when Lord went and touched the water. Located in the middle of the wasteland, the hot springs were romantic and as if waiting around them, accommodations competed as if they were competing and naturally had elements of the resort. It was entirely thanks to the Moles.

People from various countries came in and changed in architecture and outfits, but the feeling was still Abyss. In particular, the prestigious night market in the Underhaim grew in size and stretched beyond the existing area to the development area. Originally, the night market felt like an alleyway to disposal of dangerous junk that was hard to sell on the continent, but it was now a huge cultural park. People drank, gambled, and entertained in a place where there was always a cheerful laugh. Happiness occurred across the continent for the red-liners that imitate the growth of the Underheim Night Market.

The fallen knights disappeared behind history and were occupied by assassins. Heroic tales of righteous assassins, killing nobles who oppress the people, floated around in the mouths of bard bards and were portrayed in fairy tales. Every child of Abyss dreamed of becoming an assassin guarding the royal court, admiring the Underhaim. Rich denials have also become a trend to raise assassins rather than knights for their own escort.

Skapaccino's mafia was a large business organization that managed all the darkness on the continent from indigenous violent groups. In addition to Jigsaw Underheim, the clans have now established branches in other provinces to increase their size. Harvard Labs has decided to set up a "research station" in a new site that has been expanded by expansion, coming out of the basement of a cramped commercial district.

Arogenes' flanges still carry on their traditions and continue the noble battles.

Alveheim has fully opened the Wigdrasil to outsiders. Humans have enjoyed the breathtaking view of the world's water, and since slavery is inherently blocked, the Elves can also go out and see the world. Through exchanges, the prejudices of humankind and elves have greatly diminished.

A large port city has been developed in the Wetland District. Rumors have spread that Lord himself is involved, and merchants' visits and investments have continued to explode. A 365-day festival is held near the harbour in Betlin City and attracted many tourists as well as merchants.

Balthahorn of Genozerg hangs out well with the herbivores and the civilized carnivores, and the ferocious carnivores return to the wild. Cayron and the king of the beasts made a pact not to attack humans.

After a large-scale Purge, Carfrie was actively embracing Abyss' development in the Giant's Garden and changing its territory.

In Glacieon, Runfang was speeding up the training of a number of specialized soldiers, the Guardians. I thought I'd raise my military strength and build up my foothold in the forthcoming Argon War.

Not only that, but there was a thoughtful change. The laws of evil and customs were defeated, the power of religion that enslaved the people of the continent was weakened, and new values such as freedom and equality were gained attention.

For a short time, the continent was transforming. By Abyss.


“ ……. ”

Early in the morning, Lord Lord opened his eyes.

As soon as I woke up, I reached out my arms and opened the commander's spear. What he confirmed was information about Argon.

“… Are we clear again?" ”

Lord lowers his arm and throws it on the bed. Checking on Serena's production every day was now his first day.

She has not waged a war.

Now Lord was completed with the study of the "daemons" and "shakers" among the specialized diseases of the Cultural Era. As time went on, it was natural for Abyss with 10 nations to become more stable and 32 Node Sites to become steeper. Even though it is more important to prevent Abyss from tempering her inner circle than to temper Argon's inner circle, she is silent.

With the situation like this, Lord is wary of entering Argon's ‘Final Age’. Considering the Gates of Heaven and Valkyrie forces of Gaia, Argon's final advancement must never be stopped.

Of course, there is a difference in difficulty between developing from the pioneering era to the cultural age and developing from the cultural age to the final age, as is the difference between heaven and earth. Cultural requirements increase five times. Among the original Chaos World players, some say that the age of culture is actually final, so it's hard to get there.

So for Lord, peace was a blessing. After researching the last Specialist Soldier Specialist species, the firepower in each territory was set and headed to the best picture against the Argon.

‘... but I'm so proud of it. ’

Serena has benefited from the advancement of an extremely fast era. It doesn't seem like her that she's laying hands on the opponent's Cultural Age troops. However, even after stealing the production status of the commander's window, Argon was focused on reinforcing troops and did not show any extraordinary moves to advance cultural power.

‘…… Argon benefits from taking on the strength of the opponent, except for the eventual evolution? ’

No matter how much I thought about lying down, there was no answer. Lord closes the commander's window and raises Booth's body.

‘I have to go to work.’


When Lord took his clothes and came out, he realized later.

Today is the weekend.

