“The Guan stands here to reveal the darkness of Abyss. ”

The roar of the crowd clouds Rod's ears.

Serena's speech was shocking from the beginning. Generic speeches should have appealed to the people of Argon. But she said she was here to expose the darkness of Abyss.

They've been targeting Abyss since the beginning.

But Lord was more accepting than serious. He tried to correct and improve the image of a country called Abyss against the people of the continent. On the contrary, there may be enough.

To raise Argon's value by denouncing Abyss. If Serena had held the strand like that, Lord wouldn't blame her.

At that time, Cerestina gestures to spread her white palms and tell her to be quiet. The small gesture immediately silenced the people.

“Have you heard of the ‘disaster' that is spreading across the continent? ”

Serena pours out a question in the wind.

“Even if you haven't experienced it, you've heard the rumors. These disasters are not just silly noises or idle rumors, but the phenomenon that is really happening, and it is a 'change control' that reveals the seriousness of the continent. ”

Serena placed the old book handed over from Roen on the pedestal. Then I opened the bookshelf.



A dazzling pillar of light rises from an old book and scatters its shimmering glow everywhere.

“This is the 'Temple' taken from Masabiel, the capital of Gaia. There is a verse in this temple about the prophecy of the Apocalypse. ”

She reads in a calm voice that does not rise.

First, the corrupt as servants of evil.

Second, the tree of life, the tree of good and evil.

Third, a sinister pest that devours the world.

Fourth, the plague of death, where the flesh deteriorates.

Fifth, the bloody lake.

By the end of the fifth talk, Rod realized the air had changed. When she first said it was a disaster, the faces of those who teased with the joking class were now noticeably stiff.

“… Your Majesty. It's the apocalypse I told you about. It's the most sensitive topic on the continent these days. ”

Eve whispers in her ear.

“Listen, continents. The legendary plagues in this temple are becoming a reality now. ”

During her speech, Zeros dropped his bag on the floor and opened the case. It was filled with tons of magical crystal spheres.

Shushun. Seven Memorial Crystal Balls float through the air in his bag. It was Serena's gravitational pull.

Memorial crystal spheres were activated and light flowed from the body and sprayed like holograms. The quality of the video made of light was not so good, but it was big enough for everyone to see. Soon, the crystal sphere shook and video was printed.

“ ……! ”

“Hey, that one! ”

Rod opened his eyes wide and watched the video as if surprised.

“Five, the lake in blood. ”

Serena mutters, all seven Memorial Crystal Balls illuminating the blood-red lakes. The famous lakes of the continent, such as Howdan, Boholt and Acheron, were turning red and dead fish were floating round. Although it was a very strange sight, these lakes felt even more terrifying because of the terrain that the continents actually knew.

“Number four, the plague of death. ”

As she speaks, seven memory crystal spheres drop to the floor and new crystal spheres float into the air. The scene in this scene was the people who were infected with the epidemic that is currently in the northeast. Their painful screams echo vividly as if they were heard right next to each other. The horrific death of people really reminded me of the end of the world.

“Three, pests that devour the world. ”

This time it was a group of giant locusts that I had heard rumors about. When the swarm of locusts that covered the sky with blackness passed by, not only the crops, but also the whole town disappeared without a trace.

“Two, the tree of life with the knowledge of good and evil. ”

“ ……! ”

Tia opens her eyes and comes forward.

The "tree of life" from the Temple meant Wigdrasil, the world water of Alvehem. And you see red berries hanging from the end of the world's branches. Like a living organ, the inside of the fruit twitched extremely ugly.

“…… Tia, what the hell is that? ”

“I don't know, Your Highness. I was in Wigdrasil not long ago, and I've never seen anything like it! ”

That Apple caused the most disturbance of all the videos so far.

“Before I say the last first thing, there is something I want to move forward with. ”

As Serena gestures, all the memorial crystals fall to the floor.

