The Huanhai Protectorate was divided into four theaters, each of which was in charge of the four chief military officers of the Military and Political Department. Brad was in charge of the ancient city of Petra, which was under the greatest pressure.

Li De took the Manticore Wind Rider to lead the front line, because to protect the safety of the city, Brad can command a rather limited force.

Here Li De met with Chen Fengjiu again. This wine immortal head Tuo is now commanding a team of fifty people. Chen Fengjiu taught them the most fierce fighting skills, and he came and went on the entire battlefield like wind and flexible. support each battlefield.

In the past, Lao Chen was restrained, but now Lao Chen is sharp-edged, and even the team he trained is murderous.

Regarding the concerns of the people around him, Old Chen was very open-minded.

"Don't be so obsessed with appearances, just let nature go with the flow is the way of a warrior monk. Now is the time when I need to be Angry-eyed King Kong."

At this time, Van Cleef sent someone to deliver the letter, and the friends of the Huanhai Protector brought a team to support. At this time, they have entered the Shining Plain, and they will soon be able to enter Tanaris to meet them.

It was Calgar Thorn and Kanam Fang who led the team. After learning about what happened in the Huanhai Protectorate, they organized 2,000 wild boars without hesitation and came as fast as they could. support.

"Long time no see, my friends, thank you for coming here at this time."

Li De shook hands with Calgar and Captain Fang very forcefully. After the strategic counter-offensive started in the later period of the Kozan War, Li De and they never met. When we met again this time, I found that they were much fatter than before. .

"Hanhai has helped the wild boars. Now it's time for us to repay our kindness. This time we brought not only 2,000 people, but also 4,000 pigs. They can help us fight and are the best military rations during the war. ."

Calgar now seems to be very leader-like, and Captain Fang also hummed twice.

"Only by eating meat can you gain strength and kill more enemies."

It sounds incredible at first, how can wild boars eat pork? In fact, this is very normal. In the cognition of wild boar people, they and pigs are completely two species. Although the main **** Agamaggan they worship is also the image of wild boar, eating wild boar meat is interpreted as enjoying the gift of the main god.

Although the appearance is crude and the society is primitive, the wild boar people also have their own scholars and scribes, and there is an outrageous opinion among them that deserves to be mentioned: the wild boar people think that they are more civilized than the trolls, and the reason is that they refuse cannibalism.

Of course, in this context, these gossips are not the point. The assistance of the wild boars is precious at the moment. The soldiers and fighting pigs are divided into two parts, one to support the deep sand plains where the pressure is greatest, and the other to Support Zul'Farrak, the second most stressed.

In addition, Li De also invited Calgar and several other wild boar shamans to join the staff. Just like trolls, wild boars also have shamanic beliefs and can use elemental magic. Although the level is not high, but It is also worth asking Li De now for advice.

"Are you Master Chen?"

Captain Fang noticed Chen Stormstout in the crowd, and she couldn't even recognize the pandaren's current appearance.

"Ha, Canum, long time no see, you and that time have become stronger again."

Chen Stormstout stared at Captain Fang with sharp eyes and came to this conclusion. A large part of Captain Fang's power comes from the Blood Stone, which is a branch of life force.

Captain Fang was lacking in controlling power before, so she had been taught by Lao Chen for a while.

But Old Chen's compliment didn't make Captain Fang happy, because she became stronger to such an extent that Chen Stormstout was not worth mentioning.

At one time, because of Chen Storm Stout's restraint, Captain Fang couldn't feel the strength of the opponent, but now Chen Storm Stout is showing his sharp edge, making Captain Fang really aware of the gap with the opponent.

Especially the sharp eyes when he looked at her, even the indomitable Captain Fang was terrified.

The guards came in to report, and two tauren came to visit outside the barracks.

When he heard that a tauren came to visit, Li De was stunned for a moment, then his face showed an ecstatic look, and took the initiative to walk out of the barracks to greet him.

Sure enough, outside the camp gate, he saw a snow-white soul walker, and beside the soul walker, stood a brown-skinned tauren who looked very old.

"Your Excellency Soul Walker, I've been looking forward to seeing you again! I don't know who this is..."

Li De greeted the Soul Walker enthusiastically, and at the same time looked at the other Tauren curiously, although he had already roughly guessed the identity of the other party.

This is an old-looking tauren, with brown fur, thick hair and beards that are crimson red. His publicity makes him look like an old lion. He wears a set of ancient armor with a back With a huge totem pole.

"Actually, we should have come here a long time ago, but we encountered something in Desolace that caused our trip to be delayed again and again. We just didn't expect that the elements of Tanaris would start rioting so quickly.

This elder is the leader of the Earth Ring, Muun Earthfury Shaman. "

Soul Walker first explained to Li De why he was only visiting Hu Hai Du Hu, and briefly introduced Muen's identity. Although the language was concise, his tone was full of reverence for Muen.

A person of high moral character does not need too much language modification, his name itself has power.

"I have heard the story of the Protector of the Great Sea from many places. I am full of curiosity about you and your country. The riots of the elements are undoubtedly a disaster for mortals. Our wrath of the earth will help calm the unrest here."

As soon as Muun Earthfury opened his mouth, Li De looked at him differently. He who comprehends the way of the elements, but his attitude is firmly on the side of mortals, and he has to say that this old cow is very listened to.

It can only be said that in a world like Azeroth, as a non-immortal mortal race, those who can live to such an old age are generally wise, because if they were stupid, they would have been beaten to death long ago, and they would not be able to live so long. age.

After gaining a certain goodwill from Li De and being welcomed into the military camp, Muen tentatively persuaded him in a euphemistic tone.

