Civilization: The bacteria built me ​​a god

Chapter 14 Ancient Bacteria on the Moon

In the early morning, Zhang Manyue came back.

A lot of acorns were wrapped in clothes and placed next to Xu Jingzhe.

"Wake up, eat acorns." She said softly.

"Thank you, thank you." Xu Jingzhe's voice was apologetic.

"Hey, why are you so polite? You saved me and I haven't thanked you yet." Zhang Manyue skillfully cracked open the acorn and handed the white flesh to Xu Jingzhe.

There were many words that came to his lips, but Xu Jingzhe swallowed them down.

"Man Yue... Girl, I can't bring out your big sniper and long knife." He said.

"It's okay, these are all external possessions. If you don't have them anymore, just continue to collect contaminated cores in exchange for them." Zhang Manyue said nonchalantly.


Xu Jingzhe paused. Can people from the polluted area do business with the polymer compound area?

Or is it that Zhang Manyue can be exchanged for high-tech products because of her special status? !

"By the way, even though you have just arrived in the contaminated area, you still need to collect contaminated cores. Maybe you are lucky enough to pick them up while walking on the road."

"With enough contaminated cores, you can go to the abandoned land to exchange for corresponding technological products, which greatly increases your probability of surviving in the contaminated area."

Zhang Manyue looked at Xu Jingzhe, whose face was full of black questions. She reached out and smoothed the short hair sticking to her cheeks and said, "I know you have a lot of questions, so you don't have to think about understanding them all at once."

"If you can survive in a polluted area, the stronger you are, the more you will understand."

Xu Jingzhe could only suppress the curiosity in his heart, nodded, and ate all the acorns peeled by Zhang Manyue.

A night of silence.

The next morning, Zhang Manyue disappeared again.

Because I ate a lot of acorns, my system was able to digest them 100% and convert them into energy in my body. I already have feeling in my legs today.

I feel stiff and numb, as if I had been squatting for a long time on a large bed, but I still couldn't stand up.

Dragging his calves, he came outside the house. Ahead is a mountain of mountains, like sleeping giants. The sky is still gray, and it feels very depressing.

The system took control of his body yesterday, and Xu Jingzhe didn't know how far he ran or where he ran.

"Hey, take a breath."

System: "Ding, what's going on?"

"Where are we?"

System: "Ding, I don't know."

"You don't know the direction you chose to escape?" Xu Jingzhe laughed angrily.

System: "Ding, it's 122,280 meters away from that abandoned unfinished building."

Xu Jingzhe said: "..."

I couldn't move my legs and temporarily lost my ability to move. I could only lie in the small room and think about what had happened in the past few days. Fortunately, this area is safe for the time being.

It was also possible that Zhang Manyue had beaten away all the zombies, zombie dogs and the like in this area, so she left with peace of mind.

At noon, Zhang Manyue came back. In addition to bringing a lot of acorns, she also brought back a piece of news.

The Defilers gathered with a large number of Defilers towards the city of Mosluk, preparing to attack the city.

That's why Zhang Manyue met the White Walker King.

The polluters are infected people who have accumulated contamination cores in their bodies for more than thirty years.

"Why attack Mosluk City?" Xu Jingzhe asked.

"I heard it's because an experiment is going to be conducted in Mosluk City."


"It is said that researchers at the Polymer Combination Area have 'captured' an ancient bacterium from the lunar soil. This ancient bacterium has existed for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years."

"They can devour the contaminated core, fully absorb the energy inside the contaminated core, and store it as their own energy."

"The energy stored in one bacterium can sustain the energy usage of the moon base for one day."

"Similarly, if this ancient bacteria is obtained by a corrupter, there will be unexpected changes."

Xu Jingzhe opened his mouth wide. This was simply nonsense. The bacteria were so tiny that they needed a microscope to observe.

Just swallowing a polluted core can produce that much energy?

Isn't this more exaggerated than nuclear fission? !

Nonsense, absolutely nonsense!

Although, he doesn't know what the moon base looks like.

But, it’s impossible, absolutely impossible!

These corrupters must have been kicked in the head by a donkey.

Xu Jingzhe's throat tightened, she swallowed and said, "You, you believe it?"

Zhang Manyue's eyes were extremely firm and she said: "Believe."

"Humanity has reached level 0.93 civilization and is only 0.07 level away from level one civilization. How is this impossible?"

Xu Jingzhe didn’t have much idea about level one civilization and level 0.93 civilization. He only knew that it would be broadcast on TV.

But it doesn’t matter, he doesn’t understand, the dog system must understand.

"Hey, boss, are you there?" I thought about this sentence in my mind.

System: "Ding, what are you doing?"

"Did you hear what Zhang Manyue said just now? Do you think it is true or false?"

System: "Ding, that's fake. So far, the bacteria that humans can 'capture' can be divided into four places."

"The Blue Star, the Moon, Mars and Jupiter."

"The blue star has the most bacteria, 5X10^30 species, and only a few million species can be used by humans. There are about tens of millions of species on the moon, and only a few hundred species can be used by humans. As for Mars and Jupiter, Just mention it.”

"But let me tell you a trivia fact. From the perspective of the macroscopic universe, humans are nothing more than bacteria attached to the surface of the earth."

"But, but, let me tell you one more thing. If there are bacteria that have lived on the moon for tens of thousands of years in Mosleke City, it will be great news for you."

"What will happen if I devour him?" For a moment, Xu Jingzhe was excited.

System: "Ding, it depends on what kind of bacteria it is. But whether it is aggressive or weak, such a treasure is safe to keep by your side."

"Why don't you speak?" Zhang Manyue looked at Xu Jingzhe in a daze with doubt. After a long time without speaking, his heartbeat accelerated.

"Ah? Oh... Nothing, I was distracted for a while." Xu Jingzhe hurriedly found an excuse.

"Since the ancient bacteria can devour the contaminated core, just take out the contaminated core and experiment in the polymer compound area. Why must we come to Mosleke City?" He keenly discovered the problem.

Zhang Manyue shook his head and said, "I don't know about this. Many behaviors in the polymer compound area cannot be explained."

"Are you... going?" Xu Jingzhe asked tentatively.

"No, the power of the mutated is too strong, I am no match for them." Zhang Manyue is very self-aware.


Xu Jingzhe's mind was flowing, and he lowered his head to eat the acorn. He was tempted.

Even though he knew he was a scum, he was still very tempted.

Fortunes are sought in danger!

Isn't there a big boss who can control his body? When he is in doubt, he can just call the system.

With his system like a supercomputer analyzing the on-site environment, he knows whether he is 100% dead or has a 0.00000001% chance of survival.

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