“First of all, even in these scenes, it is undeniable that terrible disasters are happening on the continent. ”

Serena's words silence me.

“And the Temple declares these disasters to be 'foretellers of the end.’ When it comes to the end of the world, don't we think too simply? The same plagues occurred in the past, but they disappeared after the birth of the emperor. It will be again. You believed that, didn't you? ”

Serena slowly closes her eyes.

“That's half right and half wrong. It depends on which side wins. ”

Everyone looks curious at her puzzling words.

“…… Your Majesty? ”

Eve calls Lord. Lord trembles with a pale face.

‘…… Is that how it comes out! ’

Serena opens her mouth again.

“Disasters vary from region to region. In addition to the five plagues from the Temple, droughts, frenzied monsters, strange climates, and the great migration of animals are all kinds of different. However, there are some places where hardly any of these disasters have affected us. Immediately……. ”

Serena's gaze is on Lord.


“ ……! ”

Yeah. One thing these disasters have in common.

It was rarely found in Abyss.

“The mainland of Abyss is a badly landscaped wasteland. Despite being the most barren land on the continent, agricultural yields have increased over time. Not only drought, but even locust-like pests avoided Abyss. ”

Lord rebukes you. The only reason there are no droughts and pests is because they acquired the unique power of Carfri's country.

“The epidemic is now found not only in the northeast but all over the continent. But I've never heard of a plague in mainland Abyss. As soon as the plague even appeared, the cure was delivered to me and to the Underheim. ”

Because the epidemic knew that a "disaster event" would occur, it reduced the damage in advance.

But I could only refute it from the inside, and I could not tell it to the continents. It was something only players could understand.

“Do you think it's all coincidence? It could be. But from now on, the Guan will reveal Abyss' secrets. ”

Glug. Memorial crystal spheres glow with new images.

‘… This, this……. ’

The face of the road that saw the video turned white like a blank slate because it was not pale.

This is decisive.

These images were the most horrifying of all the disasters Serena had shown. Those who cry for their lives tied to iron beds, but researchers who stick needles in their bodies without mercy, horrible monsters mixed with all kinds of flesh who can't even recognize the human form, people trapped in the lab like animals, naked, screaming for their lives and pounding at the test tube walls. And the image of Chimera crawling across the floor, drooling out of her mouth with her eyes unfocused after the whole process, and the family crying out for her to take her back.

“These are the people who are transformed into the first disaster, the servants of evil, spoken of in the temple. ”

In her words, the air tightens with tension. In perfect silence, Serena adds another word.

“And that's the royal laboratory in Underhaim. ”

“…… oh my god! ”

There was mild malignancy everywhere.

“The ‘Servant of Evil’ implied in the Temple is not an undead or a monster. They've been on the continent for a long time. An omen of the end is the beginning of a certain time. Yes. Monsters that suddenly appeared on the continent. The evil servants implied in the Temple are the chimeras of Abyss. ”

The weight of the horse weighs heavily on all of the altar.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the audience. Everyone stares at her nervously.

“Why are the servants of evil in the Abyss? Why are all the disasters avoiding the Abyss Bay? The answer is here. ”

The Memorize Crystal Ball, rising behind her, illuminates a new image of light.

Half of the hair was gray, half black, with pale skin and spread black wings, and two horns soaring above the head. The Demon King Reese was seen in the crystal sphere.

It was a real demon. The first people to see her shut their mouths in a surprised voice.

“Do you know the story of the Demon King who was defeated in the Great War and sneaked to the ground? It's an underground mine, just like the one she hid in. Samael, the Demon King of Corruption, still exists. The Demon King is the cause of all this. ”

“ ……! ”

“And Lord Polentia made a pact with the Demon King. Their true purpose is not conquest of the continent. The destruction of the continent.”

In the end, there was an insurmountable commotion in her shock declaration.

“What, what? ”

“How can a queen say such nonsense! ”

Despite the neutral press protests, she continued to speak.

