The orcs returned to the front line, including Kargath, who was sent out by Ner'zhul. Now this guy has become a diehard loyalist of Ner'zhul. He brought the gunner clan to the front line, just to make a gesture.

He will return to Ner'zhul when the goblin's weapons have equipped the other clans. At the most critical moment, the battle that has escalated between the Alliance and the Horde will be fierce to an unprecedented level, and no one will care about him anymore.

Ner'zhul, who had stabilized the situation again, returned to Frostfire Ridge. As the largest snow-covered plateau in the orc world, the geographical area was no less than that of Dun Morogh, where the dwarves lived.

But looking at this again at this time, how can there be a shadow of the snow field? Everywhere you go is bare rock and magma erupting from the ground!

Now that he had made up his mind to abandon this world, this mess had nothing to do with Ner'zhul.

Came to the highest valley of Frostfire Ridge, where Deathwing was transforming the stolen red dragon eggs.

"Come here to be a guest when you are free, it seems that the situation within your ethnic group has stabilized again."

Deathwing was breathing shadow energy towards the red dragon egg, and he took the time to say after seeing Ner'zhul.

"Yes, thank you for your financial help for the orcs, our army has the ability to fight again."

Deathwing didn't care about it, just said it a little crazy.

"Money means nothing to me. Thanks to you, I can have a stable environment to raise my children."

While speaking, a pure black dragon egg on the ground made a series of clicks, and then a black young dragon stuck its head out of the eggshell and looked at the world.

"Look how wonderful this is."

Ner'zhul looked at the black dragon that had just broken its shell, looked up at the dozen or so young dragons flying in the sky, and looked down at more dragon eggs on the ground that had not broken their shells, and couldn't help reminding him kindly.

"The environment here has changed too much, and you have squeezed the living space of the native life. There is a powerful life called Gron living in Frostfire Ridge, and you need to be careful to attract their crazy revenge."

Hearing Ner'zhul say this, the Black Dragon King laughed arrogantly and carelessly.

"Haha... I haven't paid attention to the low-level creatures in this world. Any gronn will only become fragments under my wings!"

Hearing Deathwing say that, Ner'zhul felt uncomfortable. He didn't know whether the "lower creatures" in Deathwing's mouth also included him.

Deathwing didn't notice the change in Ner'zhul's state of mind, he just said it casually.

"The Staff of Sargeras is in your hands, only the last book of Medivh is left, and it will be delivered to you soon. I have fulfilled my promise, and you orcs must also fulfill their promise, and put Ai All of Xerath are kept out of the Dark Portal, don't let them bother me!"

Ner'zhul was secretly resentful, but he was very polite on the surface. Now he is really sad for his race. He was a servant army enslaved by demons before, but now Heilong pays money to become a mercenary army of Heilong.

He desperately longs for freedom, and can't wait to escape this plane now.

Thinking of these Ner'zhul eagerly waiting for the Book of Medivh to get into his hands, he didn't doubt Deathwing about this. Although the other party's temper is bad, it is still worthy of affirmation when it comes to doing this.

So what is the current state of the Book of Medivh? It still looks very safe now, because it is kept in the safest Longmian Temple.

"Your Majesty Krasus, according to the information we have, the Book of Medivh is the last artifact that Ner'zhul seeks, please ensure its safety."

Crassus, the red dragon prince who likes to be injured, also came to Nightshade Town. Crassus was positive about Buck and the others being incorporated into the flying squadron.

Since it has been decided to integrate into the mortal world, it is necessary to balance the relationship between the dragon and the mortal race. It is best to use such a cooperative relationship with each other. At the same time, Li De's idea of ​​​​three-dimensional combat with land and air cooperation has also been obtained. The praise of Krasus.

Hearing Li De say this at this moment, Crassus hurriedly made a ticket.

"The Book of Medivh is kept on the top floor of the Longmian Temple, and it is absolutely safe to be guarded by an adult dragon, not to mention that now the Queen has returned to the Longmian Temple to sit in person."

Speaking of which, Krasus couldn't help but think of the theft of the Skull of Gul'dan and the Eye of Dalaran. Antonidas was also confident at the time, but the final result was...

Thinking of this, Krasus hurriedly shook his head twice. Wyrmrest Temple is a more difficult place to penetrate than Dalaran, and the theft of Dalaran was also due to the black dragon's illusion magic. In a sense, this shows that the dragon's magic is more advanced than Dalaran.

"By the way, after the last meeting, I clarified your request to the Queen. The Queen agreed to open the circuit of illusion magic to the higher levels of the mortal race. You can set up magic orbs corresponding to the circuit in some key places. Verify that everyone who enters there has used transmutation magic."

When Krasus mentioned this, Antonidas, who was beside him, was a little embarrassed. After all, when it comes to transmutation magic now, many people will think of eating Dalaran.

But now is not the time to be angry, Antonidas asked himself that his heart was not so gloomy. If the Book of Medivh were to be stolen again, it would do absolutely no good to the whole of Azeroth.

Places like Dalaran and Longmian Temple are all existences that cannot be conquered from the outside. If you want to steal from here, you can only commit crimes from within.

Dalaran can still use illusion magic to lurk for a long time, but the Wyrmrest Temple occupied by the red dragon, Antonidas can't imagine how to corrode from the inside.


On the top floor of Longmian Temple, Torastasa, the steward of the Dragon Council, looked at the dragon in front of him and patiently instructed him.

"You are guarding a very important Don't you know it carelessly, this is related to the safety of the entire Azeroth, Valastaz."

The young red dragon Valastaz promised Thorastazar very seriously.

"Please rest assured, Miss Torastasa, I will live up to your request."

With Valastaz's assurance, Torastasa left with satisfaction. This young man is trustworthy. In the process of chasing the black dragon, he was the one who fought heroically against Nefarian, and pursued him after the opponent escaped.

Although he was ambushed later, he fought back the black dragon who was ambush him with his injuries. After returning to Longmian Temple, he went out to chase the black dragon again after finishing his training.

However, the merciful Red Dragon Queen always cares about the young life, and thinks that he has just been injured and should stay for a while to cultivate for a while, in which he can serve as a guard.

It's just that Alexstrasza and Torastasa never thought that the heroic youth in their eyes was planted in their hearts by a corrupted seed called Shadow when they were ambushed by Nefarian!


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