What's the difference between a weekday and a weekend in a king's day? At least I didn't have to go to the office early in the morning.

The road, worrying about scheduling gaps, always turns to where it goes.

“Sword! Yell! ”


Where he headed was the Palace Training Ground. Early in the morning, you see the soldiers swinging their weapons. Before they could find themselves again and salute themselves, Lord Rod took a quick step into the indoor training ground.

Since it was early in the morning, the training ground was quiet. Rod, who was looking around, quickly found a happy face.

“There you are.”

Aaron Dyte, who's drinkin 'juice with a straw, finds Lord Lord and waves his hand.

“You're here early! Your Majesty."

━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━

Name: Aaron Diet

Affiliation: Royal Abyss

Title: Guard Commander

Race: Humans

Power Rating: (C) *

& Channel Grade:

& Outline Rating:

Political Grade: (F)

A Class C helpless class.

Unique Ability: Spirit of the Sword

Aaron Diet can transform himself into a sword. The unique force within the sword can be ‘deformed’ to increase or decrease the length of the blade to a free material. A master who holds a sword can project and unite his or her spirit and draw out the best of his or her abilities.

━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━

Aaron Diet was Lord's new partner.

After the Gawain incident, Lord focused on increasing his strength to stop relying on Beatrice and other heroes. Of course, the Road's natural abilities were limited, so he decided to borrow the power of Aaron Dye.

“What are you doing in the morning? ”

Rod approaches and asks.

“Hehe, I come here often because I can drink free drinks. What about you?”

“I was thinking of sweating a little in the morning. ”

“Oh my! Sweating? What does it mean to sweat in a confined space with only two men and women? ”

“... It's not sealed. If you go through your head, everything in the world will be filtered red. ”

Two people were talking about something, and a new person entered the training ground.

“Your Majesty.”

Kirian pays his respects. He was now completely untied from his teat and appeared to be a proper Arogetsu warrior.

━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━

Name: Kirian

Affiliation: Abyss Honorable Warrior Alliance

Title: Clan Leadership

Race: Humans

Power Rating: (B) *

Sole rating: (C +)

& Outline Rating:

Political Grade: (F)

A Class C helpless class.

Unique Ability: Growing Boy

Kirian is a soldier with extraordinary talents in every weapon. Given a specific condition and environment, we can grow constantly. Increases growth through experience.

━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━

Cyrians have grown as mad as the effects of their own abilities. When I first joined the Alliance War as Aran's replacement, I was only a moderately powerless Class C hero, but I had already become an unmanned general with the same level of power as Class B. Lord didn't pay much attention to his cultivation, but he thanked me for growing up on his own.

“Are you here to train on the weekends? ”

“Of course. You can't miss a day of training. ”

“Hello, boy! ”

Aaron Dye welcomes you, but Kirian nods instead. It looks like it still has a grudge, but it is much better than before.

“Kirian, can I ask for a duel like always? ”

“It's an honor. Your Majesty."

I didn't need to say anything else. The two of them entered the middle of the training ground and stood face to face with each other. Kirian holds up the Battle Axe and Lord extends his palm.



A golden magic emanates from her body, transformed into a colorful sword and enters Lord's hands.

I could feel her thoughts and will flowing through her mind.

Town. Lord takes a breath and raises his sword.

Battle with a Class B hero. I couldn't think of it before, but it's different now that I've trained again and borrowed the power of Aaron Dye.

“Here we go.”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I'm back! I'm sorry that my story got twisted up and suddenly gave me two days off. It's time for the final battle with Argon. It's only a matter of time before it's completed. Thank you very much.


wnsdlfh/... this guy?!

Bugs. If we're gonna work together, we're gonna go on a national field trip. Blah blah blah

Altenia/blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Alten?

T-Stone/An intelligent hero who has won and is playing;

Pre-walker/Road is a waste of time.

Whale reading/Yeah! You're done! Welcome

Loricom MK is empty because there are no cute lories.

... (-1).../blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah calculus abolition; this man's minimum sage...!

Park Sung Bin/As a result, it's definitely a waste of Lord's treatment! Here Lord knew that Argon's movements were unusual, and he used them to deal with Icarus and reinforcements. The troops were then dispatched but were dispatched at the same time as Argon's attack. Now, Rod knew the information, but the issue is that Argon took down the perforations much faster than he expected.

- What's so funny? - Thank you! Eve has quite a crush on you! T

Is that a duplicate?/Thank you ^ ^

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