“As Rod Polentia himself pointed out, Abyss was the best country in the world. Have you ever wondered how a country like the Old Testament established by the forsaken was able to evolve so drastically? Imagine being driven away by the people of the continent and left in the wilderness, and the demons who have fallen underground in the heavenly war and have shared a common interest and signed a contract. Humans abandon themselves and take revenge on the continents they treated as garbage, and demons harness the power to destroy the creatures of the gods and avenge them. ”

“You bastards! Screw you! ”

A blushing unibell crashes in.

“That's it.”

Grrr. Zeros stands in the way as he raises his spear.

“Look, the Abyss are stabbed, and they're trying to shut us up. ”

“These are really……! ”

“Calm down, Unibel! ”

Eve has stopped. The whole continent is watching for a sacred ritual. The only way to stop Serena from speaking was to move on with her intentions.

In fact, the neutral media did not care about the situation between Unibell and Zeros. Serena's voice continues to echo.

“The Demon King's power was overwhelming. In the Alliance War, how could Abyss, the weaker nation, defeat Genozerg, Opectus, Albheim and Baekje? The Demon King's power. Just like in Casar, the Demon King participated directly in the war for his contractors and gave his capital, Empire, as a gift. Not to mention the massacre of innocent civilians. However, Rod Polentia, who was afraid of rumors about the Demon King's power, burned down the entire Empire. ”

Even as she speaks, you can still see Lyris firing at Martan to wipe out the Demibeasts and bring down the Black Rain from the sky to take down Empire. Watching the demons' power infect and kill each other, people couldn't help but be appalled.

‘ ……. ’

Rod was also watching the video. Guilt pierced his chest.

On the other hand, I was shocked. How long has Serena been preparing for this giant painting? Where did she come in?

I can't even imagine.

It seemed like she was getting further and further away from her.

“Demons used their power for the contracted humans, and humans began sacrificing their own kind to them. By conducting an illegal birth test, we created a terrifying hybrid of evil and human beings called the Chimera. ”

I came out again. The process by which chimeras are produced at Harvard Labs.

That scene was particularly shocking to Lord. I just thought it was a process of producing a specialized disease. I thought harbert was a freak, but he kept the line. I thought you said all experiments and chimeric manufacturing were for volunteers only. Rod's gaze was blindfolded from the video, bound to arms and legs, and headed for those being dragged to the iron bed.

In fact, you might have guessed it.

Nevertheless, he was unable to draw out Harvard. They may have avoided the truth and ignored it.

Chimera was a specialist, a necessary force.

My head ached unbearably.

“The Demon King is wreaking havoc on the continent and waiting for the end. Abyss also dreamed of destruction, not conquest. They are avengers. The Demon King dreams of avenging blood to the gods and the people of the continent. The value of freedom, as they say, is nothing but deception. The Demon King's existence proves the words of the Guan, the Demon King's disaster is avoiding Abyss twice, and the Royal Laboratory, which abducts man alive and turns him into an artificial demon, shall prove three times. I, Serena Winslett, daughter of the great dragon, the Dragon King of Argon. ”

She looks at Lord with her expressionless face. All the pathetic faces that were whispering about the GO like a girl, whispering shyly about wanting to see it, and saying that they admired themselves as subjects disappeared without a trace. There's just a frozen face there.

“Abyss is evil. ”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =



wnsdlfh/Huhu, that's a division of opinion in lorology. I just include it in Laurie if she's a minor with a small, little look.

GNEJI/Wake Up (Frenzy)

I love the special Christmas show of the Bugs/Girls group.

Loricom MK/blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah response

Culera. Uh, uh, uh, um... ship, educator! Serena's negativity is not scratching, it's denial of existence.

Thank you again for today's comments.

... (-1).../Oh, you're a fan of Hong Jin Ho. Oh, you're a fan of Hong Jin Ho (mourning). Santa was the Santa of Lord.

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