"The Ring of Earth is a shaman organization that studies the way of the elements. We hope that through the guidance of the shaman, the violent elements can be restored to their proper peace.

We stand firmly on the side of mortals, and strive to prevent more mortals from being harmed by the elements.

However, in many cases, the elements do not spontaneously become violent. As a leader, you should pay more attention to the balance of nature. "

Muun's words were very smooth, and Li De was very ashamed after hearing it, and he expressed it with kindness.

"Hanhai Protector believes in the light of civilization. We are a civilization that pays attention to balance, but this time it was really because of our lack of knowledge of elements, which led to our mistakes in our work, which led to this disaster. "

Li De's open-mindedness made Muwen's face show a "sure enough" look.

"I really didn't see the wrong person. Although we haven't met before, we all see what your country has done in Desolace. Helping the tauren is enough to prove that you are a kind country."

Muun Earth's Wrath refers to the fact that after the road was opened, Huanhai Duhu was doing the rock salt business in Desolace.

Unlike previous venture capital companies, the quality of salt sold by Hanhai Duhu is not bad, but the price is not a little bit lower. The fair price really brings benefits to the Tauren.

However, the tauren did not get close to the tauren because of this, because in addition to the tauren, the tauren would also sell the rock salt to the centaur, at the same price as the tauren.

The actions of the Huanhai Protector made the tauren realize that they had no intention of standing in line in Desolace, but chose to remain neutral.

Of course, the neutrality of the Protector of the Sea is a positive neutrality. At least since the Protector of the Sea brought low-priced salt, there has been no more conflict between the tauren and the centaur over the **** of salt. Of course, other than that In terms of external land and water sources, there will still be competition between the two.

"You are overrated. We are just normal business behavior in Desolace, and it is far from being noble enough."

Muun Earthfury stroked his thick beard and nodded.

"You're humble, and it may be in the eye of the beholder, but we've all experienced the exploitation of Desolace by VCs.

It's not that the Ring of Earth does not have the ability to expel greedy ghosts, but neither the tauren nor the centaur has the ability to produce salt. If we drive out the wages of venture capital, the final result may be that there is no salt to eat.

You clearly know that the other party is an exploiter, but you can only suffer silently because you have no choice. Most people will not understand this kind of despair. "

Muun's words made Li De unable to evaluate. It is understandable that a group of shaman scholars who study nature do not know how to fight against the cunning profiteers. There is no need to blame them for this.

Moreover, in the process of doing business in Desolate Land, Han Hai Duhu did find one thing, that is, whether tauren or centaur, their sensitivity to numbers is quite low. They have strong physique and natural affinity. They are very straightforward, and their minds are not complicated, which is why they are so powerless in the face of Mogul's exploitation.

In this way, compared with venture capital, Du Huo Hu's behavior is indeed worthy of a kind evaluation, but Du Hu Hu's goodness is not personal kindness or microscopic kindness, but is better than the system as a whole. The goodness of venture capital firms.

"Those things in the past don't need to be said. It is an honor for you to recognize us. Here I beg you to help us."

Li De stood up and bowed to Muen Earth Ring, Muwen readily agreed to Li De's request.

"White Caro and I are just going to fight the front line first, and more shamans will come here later, and we will help you to calm down the madness of the elements.

Just before that, trolls and boar shamans, please don't use elemental spells.

Trolls are proficient in souls, and boars belong to physical life. Unlike us, most shamans don't have the ability to channel the elements, they just borrow power from the elements.

If they use elemental spells in front of elemental creatures, it will only further enrage the elementals.

In the ancient primitive shamanic teachings, those shamans still know how to exchange for equal value, and use offerings to exchange for power, although those offering elements often don't like it.

But with the changes in the world, there are more and more shamans in the popular sense, but most of them are just 'shamans' who can only use one or two spells.

What's even more exaggerated is that they don't even make offerings, they are simply plundering power from natural elements. It can be said that today's overall violent situation of elemental creatures, these low-quality "shamans" have to pay a lot of responsibility. "

In other circumstances, Muun is a kind elder, but when it comes to the orthodoxy of elemental shamanism, the old cow gets very angry.

This is why the Ring of Earth, a secret organization established in the Middle Ages, finally decided to contact the secular country under the leadership of Muen, because Muen decided to clear the source and not let the situation continue to erode.

Seeing that when he talked about the true meaning of elemental shaman, Muun was full of complaints, and Li De's heart began to beat a little.

"Elder you heard of Golongas?"

Munn shook his head.

"what is that?"

"Grongas is another world. Not long ago, there was a war between this world and the kingdom, but now the two sides have returned to peace.

In that world, there is also a race that believes in elemental shamans, and their shamans also have certain attainments. "

Li De didn't say too much, because he didn't know whether the Ring of Earth also held the view that "heresy is more unacceptable than paganism". As for the "low-quality elemental shaman" in Muwen's mouth, it is not at all. It's just not worth mentioning, not up to the level of "heretic".

"So that's the case, will they come to Kalimdor? It is arrogant and ridiculous to rashly comment on people or things that you haven't seen with your own eyes.

I still really hope to communicate with elemental shamans from another world, but only if they are real shamans.

Of course, please rest assured that this incident will not affect our work. It is the responsibility of the Earth Ring to quell the anger of the elements. "

Hearing Muen say this, Li Decai let out a long breath and said with a smile.

"The aid from the Kingdom Continent will come in two days, and the shaman I mentioned should also come..."

Li De himself was puzzled when he said this. Although the war has stopped, the hostility of various races to the orcs will not be eliminated in a short time.

This overseas aid organized by the joint assembly of various ethnic groups can be said to represent the highest justice in the kingdom. Will such an action accept the Frostwolf clan, which is still misunderstood by some people?


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